My fiancé and myself are lifelong Catholics. I am a widow and he is Catholic divorced 22 years ago. We are both senior citizens and active in our parish. Our dilemma is that my fiancé had worked on annulment paperwork years ago and the questions were so invasive he was quite put off and fell away from the church for years. We have been blessed to find each other at our current church, but he is very reluctant to open another annulment after his first bad experience. We both don’t want to wait for a period of a year to get married at our ages. He has suggested getting married in the Episcopalian Church since this is also a house of God. Would we qualify for a convalidation or internal forum to validate our marriage in the Catholic Church? We are very stressed out about this. I just think God, with his ocean of mercy would forgive us and let us resume our normal worship at our beloved church. I will be awaiting your answers and comments. Thank you!