Catholic School girls racist video

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This unfortunately shows that proper, real racism still exists and is passed down generations well after it was outlawed even in Christian circles!

A group of white students in Philadelphia is under investigation, and some are facing expulsion, after a viral video — sent to Black classmates — appeared to show them spray-painting their faces black and spewing derogatory remarks about Black stereotypes and Black History Month.

The video, which began circulating on social media earlier this week, appears to include four girls, three of whom were identified as students from St. Hubert Catholic High School. The fourth was identified by Franklin Towne Charter High School as a former student. The clip shows one girl spraying another girl’s face with black paint.

The girl spraying shouts, “You’re a Black girl. You know your roots, it’s February!”

She goes on to say, “You’re nothing but a slave. After this, you’re doing my laundry.”

“I’m Black and I’m proud!” the girl being sprayed yells.

A third girl is seen in the background, recording the incident on what appears to be the social media platform Snapchat.

In another video shared online, a white girl can be seen wearing a do-rag and saying, “I got the do-rag on, I got the power to say [N-word].”

A Black parent told CNN that the video, which was recorded off school property and after school hours, was sent to his daughter, who attends the Catholic school, and to his niece, as well as to other Black students at St. Hubert. Ken Gavin, communications chief for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, said the video was “generally released on social media … not to a targeted audience.”

‘Mortal sin’
The archdiocese described the incident as “racially charged” and said the matter is being “actively investigated.”

"As a Catholic educational institution that seeks to form Women of Faith and Integrity, we view racism as a mortal sin. There is no place for it in our hearts and minds and there is no tolerance for such behavior at Saint Hubert’s,” the school said in a statement. “We are extremely disappointed to learn that anyone associated with Saint Hubert’s would act in such a manner, which is entirely inconsistent with our values.”

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