*On 5/11/2005 6:17:43 AM, Y Deny? wrote: *
"To insist on abstaining from BOTH abortion and contraceptives is IDIOTIC! If 100% of the world population REALKLY obeyed both of those CATHOILIC laws, we’d be long extinct from over-population, disease and strarvation.
The Pope is a MORON, and it doesn’t matter where he gets his stupid ideas. To cling to such teachings is AGAINST common sense and helps no one. A family with 8 or 10 children is NOT the way to go in the 21st century. To PREVENT unwanted pregancies is SESIBLE and applaudable. Contraceptives PREVENT more abortions than anything else. Why bite the hand that helps you? The Pope needs to go to hell, and FAST! He doesn’t do the world a damn bit of good with his homo-phobic, dress-wearing, (supposedly) non-screwing bullcrap! A hypocrite will NEVER be able to tell the undeniable truth. That’s why all Popes are lying sons of you know whats!"
To which I responded:
First of all the pope is not a moran, he’s an educated and highly intelligent man. He was a professer both at the university of Bonn and then later at the university of Munster. Why don’t you stick to the discussion at hand instead of flinging insults about a doctrine you do not understand.
I do not use contraception nor have I ever had an abortion. I have one child and I have been married 14 years. I have no problems with fertility infact I got pregnant on the first try. I am intimate with my husband considerably more than any of my contracepting friends.
So what gives? I use natural family planning (NFP). The reason for me using NFP in limiting my family size is because I have a very serious health problem, and another pregnancy would be life threatening. It has a 99% acurracy rate. I do not have any chemicals running through my body. I have not had to have unnecessary surgical procedures. I do not have a peice of latax between myself and my husband.
The pope does speak the truth. But there are many who refuse to hear it. Those who use NFP have a less than 3% divorce rate. Those who contracept have a 50% divorce rate. The pope teaches what is good for strong happy marriages, and what he teaches is the truth.
I would guess up until coming to this forum you’d never heard the word NFP, and I would also guess you don’t have a clue how it works. Catholics are not expected to just pop out children with out any thought or consideration for how they will provide for their care. NFP is there for those that have serious reasons for limiting family size. It works and it brings couples closer together.
So you would ask what about those outside of marriage? Am I nieve enough to believe they’ll all just abstain until marriage? No, I do not believe that will happen. But we are talking about truth here right? The pope is required to teach the truth, the truth that will bring the most happiness, the fulfillment - to teach what God know’s will bring us the greatest satisfaction in life. Those who have sex before marriage have a considerably higher rate of divorce than those that wait. Those that that live with someone before marriage have a much higher rate of divorce. And that is the truth.
Whether it’s unpopular or not politically correct, does not change what the ultimate truth is. The truth that comes from God, the truth that does not change and that the pope has not authority over. Maybe God isn’t particularily important in your life, but the pope is Christain and he will teach the laws of christianity. Not of atheists or agnostics. He’s not a politician he’s the Vicar of Christ.