Are you sure this is a banned order? It looks to me like they were told not to present private revelation as definitively true, but they were not shut down. Looking at its web site, OA appears to be an exceptionally devout and faithful organization, worthy of an appearance on EWTN.I am not fabricating the appearance on Mother Angelica’s programme of a priest from Opus Angelorum. This is a banned order, its spirituality has gone haywire and the Vatican made severe warnings about it.
I’m posting some material from their web site at opusangelorum.org/English/Osainfo.html below. Reading between the lines, I would guess some mistook a rebuke for a ban.
How does the Church judge the Activity and Spirituality of the Work of the Holy Angels?
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith subjected the doctrine and practices of the Work of the Holy Angels to an examination that lasted for several years. The results of the examination, a document dated September 29, 1983 (Prot. Nr. 1005/69), were communicated to the Procurator of the Work of the Angels on October 5, 1983. In the cover letter the Prefect of the Congregation for the Faith, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger writes among other things: “In this document you will find those decisions which will help the Opus Angelorum to develop along the lines of the ecclesial orientation. I wish you and your fellow workers a fruitful activity in the service of the only Lord Jesus, in full fidelity towards the directives of the Magisterium of the Holy Church, and I avail myself of this opportunity to assure you of my sincere esteem.”
With the Roman decree of June 6, 1992, a second examination of the Work was brought to a close; the use of the private revelations on the holy Angels, to the extent that they do not correspond to the universal tradition of the Church, was prohibited. In an official declaration, the directors of the Work of the Holy Angels noted, first of all, that the decree was addressed directly to the Opus Ss. Angelorum as an “association of the faithful” recognized by the Church. “Consequently, it cannot possibly be a question of a prohibition of the Work of the Holy Angels, as such” (Press release of June 22, 1992, point 1). Concerning the directives of the decree, the same declaration stated:
2 "The Opus Angelorum may and should foster and spread devotion to the holy Angels in the Church. The restricting measures of the Decree affect the use and dissemination of precisely specified parts of the writings of the Work, containing a particular angelology, which is not reducible to the written or transmitted word of God, but is known only through private revelations; these measures also affect practices linked with it.
3 The Work of the Holy Angels confesses itself to the Word of God, as it is presented to the faithful in Holy Scripture, in Tradition and by the living Magisterium of the Church (cf. Dei Verbum, 10) as the foundation of all Christian spirituality and especially of the consecrated life. The Work stands in fidelity and obedience to the Holy Father and to the directives of the Decree from June 6, 1992, even as every member promised at their admittance into the Work of the Holy Angels.
- The interpretation and implementation of the several determinations of the Decree will follow in agreement and in collaboration with the Holy See."