A friend of mine is an Evangelical Christian, and I am trying to inform her on the Catholic faith (in hopes that she might convert). Her main objection about the Catholic faith is that it is much too structured. She finds that morning prayers, grace before meals, and even the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is too confining. The constant routine of sitting, standing, and kneeling makes her uncomfortable as it prevents her from worshiping in her own, free way. I have explained that the liturgical actions and and prayers are an act of worship, but she finds it insincere since it is not heartfelt, but rather just people following instructions and the priest reading words from a book. I also explained that the parts of the Mass, and the many other prayers in the Church are all (in some way) of Biblical origin. She responds by saying that in her church, their worship consists of the same Biblical contents as the Mass, just in a different way. I have presented hard proof that the Catholic Church is the true Church, but she has made it obvious that her preference precedes what is right and true. It is hard to convert someone who’s personal preference blinds their sense of logic. How do I go about trying to help her out of this, and change her views on worship and the faith?
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