As I said before, pray for these people. Why? Because they’ve been catechized more by the world than by the Church. Honestly, part of the problem is that, even though the Church is infallible on all issues dealing with faith & morals, the great majority of people don’t understand the whys of different issues dealing with Catholic life. Our faith is simple enough for the uneducated but it takes a lifetime to understand the depths of theology (and, quite frankly, our moral teachings are generally expressions of our theology). If someone doesn’t understand a moral teaching, we tell that person to accept the teaching out of obedience. Unfortunately, we live in a society where we are told to question everything and to not accept any authority on its own. And thus, people reject teachings they don’t understand simply on face value, without actually trying to understand the depths of the teaching or listening to anyone who wishes to explain the teaching to them. It’s a society, pretty much, in perpetual adolescence and rebellion.