Catholic Priest in MS Ministers to Families Left Behind by ICE Raids

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I urge them to help reunite the families.

Either help get the parents here legally, or arrange safe transport for the kids to be with their parents.
I’m curious how other Catholic parishes are responding to the immigration raid crisis.
I’m not there, but I know a lot of people who are and they are extremely grateful for the support of the Bishop and the priests. They would also be upset if I didn’t mention the tremendous efforts put in by other denominations, religions, and secular organizations. I’m told, again I’m not there, that churches of all kinds have opened their doors for legal clinics, food pantries, and generally to provide emotional support. I’m not sure anyone knows how many children have now had one or both parents detained, and they obviously need intense support. From my very limited, and outsider, perspective, it appears that the efforts from the churches and the secular non-profits has been outstanding.

For the record, the Bishop of Jackson issued this statement jointly with the Bishop of Biloxi, the Episcopal Bishop of Mississippi, the Methodist Bishop, and the Lutheran Bishop (the full statement can be found here: Joint Statement of Bishops Kopacz, Kihneman, Seage, Swanson and Gordy on ICE Raids - Catholic Diocese of Jackson ):

Raids, such as those conducted on Wednesday in the central part of Mississippi, only serve to, as Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote last month in a letter to President Trump, “cause the unacceptable suffering of thousands of children and their parents, and create widespread panic in our communities.” We, the undersigned, condemn such an approach, which, as he rightly states, “has created a climate of fear in our parishes and communities across the United States.”
A priest should minister to all people. The government should enforce laws and protect borders. Looks like the headline should be “everyone does their job”
Hopefully other priests in the countries these people flee are also active to work for change.
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