Catholicism 101

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I joined this forum because I am curious. I would really like to know about the Catholic religion. I just want the run down, an outline of your religion- what you believe, what someone should do to become Catholic, beliefs about marriage, kids…anything and everything you feel is important about your faith. I find it difficult to read about it online because the information isn’t always specific to my question. So, I want to know whatever you have to offer. Bullet point format preferred if you are so kind (if not thats okay too).

I know practically nothing about Catholicism and I’m very interested, so I welcome all answers.
It’s a bit difficult to summarise a 2,000-year-old faith tradition in a few bullet points - even the Catechism which scratches the surface of Catholicism is several hundred pages long.

What I suggest is that you pick up an excellent book by Father John Trigilio called (and don’t be put off by the title) ‘Catholicism for Dummies’.

After you’ve read that, you can dive into either the Compendium of the Catechism or the complete Catechism of the Catholic Church. Both are online.

If you want information about a specific question, as you say, start threads here on CAF - but one question per thread please.
I’ll second Lily’s recommendation. I have that book myself and it’s not only an enjoyable read, it’s informative in the ‘right way’.

You know how some books (or some posters :D) go into yawn-making detail about dozens of esoteric things but seem to gloss over huge points?. . .well, this book isn’t like that! It touches nicely on the ‘huge points’ without being too detailed, too cutesy, or too dismissive.
Hi diary,

I am reading Catholicism for Dummies (CFD) myself and it IS a very informative and very enjoyable read. I’m a kind of “returning” Catholic myself–I didn’t leave for another religion, my faith just languished on the wayside of busy-ness, so to speak–and CFD is a comprehensive re-introduction into the basics of the Catholic Church.

I’m discovering a lot of stuff that I haven’t heard before (or wasn’t listening to in 11 years of Catholic elementary and high school education) and I’m learning the hows, whys, and wherefores of Catholicism. Because now I’m interested, I couldn’t put the book down. 🙂

I’m reading CFD first before I go to the more comprehensive Catechism of the Catholic Church, and some other books on apologetics are waiting on the wings after that.

Happy reading!
I joined this forum because I am curious. I would really like to know about the Catholic religion. I just want the run down, an outline of your religion- what you believe, what someone should do to become Catholic, beliefs about marriage, kids…anything and everything you feel is important about your faith. I find it difficult to read about it online because the information isn’t always specific to my question. So, I want to know whatever you have to offer. Bullet point format preferred if you are so kind (if not thats okay too).

I know practically nothing about Catholicism and I’m very interested, so I welcome all answers.
You find it difficult to find information that is specific to your question… but you have no question

Kind of reminds me of those ‘intellectuals’ who will ask, ‘When you are looking for a mate, what do you have to offer?’… .Like there is an answer. :confused:

Ok… how about you try this for your question… of course, if this isn’t your question, you’ll need to tighten it up appropriately. :rolleyes:

"HI. My name is Diary and I am curious about the Catholic Church. I am coming from the background of ______ and what I am used to includes ____________, ___________ and sometimes ________________. It is my understanding that the Catholic Church doesn’t have this and I am curious why it doesn’t, since _____________, _______________, and __________. "

But to say, ‘what is it about it?’ is not a question, IMO. :o
I’ll also give a hearty recommendation to “Catholicism for Dummies”. It’s a straightforward, easy-to-read book, but doesn’t skimp on material. As a side note, do NOT get the similarly named “Idiot’s Guide to Catholicism”, which contains several serious factual errors and does NOT faithfully follow the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Here is a link to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium to the Catechism (which is the same thing in Question and Answer format). This is the official, definitive guide to Catholicism by the Catholic Church. Many people find it to be very deep, however, so if you have no knowledge at all, I’d start with Catholicism for Dummies.
*The Catholic Church is the one founded by Jesus Christ and contains all the truth that God intends for us to know.
*We are created to know Jesus Christ, to love Him and serve Him. A life spent without knowing Jesus Christ is wasted and without hope.
*Jesus Christ is God made flesh through the blessed Virgin Mary. No one can truly know God unless they come to know Jesus Christ.
*Jesus Christ came to show the world its terrible state of darkness, its need for redemption, the unthinkable love of God for all humanity, and the glorious potential of all human being.
*Jesus Christ revealed His love throughout His life, but particularly on the cross, where He willingly subjected Himself to the agonizing death of a slave in order to save sinners.
*Jesus Christ lives and reigns today in heaven. He sends His Spirit to be with His church and disciples so that the whole world can know Him.
*Jesus Christ is still in the world today. He is fully present in all Catholic tabernacles in the world in the form of Bread and Wine. He is the Bread of Life which He invites all faithful to consume and thereby receive Life from above.
I fifth the recommendation for “Catholic for Dummies”. It’s not expensive and you might find it at the local library too.

