Catholic Prison System?

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Seems a little harsh but if you cut down the jail time then it may be worth it…then again throw in a gym and that will make it better:D
I would, for all but violent offensives, and I would cut them down by magnitudes. We over incarcerate in our country, at least in my opinion, and in comparison to other countries except totalitarian regimes. One day I woke up and realized that American has ceded all the moral high ground we once held.
The primary purpose of prison is to punish the offender and to ensure justice. I don’t think the Church should be in the business of delivering punishment for offenses against civil laws. The best approach would be for the Church to be more involved in the rehabilitation and reintegration of former prisoners after they have served their time.
I think the CC does need to come out and make a statement regarding the ‘for profit’ prisons being built all over the US currently. While I do agree we do need a certain amount of prisons, I do not think they need to be ‘for profit’. WAY TOO much room for corruption and law enforcement making sure as many cells are full to capacity at all times.

Plus, if you look at many of the offenses people are consistently arrested for in modern times, in many cases, the laws have not been changed in years, sometimes decades!!! Now, Im not a genius, but I do know you cant keep doing the same exact thing year after year and suddenly expect different outcomes…?? I would think lawmkers and law enforcement would recognize this, but they havent yet, so…?

For instance, DUIs and many traffic related offenses, I realize the ultimate goal is stop or reduce the number of these crimes, (as that is the basic reason for laws in the first place), but when statistics for these crimes go up and up year after year, something is wrong and the current laws are not effective (as they are not causing the offender numbers to decrease), but they continually keep these laws exactly the same?

I believe the actual definition of the word ‘insanity’ is to keep doing something over and over but expecting a different result…In my opinion, MANY laws fit into this category, they stay exactly the same year after year, but the numbers of people breaking them, keep going up and up…EVEN I can recognize that means the law is ineffective. LOL I guess law enforcement/ law makers arent intelligent enough to spot this though!

OR, they keep them the same, because they rely on a certain number of people breaking these laws, solely to keep the fine money rolling in…I think this is the #1 reason MANY MANY laws are kept on the books and not updated…they arent really interested in stopping or reducing the statistics, they are more interested in the revenue from them…THIS IS WRONG AND NEEDS TO STOP IN MY OPINION.
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