I don’t think Catholics who rise to powerful positions in government can be trusted to vote like Catholics. They are more likely to go against Church teachings rather than to follow Church teachings.what makes you think that they would follow Catholic teaching?
But I don’t see how you can compartmentalize in these matters. If you are a right thinking Catholic Justice, you should believe what the Church teaches. Endorsing same-sex marriage by government fiat means endorsing a host of evils that have never existed in any civilization until our time. Then the enemies of the Church will point to these Catholic Justices as proof that the influence of the Catholic teachings regarding sexual matters is completely and possibly permanently dead in America, as it is mostly dead everywhere else in the world.
No doubt, some of the anti-Catholic posters in this forum will rejoice in that prospect.
The Catholic teachings on sexual matters are not just the reflection of a religious bias. They are a reflection of common sense. The Catholic Justices who reject the teachings of the Church are rejecting common sense, and the common sense of civilizations throughout the world since the dawn of human history. But just as the only Catholic on the Supreme Court at the time of Roe v Wade voted for Roe, I expect several Catholics on the Supreme court to help in the annihilation of common sense sexual and family values.
It’s inevitable, isn’t it?