Catholic priests, nuns, and monks decline

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It seems that the catholic church will be experiencing a problem soon. Why do you think that the RC is doing poorly in attracting perspective priests, monks and nuns?

I think that it is unfortunate and a part of the problem with christianity today. It seems that catholics do not want to abandon materialism and commit themselves to god these days. Why?
Probably so. But I wanted my friends on this section to comment since I am over here most of the time. And so, please comment if you have the time.
Much of the Western world is becoming more secular than ever, especially Europe. The worldwide decline in vocations reflects this trend.

I’m told vocations are actually up in some areas of the US, though, so the news isn’t all glum.
I am in the Midwest of the US and we are seeing an increase in vocations. One convent has so many new members, they need additional housing.
As with most news reported by the BBC, it is very slanted. Vocations are a regional thing. In some areas, they are up, in others they are down. There are many reasons for this, and none of them are a reflection on Catholic Teachings.
I think part of the reason is God cleaned house, I believe the few that hear and obey God’s calling them to the priesthood are going to be on fire for the Lord. It is then we will see the fruits multiply. I believe the body of Christ on earth is just beginning to inhale the works of God that are yet to come. I have heard it said Pope John Paul the Great called the world to Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI is calling the Church to work in God’s garden to witness Jesus to the world as the world comes, where the fruit are many and the laborers are few. Please pray for vocations.
As with most news reported by the BBC, it is very slanted. Vocations are a regional thing. In some areas, they are up, in others they are down. There are many reasons for this, and none of them are a reflection on Catholic Teachings.
You might have a point here. I tend to agree with you. The press loves to paint a bleak picture for the catholic church. Usually, I believe, the media can equate the decline to catholic social doctrine regarding gays etc, celibacy and forbidding women priests.

I suppose that it is good to read such news reports with a critical eye. But I would have to say that a parish in Cape May, NJ sent me an email informing that in the future there will be a decline in priests in that area.
I think part of the reason is God cleaned house, I believe the few that hear and obey God’s calling them to the priesthood are going to be on fire for the Lord. It is then we will see the fruits multiply. I believe the body of Christ on earth is just beginning to inhale the works of God that are yet to come. I have heard it said Pope John Paul the Great called the world to Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI is calling the Church to work in God’s garden to witness Jesus to the world as the world comes, where the fruit are many and the laborers are few. Please pray for vocations.
Perhaps one can say that to be a nun or a priest is not that easy these days. The secular world can also influence perspective priests and nuns. The ‘sacrifice’ that becoming a priest or nun entails can be insurmountable in this secular and materialist world. The world can offer an irresistable temptation.
You might have a point here. I tend to agree with you. The press loves to paint a bleak picture for the catholic church. Usually, I believe, the media can equate the decline to catholic social doctrine regarding gays etc, celibacy and forbidding women priests.

I suppose that it is good to read such news reports with a critical eye. But I would have to say that a parish in Cape May, NJ sent me an email informing that in the future there will be a decline in priests in that area.
To me it is one of the most telling statements about the nature of faith. In America, the more orthodox a Bishop is and the more orthodox the people are in an area, the more vocations. Vocations in the more “Catholic in name only” areas, such as the North East are declining. I guess when Ted Kennedy is an example of moral life of a local Catholic, you get that result.
Perhaps one can say that to be a nun or a priest is not that easy these days. The secular world can also influence perspective priests and nuns. The ‘sacrifice’ that becoming a priest or nun entails can be insurmountable in this secular and materialist world. The world can offer an irresistable temptation.
I see where your getting at. When one here’s the calling of God, and obey’s, I believe secular thinking cease to exists, for one many of our priests take a vow of Chastity,Poverty,Obedience etc, I dont think there is room for secular thought in the Priesthood or religious.

A consecrated man or woman to the body of Christ, means he or she is not the same in the world, a change has occurred in ones character, for they take on the mind of Jesus Christ. Priests and Religious I love them, they are my heroes.
Perhaps one can say that to be a nun or a priest is not that easy these days. The secular world can also influence perspective priests and nuns. The ‘sacrifice’ that becoming a priest or nun entails can be insurmountable in this secular and materialist world. The world can offer an irresistable temptation.
I can attest to the love and joy our priests live out in their vocation.I was on a 3 day retreat with one, I can’t begin to explain this Joy and Love that overcame me being there. I saw their faith lived out in community that I did not want to leave. I made a statement to the priests in attendance at the conclusion of the retreat, that I envy them because they get to experience Jesus in a most intimate way that elevates ones Love and Joy to an unimaginable experience. Not to mention the power of the Holy Spirit that one experiences in the Presence of Jesus, who gives them the power and authority to speak enpersona Christi, To consecrate the bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ himself. To witness the finger of God touching humanity through his priests.

Revelations 20:6… the second death has no power over these; they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with him…
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