Catholic Renaissance

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I’m new here. I used to post here from time to time and yes, I am a Catholic priest

I sort of had a re-awakening.

I had a cerebral stroke. I almost died. I experienced thinks that changed my life but I have sort of come to an agreement with God that those things are between me and God. I have told a few people but only my inner circle of friends.

So now I want the Church to change and change considerably.

Well, it’s got nothing to do with doctrine. In fact, I love the churches teaching and the Church. But how we go about things and what the church teaches are not the same thing are they?

The program is this. Pastors see themselves as administrators. They do little to evangelize even their own parishioners and often lack the mercy the our Holy Father Pope Frances talks about. I can’t say I’m a fan but he says good things and bad things.

I want to put some feelers out there for artists and scientists who want to begin a new Catholic Renaissance. Rather than letting modernism change out parishes from within or letting cells phones and social media brainwash out children It’s time for a new Church Militant that teaches by action and show that Catholics can be scientist and artists and be unapologetic about it and still hold to those things taught by Christ and preserved though the Church.

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There is nothing in Canon Law that specifies the role of a Pastor. There are certain laws that give pastors rights but I think that pastors need to (by way of example)

Visit parishioners in the hospital before they die and follow up with families after they dies. Many pastors leave that to chaplains. I was a chaplain for 12 years. I said half the masses in the parish.

I had one pastor who wanted to do all the baptisms not to excluded his deacon but to get to know the family. Baptism is liturgically (at the Our Father) and invitation into the Church family and should be celebrated at a Mass. The Parishioners should share in the life of the new baptized especially to see they get religious education all the way though and beyond their high school years,

Campus ministry needs to reach out to future students in colleges to that students don’t get dragged into bad influences like fraternities and sororities. How many Catholic families have had to bury their children due to acute alcoholism or drugs?

Catholic students should be a voice for Catholic viewpoints in the Arts and Sciences.

Inter Mirifica

Lumen Gentium

Fides Et Ratio (JP II)

Veratatus Splendor (JP II)

There are many good encyclicals and government, economics, nuclear bombs, capital punishment.

I run into Catholics all the time who support Truman’s use of the bomb (twice). I condemn it. Most don’t know anything about “just war theory”.

Most are closet socialists or communists and don’t know what the Church teaches about collectivism.

Or how many Catholic doctors at least get a crash course in end of life issues rather than skirting the laws regarding physician assisted suicide and that’s not even getting into the slaughter of the innocents (abortion). Hope that’s enough.

I’m very passionate about this but most of my brother priest just want to fix roofs and pay bills.
I still have effects from my stroke so I’m trying to take care of myself and work behind the scenes.
sadly the worst choices for parish council are the last people who should be on it. They often rubber stamp the pastor and almost worship him.
By canon law the pastor must have a finance council but not a parish council. The bishop in a sense has ownership of the parish. There is also a limit to how much they can spend before going to the council of consulters which can be a very political appointment.
Sorta close to how I relate my art with nature and psychology that root back to God in some way. I’m an artist that usually enjoys using nature and objects to reference phycological topics or just the wonders of fleeting moments. Trying to share a peaceful or critical piece that doesn’t look Christian on the surface, but defiantly has spiritual undertones. I believe God is everywhere, by sharing paintings of landscapes, symbolism, still life and maybe some people (still learning that), I’m sharing the gifts of God.
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God bless you, Father! That is a heavy cross to bear, but is your pathway to God’s Kingdom. We are so incredibly blessed to know what good our suffering can do and is doing. I pray for the grace to suffer well.

And yes, doctrine is beautiful, if those who consider it take the time to move past the “what” and move into the “why.” It seems that about every 500 years, give or take, the Church goes through some sort of spam - heresy, attacks from without and within - yet, She is of Divine institution or she would long ago have perished from this earth.

Focusing now, a “New Evangelization” is indeed needed, and badly. Industrial strength Catholicism, if preached, is attractive, since truth attracts. The very term “Catholic” has traditionally had a profound meaning, but cultural rainfall has greatly watered even the name down.

Lessen the flavor of anything and less will desire it. How can we best spice the Church back up?
I think having more deacons is a possible solution. My suggestion is that the priest needs to be the final say in signing the bill for the roof etc but the deacon can spend the time making phone calls, arranging the logistics of Mass and a lot of the admin work I reckon.
I see art and Science as a wonderful way to evangelize. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of EWTN except for a few of the programs. It rarely reaches out to non Christians.

The best way is through beauty. In beauty if the fingerprint of God.
I run into Catholics all the time who support Truman’s use of the bomb (twice). I condemn it. Most don’t know anything about “just war theory”.
I saw a documentary on the use of nuclear bombs twice. They said we would have lost 1 million men if we had to invade Japan’s shores. You have to weigh the consequences. 100 thousand of Japanese compared to 1 million of ours. It was also, a demonstration of power preceding the cold war with Russia.
Sacred geometry, phi numbers, and the golden ratio are evidence of the mysterious order that God created.

Which seems impossible if everything were random. Science can’t talk about a creator. It is not proper to it’s area of knowledge. Jacques Maritain understood this. ex. “Degrees of Knowledge”.

All creation shows the imprint of God. It’s like an artist. Many art critics and scholars can identify as artist by looking at a painting. In the same ways the heavens and the earth proclaim the glory of God and his voice while making no sound reverberates in all creation and in our own.
We are the work of his mighty hands and we all have the seed of eternal life from baptism. God wants to recreate us to be children of heaven. It’s our home. We don’t deserve it but he loves us.

Jesus is the word made flesh to show us the way to heaven. His Church is here to help us to do that. Church is NOT a building! How many have forgotten that.
Science can’t talk about a creator.
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. has done several talks on the subject.

Lighthouse Catholic Media

Science, the Origin of the Universe, and God - Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ

Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – renowned physicist and philosopher – explains the harmonious relationship between Faith and Science.
“The Evidential Power of Beauty” by Thomas Dubay is excellent. There is a not out there. I think it’s just a matter of raising awareness.

We have a library here at “Whispering Knoll” and I would love to get a shelf of books I recommend on music, poetry, science, philosophy and theology to supplant the best seller crap most read here.
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