Catholic Priest Admits to Stealing More Than $200,000

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BUFFALO, NY (WBFO) - A semi-retired Catholic priest entered a guilty plea Thursday to charges he stole more $200,000 from the Cheektowaga parish he once ran. Fr. Norman Sullivan has made full restitution.

The thefts occurred from 2000 until 2008 while he was pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Church, which has since closed.

That is really sad. It’s unfortunate that he so grossly misused his free will, especially since he is supposed to be a leader. We ought to pray for him.
We are all sinners. Satan tempts us all, especially those servants of God in the public eye. This priest has confessed and made restitution. God has forgiven him, we must do the same. What else is there to talk about?
In a world where even some priests cannot be trusted, one would be wise to store up their treasures where no thief steal nor any moth eat them. That is, spiritual treasures attained through prayer, self-mortification, etc.
Thank you Hyacinth! My goodness! Protestant ministers are found to have had affairs, pilfered funds, lied, etc. every day and one rarely reads about it in the news; they confess to their congregations and many go on with their ministries. Why is it that every time a Catholic priest takes a sideways breath the whole world reads about it in the news?
Thank you Hyacinth! My goodness! Protestant ministers are found to have had affairs, pilfered funds, lied, etc. every day and one rarely reads about it in the news; they confess to their congregations and many go on with their ministries. Why is it that every time a Catholic priest takes a sideways breath the whole world reads about it in the news?
It is Satan trying to destroy the Church in whatever way he can…discrediting priests is one way he tries to do it. We must not buy into his tricks. Pray for priests, they are under attack constantly.
This is truly tragic. We have to pray for our priests for sure, but dioceses have to do a better job at auditing the books at local parishes.
In the words of the late michael jackson " one bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch "
Why do we mainly hear about catholics, because we are satans main target. In the movie Highlander, The kurgan( the bad guy ) mainly pursued the hero the Highlander colin mcleod. He didn’t waste time with other ‘immortals’ unless he encountered them by chance.this is because he knew mcleod was the greatest ( and possibly only ) threat to his power. The catholic church is the greatest and possibly the the only real threat to satans power. And like mcleod, there can be only one in the end, and it will be the catholic church.
Father Corapi speaks constantly on how the Church gets attacked by Satan. He also talks how the scandals have isolated priests from their flock in a way that opens them up for more attacks.

Satan has effectively isolated them.

Support your Holy Priests.
This is truly tragic. We have to pray for our priests for sure, but dioceses have to do a better job at auditing the books at local parishes.
The Buffalo Diocese audits parishes and has increased vigilance. I cannot figure out how this can still happen.
BUFFALO, NY (WBFO) - A semi-retired Catholic priest entered a guilty plea Thursday to charges he stole more $200,000 from the Cheektowaga parish he once ran. Fr. Norman Sullivan has made full restitution.
He made full restitution of $200,000? Where did that money come from?
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