In the meantime you can read a summary of our faith written by one of our Popes, Pope Paul VI, in the Sixties: The Creed of the People of God

The website where it’s posted has got a lot of other useful stuff too:
Welcome to the forums! You have already received some wonderful advice. Being Catholic is a way of living and is meant to transform your life. So, once you have read up a little, please consider attending a mass. It lasts about one hour. Go alone, or with a friend who will go with you. Just watch and sit when everyone sits and stand when everyone stands. There are books in the pews that will have the scripture readings and will lead you through the mass. Watch as some of the others go forward for communion with our Lord (but, don’t go just yet - simply watch. We can explain why later). Once the mass is over, the priest will usually remain near the entrance to greet those who have attended. You might just let him know that you attended out of curiosity. Just a thought.
I totally agree with po18guy! I don’t know if you’ve been to a mass already, but once you go you will feel at home! And I also just started reading Catholicism for dummies, I’m a recent convert and wanted to know the who’s, whats, and what-fores, so i really recommend that you start there. CAF is also a really good place to get answers to your questions (especially the encyclopedia tab). Good luck on your journey and God bless!:gopray:
I joined this forum because I am curious. I would really like to know about the Catholic religion. I just want the run down, an outline of your religion- what you believe, what someone should do to become Catholic, beliefs about marriage, kids…anything and everything you feel is important about your faith. I find it difficult to read about it online because the information isn’t always specific to my question. So, I want to know whatever you have to offer. Bullet point format preferred if you are so kind (if not thats okay too).

I know practically nothing about Catholicism and I’m very interested, so I welcome all answers.
My dear friend in Christ,

Christ founded only One Church

Christ set up the structure that the Ctholic Church still employs today

The Catholic Church is the only Church that Jesus GIVES HIMSELF as ransom for

The CC is th Only CHurch that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit too “for all time,”

The Catholic Church holds all of the Key’s to the Kingdom of heaven

Th Bible was “birthed by the CC” and it was amased and writen specifically for the CC when there were no other churches! It applies first and in an exclusive singular manner to Catholics.

Christ and all the Apostles were Ctholics

The Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Reconcillation /Confession,[KNOWN FORGIVENESS OF ONES SINS! BY GOD THROUGH THE PRIEST], Eucharist / Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders / Priesthood of Christ and Annointing of the Sick; ALL INSTITUTED BY JESUS HIMSELF; EXPLICITLY OR IMPLICITLY, ARE ONLY VALIDLY PRACTICED IN THE CC.


Let us know how we can help,

Love and prayers,

*Jesus Christ is still in the world today. He is fully present in all Catholic tabernacles in the world in the form of Bread and Wine. He is the Bread of Life which He invites all faithful to consume and thereby receive Life from above.
The tabernacles of the Catholic churches contain ‘consecrated hosts’ which are the **body, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ **(they were changed from bread and wine into body and blood during the liturgy of the Eucharist during mass). That’s why we know that Jesus Christ is still in the world today, not figuratively, but truly present.
Catholicism for Dummies is a great introductory book, but there are other good ones, too. I’ve always been rather fond of Kevin Orlin Johnson’s Why Do Catholics Do That?, for example. Of course, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church are really the best summaries.
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