Eventually, the single cell organism manufactured new genetic code for itself (by accident), advanced in complexity, and climbed out of the water. Over the gazillions of years, life forms had been accidentally manufacturing new genetic information for themselves and becoming more and more complex in body and mind until we find highly complex life forms, including human beings.
You seem really uncomfortable with the idea of genetic mutation. Would it make you feel better to know that you probably have a couple of hundred mutations in your own DNA?
Now the reality is that there is not a single shred of scientific finding that shows this actually happened.
No evidence that mutation leads to speciation events? Where to even begin? How about here…
In fact, we know that it most probably didn’t happen because there is no evidence for it in the fossil record (among other difficulties).
I’m confused. Are you asking for fossil evidence of “new genetic information”? How exactly would one go about obtaining this?
The hypothesis of Punctuated Equilibrium (the idea that radical evolutionary events happened in very short bursts separated by eons of time where no evolution took place) was presented as a hypothesis to bypass the reality of the absence of fossil evidence. In other words, “we have no evidence this actually happened, but it must have because we know it did.” Is this science?
Gould has much to answer for, I’m afraid. If you think there’s a paucity of evidence in the fossil record, you’ve been deceived. Feel free to start here:
Now, Before science discovered the DNA molecule, some Christians sought to reconcile the tension between creation and evolution. So, they claimed that God created everything and He used evolution to complete His task. Theistic Evolution, as with the scientific hypothesis of evolution cannot explain the mechanism of evolution. DNA is designed so that only variation can occur. The characteristic of DNA is that it does not make new genetic information for itself in order to drastically improve present performance. (Down’s Syndrome is an example of a genetic mutation. Is that beneficial?)
Please, please, please stop abusing genetics. What did genetics ever do to you?
A group of scientists zapping fruit flies with high doses of radiation does not constitute proof of evolution, it just makes mutated fruit flies.
What did poor Dobzhansky ever do to you?
And, bacteria that has immunized itself from certain vaccines is still bacteria.
You do realize that “bacteria” constitute an entire kingdom, don’t you? That this is analagous to saying that if, say a population of mosquitoes gave rise to a population of tigers that it’s nothing remarkable, because after all, they’re still just animals?
It is true that God can do anything. If He used evolution to create everything, there is no evidence for it
Mind telling us what you’d consider “evidence”?
If one believes in evolution simply because some scientists in ivory towers keep telling us it’s true, then do your own honest examination of the evidence. Don’t just take their word for it. Find out how Irreducible Complexity and Haldane’s Dilemma absolutely expose evolution for what it is…an unscientific belief that has never been quantified, publicly observable, or repeatable. Keep in mind that these so called scientists have careers to preserve and need enormous amounts of grant money to feed the beast. My dog digs for bones in my back yard, but sadly, I don’t get a cent.
Please, feel free to fill us in on the the utility of irreducible complexity. I’m sure I’d enjoy it.
You’re awfully dismissive of a discipline about which you don’t seem to know very much at all. I’m but the humblest of laypersons in my studies in this field, and I would’ve been embarrassed to have said some of the things you’ve said in here. And tarring a bunch of people you’ve never met with the brush of pecuniary motivations is far from charitable on your part.
If people with degrees in their respective fields, who publish in peer reviewed journals, write textbooks, and teach thousands of students the fundamentals of biology and geology every year are “so-called scientists”, what does that make you?