I joined this forum because I am curious. I would really like to know about the Catholic religion. I just want the run down, an outline of your religion- what you believe, what someone should do to become Catholic, beliefs about marriage, kids…anything and everything you feel is important about your faith. I find it difficult to read about it online because the information isn’t always specific to my question. So, I want to know whatever you have to offer. Bullet point format preferred if you are so kind (if not thats okay too).
I know practically nothing about Catholicism and I’m very interested, so I welcome all answers.
My dear friend in Christ,
Christ founded only One Church
Christ set up the structure that the Ctholic Church still employs today
The Catholic Church is the only Church that Jesus GIVES HIMSELF as ransom for
The CC is th Only CHurch that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit too “for all time,”
The Catholic Church holds all of the Key’s to the Kingdom of heaven
Th Bible was “birthed by the CC” and it was amased and writen specifically for the CC when there were no other churches! It applies first and in an exclusive singular manner to Catholics.
Christ and all the Apostles were Ctholics
The Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Reconcillation /Confession,[KNOWN FORGIVENESS OF ONES SINS! BY GOD THROUGH THE PRIEST], Eucharist / Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders / Priesthood of Christ and Annointing of the Sick; ALL INSTITUTED BY JESUS HIMSELF; EXPLICITLY OR IMPLICITLY, ARE ONLY VALIDLY PRACTICED IN THE CC.
Let us know how we can help,
Love and prayers,