Do these thoughts come in words?
Ok, just to clarify. When I said think, I meant to imagine, say a still image or a moving image (sort of like a video in your head?) of such. Think in pictures. Really, even a neutral thing is better to think of than something that makes you feel guilty like that. Like, a still image of a drop of water. No words. Just focus on imagining a drop of water fall into a small body of water. Or, you could think holy things like Mary stepping on the snake (which represents the devil, or you can make this represent your evil thoughts), or you could imagine Jesus crucified with the Cross firmly covering, shattering any evil thoughts. No words, just images.
When I say evil thoughts, know that if they are not by you, you are not sinning. They don’t define you. It is only if you indulge in certain evil thoughts and intentions. I know, I know, “How will I know if I am indulging in it?” So, just immediately start thinking of something else. Like a balloon popping or something. A holy image. A neutral image is better than an unholy one.
God bless