Catholics and the Pledge of Allegiance?

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Additional question - I look to Catholic education to form my children’s spiritual and academic development. Can anyone point to how the Pledge of Allegiance helps them mature in their Catholic faith or grow intellectually?
What is your issue with the Pledge of Allegiance?

Are you a Jehovah’s Witness or are you a Catholic?

Sorry, I’m not gonna just ignore the implications of what you’re saying because you don’t want a debate.

I’m a third generation US Military Veteran. I refuse to sit idly by and let the traditions of my Nation even be questioned or criticized in front of me without making a defense of them.

I Pledge Allegiance,
To the Flag,
Of the United States of America.

And to the Republic,
For which it stands.

One Nation,
Under God,
With Justice, and Liberty for All.

What is so horrid and objectionable about that?
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I am Catholic. I love my country and thank you for your service.

Are you able to answer my question/s?
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So why are you objecting to recitation of the Pledge?

Are you ashamed of this Great Nation?

Do you oppose the Red, White, and Blue?

No, it’s not obligatory for Catholics to recite the Pledge - that’s absurd. But why object to it?

Do you kneel during the Anthem?
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Why on earth would expressing allegiance to one’s own nation be political? Such is traditionally the default stance of any citizen regardless of political party affiliation. Yet, would not the refusal to offer such allegiance wreak of politics? Would it not tacitly express that, for political reasons, one has no allegiance to their nation? Indeed, in such a case, one must conclude that the objector places his or her personal politics above citizenship or civic duty.
I salute you Colonel. Amen, sir, amen.
I especially like the “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Justice and Liberty for All” part personally. Not sure where the objection would be for a Catholic. Christ himself said render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s did he not?

I don’t think requiring the pledge to be said is political, until we get into discussions about not saying the pledge–then it has become political.

Pledging allegiance to the flag, and the country for which is stands means pledging allegiance to the Constitution. I have absolutely no problem with that, and I’m not sure why any citizen of the US would have a problem with that. Do I agree with all of the extraneous issues outside of the constitution? Of course not, but that’s the beauty of living in a democratic republic.
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Are children intellectually developed enough to understand what they are compelled to pledge? Can a Kindergartner define “allegiance” or “Republic?”
Probably not, but how many children really understand the Nicene Creed or some of the other prayers or phrases in church. How many adults can, for that matter?

In any event, you certainly have the right to object to the Pledge if you like, and the school has a right to establish whatever policies they have on the Pledge. If you don’t like it, don’t send them to that school.
I especially like the “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Justice and Liberty for All” part personally. Not sure where the objection would be for a Catholic. Christ himself said render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar’s did he not?

I don’t think requiring the pledge to be said is political, until we get into discussions about not saying the pledge–then it has become political.

Pledging allegiance to the flag, and the country for which is stands means pledging allegiance to the Constitution. I have absolutely no problem with that, and I’m not sure why any citizen of the US would have a problem with that. Do I agree with all of the extraneous issues outside of the constitution? Of course not, but that’s the beauty of living in a democratic republic.
❤️ I am out of likes, but I totally agree. I don’t understand the OPs reluctance. Especially since they said they love their country…
These sorts of responses make me think that many Americans take patriotism nearly to the level of a religion. The idea of average Joe citizens being pressured to recite an oath of allegiance is very odd to this non-American. Here in Canada, immigrants who become citizens, members of the armed forces, and certain public servants swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen of Canada, but beyond that it seems unnecessary. Why should free citizens, who are not in the military or any sort of public service, be required to swear an oath of loyalty? It strikes me as totalitarian. I know that in the US context that is not the case… but why in a free country would you desire your people to swear an oath of loyalty? Just seems odd.
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It’s not a solemn oath.

It’s a pledge showing your allegiance to the Nation and the Republic for which the Flag stands. By reciting the Pledge you are affirming that your temporal allegiance does not lie with Communist China or North Korea or Russia or any other nation - it shows you stand with and for America.

It’s simply part of being an American.

I view Americans who refuse to recite the Pledge or stand for the National Anthem as unPatriotic, unAmerican, and borderline treasonous.

I DID swear a solemn oath to defend the Nation with my lifeblood - if you protest the Flag, don’t bother thanking me for my service - I’d rather you spit in my face.

If America is so bad, move.

Don’t protest the Flag - especially while using US infrastructure, claiming US Govt benefits, living under the protective wing of the US Armed Forces, sending your kids to US schools, etc.

I believe in America and what it stands for more than anything else in this world aside from my Faith and Family - my personal hierarchy of loyalty goes: God and Church, Family, Country.
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Dear Black Forrest,
I come from a military family. You don’t want to go where this should go. My son in law died for your freedom to be disrespectful. His blood was shed for your right to do it. YOU DON’T LIKE WAR!!’ GOOD GRIEF! Do you think those sacrificing their normal family life, missing kids births, BD parties, graduations, etc, LIKE WAR!!Do you like to speak German by force. Do you want to turn Jews in for annihalation? Or, BEING FORCED TO BE A MUSLIM OR DIE!!! ???
Go live in Syria. By making an issue on this w kids…DISRESPECT OF OUR DEAD AND LIVING WHO KEEP US FREE!!! Disdain for the country you choose in which you raise your children!!! WILL GIVE VALUES THAT DONT SURVIVE IN LIFE! Finding out Santa Claus was fantasy is tough on some kids. Your kids laying back, letting others fight for them is not honorable. So, either, your pacifist adult children will be hauled off by an undefeated enemy to die or have to learn different rules to defend his life and family.
I am to love my enemies. May God change the direction of your heart. In Jesus name.
Also, they will stand out as odd. Your values will cause them pain in society. What a mother…,
In Christ’s Love
I sign In Christs love b/c sometimes my heart doesn’t feel my Love. I have to send God’s love to you.
CorrieTen Boom=‘a lesson learned
For my CAF FAMILY, if you can think of another way to respond, God bless you.
It was a very touching and poignant moment when the Air Force color-guard handed my Mom the Folded American flag and said "On behalf of the US AirForce and a grateful Nation, we deeply appreciate your husband’s service to our country.
LORD, You ask us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. Our Father sent warriors off to do battle. The church says,” There is a just war. It meets certain criteria. Sometimes, govts.make decisions, that protect their nations. We’ve only fought to stop other aggressors and invaders if unacceptible ideologies. Bring us to unity of hearts. It’s a hard job, God but you are able.
In Christ’s Love
I would have a problem swearing an oath to The Queen. She is one person. We pledge allegiance to our country and all of its citizens, and for what our country stands for.
Read it again if you didn’t read it above:

I Pledge Allegiance,
To the Flag,
Of the United States of America.

And to the Republic,
For which it stands.

One Nation,
Under God,
With Justice, and Liberty for All.

Is there anything in there you would not pledge to your own country?
We aren’t a republic, so that line wouldn’t work. The gist of it I could swear, yes…but I don’t feel the need to formalize it. We don’t have that custom. My brother is in the Army Reserves so he swore an oath.

Of course this will be a topic where I doubt an American will agree, but I personally think it is easier to swear allegiance to a living person as a symbol of the nation than it is to an inanimate object (the flag) as a symbol of the nation ;). Its not loyalty to an individual so much as it is to an institution which in turn represents the nation.
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