Hi Edwin, thanks for your responses. It’ll probably take a while to get back to you in detail. I’ll to think & pray about it.
About the loyalty to this church or that church. I don’t think it’s that so much as that for each of us our life ‘with Christ’ in the particular church is so wonderful & ‘right’ that we want to give it to everyone. It’s kind of like when I was a kid & went Chistmas shopping we used to buy people gifts that we thought were ‘cool’. Because we liked it they would like it.
I feel that as a Catholic I have so much richness, particularly in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. I believe that when I am in a church Christ is physically present in the consecrated Host in the tabernacle. Often I just sit there thinking that phrase “Too wonderful for me this knowledge, too high beyond my reach”. So I like to talk about it. Plus the more I try to explain my faith the more I come to understand it & why I believe what I do.
Finally, it’s great to have these kind of discussions with someone who actually believes in God & Christ. Most of my brothers don’t & I get the whole 'you’re a victim of your upbringing, you’ll outgrow it like we did", which is really annoying.
About the loyalty to this church or that church. I don’t think it’s that so much as that for each of us our life ‘with Christ’ in the particular church is so wonderful & ‘right’ that we want to give it to everyone. It’s kind of like when I was a kid & went Chistmas shopping we used to buy people gifts that we thought were ‘cool’. Because we liked it they would like it.
I feel that as a Catholic I have so much richness, particularly in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. I believe that when I am in a church Christ is physically present in the consecrated Host in the tabernacle. Often I just sit there thinking that phrase “Too wonderful for me this knowledge, too high beyond my reach”. So I like to talk about it. Plus the more I try to explain my faith the more I come to understand it & why I believe what I do.
Finally, it’s great to have these kind of discussions with someone who actually believes in God & Christ. Most of my brothers don’t & I get the whole 'you’re a victim of your upbringing, you’ll outgrow it like we did", which is really annoying.