I don’t really agree with the idea that allowing bishops to decide if they want women to serve in these ways, but mainly because I think they simply should be allowed and not prevented because that guy thinks they should be.No. How the church does it now is fine in my opinion. I was just saying. Those who insist female alter servers etc etc are the path to women’s ordination would be correct… but only if the church proves them correct by ordaining women. Basically I’m saying a slippery slope arguement looks dumb… until one day you’re at the bottom of the mountain. Then it doesn’t.
I would say it still looks dumb because anything can be seen as the first step. Even baptizing women. Or allowing them to receive the Eucharist.
For example, there are people right now who are saying that allowing women into the workforce led to the push for abortion. Technically, there’s a relationship between the two. When women are no longer defined by their reproductive capabilities, it would lead to them wanting some sort of control over them so they are able to pursue what they want. However, it doesn’t justify keeping them away from pursuing what they want. We would just draw the line at birth control and abortion/sin in general as Catholics.
Similarly, even if women will push for female ordination, it doesn’t justify preventing them from other roles. We simply draw the line, as the Church already has. One can argue that upholding the equal value of women in the Church leads to female ordination (since supporters are basically asking the church to prove it). But that would be dumb, even if we reach to that point.
That is more or less the argument I was trying to make.