Catholicism and stress

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It’s my way of life, that I am very content with.
Then I’m a bit confused about your original post. If you’ve cut yourself off from your formerly stressful lifestyle, why are you saying that becoming a Catholic has added a lot more stress to your life?

Can you explain what about Catholicism is causing this stress?
I think it is more stressful to live a secular life based on finances and temporal affairs.
It is good to withdraw from the World and focus on loving Christ. I desire the same.
Shouldn’t we always be fleeing from the temptation to sin or avoiding the near occasion of sin? When re recite that in the act of contrition prayer … So staying away from a club and not dressing like a prostitute and not listening to that kind of music and not drinking too much would be how to flee from the temptation to sin
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Through the interior life of prayer. St Therese was hidden behind the grille and shined brighter than any of us.
I’m not sure that stress is the right word I would use with how I feel. It’s difficult having to pile on another set of obligations.

Ever since I fell to depression, at times my life has been a living nightmare. I continue to have regrets, doubts and often have this lingering deep sorrow. In my quest to find healing and answers, I was lead back to the faith.

Though sometimes I wish I was more ignorant of things. While knowing the Truth at least puts me on the right path, I’m plagued by weak faith (and a mental illness) which causes me anguish knowing that I will likely go to Hell.

But there is contentment when I can function in a rational state, taking comfort in the intercession of the Saints and knowing that God’s mercy is without limit. If I didn’t have the Catholic faith, I would have lost my soul long ago and likely my life here on Earth as well.
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We are called to carry our crosses and Jesus did say He brought the sword not peace. Many saints experienced dark nights of the soul, spiritual aridity and desolation. The Catholic life isn’t always a bed of roses.
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Yes, a lot of work goes into serving God. Life in general is a lot of work. If it were easy, perhaps you could worry about being scammed.
Yet, it is hard because we are growing still. It is called “growing pains”. In truth, the peace of Christ is greater than any stress.

keep at it
I know I have stopped asking for a few years now, well not like I used to.

Thanks for your thoughtful post.
I’d suggest Fr Phillipe’s powerful work “Searching For and Maintaining Peace”
I’m about to read that! 🌷 So many people have recommended it.
Sometimes I feel stressed because praying seems like a chore or I have a hard time getting to daily Mass because I’m tired or the Mass schedule does not jive very well with my other responsibilities for the day. When I was young I was sometimes stressed by feeling I couldn’t and didn’t want to conform to the concept of a “good Catholic” that someone else like my mom or a social justice activist or other people in my parish seemed to be pushing at that time.
This has reminded me of this song:
This melody abounds in feeling and is appropriate to the thought expressed. The Chassid reflects upon and bemoans his failure at not having felt sufficient emotion and inspiration in prayer and study of Torah. The closing doca (section) expresses the hope of the Chassid that he will eventually be able to approach the brilliance and the divine radiance of the L-rd and his Torah.
Eating and sleeping are so easy but studying and praying can be so hard at times. When I listen to this melody, it feels alright to have a hard time doing either of those. Sometimes going to church can be hard—it was really hard and still is for me, as an Australian, coming out of the Royal Commission.

I guess, like many, I have to just keep trying. And trying is okay.
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People from the past are causing me stress somehow when they aren’t even apart of my life, by their not understanding that I would rather study Catholicism then spend time with them. I’m almost like a nun minus the vowing of celibacy and living in a convent. Lol
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People from the past are causing me stress somehow when they aren’t even apart of my life, by their not understanding that I would rather study Catholicism then spend time with them.
If they are from the past, and you have no further contact with them and they are annoying you and they are not family, etc. Block them on everything. If you have moved on, and would are sure you wouldn’t regret it, then block them.

You don’t need to justify to others how you spend your time, except God.
I was volunteer religious ed teacher and feel that in order to be a good teacher you have to know your subject well. I heard a Catholic speaker give a talk and one of his talks went like this… when you get to heaven and God asks so have you read any good books and you reply to Him the books you’ve read and then He asks so what’d you think of my book? How will you respond?
Just remember, Christ sent us out as disciples, He commanded that we not hide under a basket. We all need time of retreat and contemplation, but, unless we have a vocation to the religious life we have to get back in the game. It is not zero sum, study VS interacting with others. We can do both.

I’ve found that learning to do something with my hands while I’m out and about helps. I make knotted cord rosaries. I carry cord in my purse or pocket everywhere I go. Waiting in line at the bank or at the doctor? I tie some knots. It starts conversatoins with people who ask what I am doing, I can witness about Jesus and cannot count the number of “I used to be Catholic” stories I hear. I give them a Rosary and encourage them to go to Mass again. I carry a couple of completed knotted rosaries or knotted rosary bracelets so I can always give one away.

Find a way to do both, in fact, if the world is that overwhelming, it might be time to talk to your doctor.
I don’t know. Solitude is good and probably is superior to being out. It is much easier to focus on God without the distractions of the world. Most people aren’t much or light when they stay in it.
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Stressful? Sure.
But anything worth having takes effort.
Well, it could add stress by obliging one to stay in an unsuitable marriage for instance, but it often subtracts stress by freeing one from false obligations.
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