Catholics apposed to catholic teaching

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I’m really confused by there being catholic school teachers against archbishop cordileone for upholding catholic teachings. Also not too long ago the nun who was taking heat by Catholics parents for teaching catholic teaching at a highschool. How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
I used to teach in a Catholic regional school.
Many of the people who send their children there are not Catholic at all, they just seek a private education. People of many varied faiths that don’t hold the same beliefs.
The people who really would love a Catholic education simply cannot afford it. 🤷
When Catholics don’t follow Catholic teachings, it is in all likelihood concerning Social Dogmas, not theological in nature. :cool:
When Catholics don’t follow Catholic teachings, it is in all likelihood concerning Social Dogmas, not theological in nature. :cool:
All Catholic Dogmata is steeped in Catholic theology, and all Catholic theology is steeped in Catholic Dogmata…you can’t separate the two.
I commented on this in my Catholic lady’s group, as to how can there be a non-Catholic teaching at a Catholic school. I was immediately corrected and told it would be discrimination to not hire Catholics. Where does this damaging misinformation come from, since local Christian schools at minimum make you sign something regarding their statement of faith and Lutheran schools hire Lutheran teachers?
I’m really confused by there being catholic school teachers against archbishop cordileone for upholding catholic teachings. Also not too long ago the nun who was taking heat by Catholics parents for teaching catholic teaching at a highschool. How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
There have always been those who totally, mostly or partly disagree with Catholic teaching. Once we step out of Church, or a Catholic school, the media is giving us 24/7 “do it wrong” teaching on a variety of issues or trying to confuse Catholics and denounce the Church.

All we need to do is know the truth and spread the truth whenever we can, including here.

I commented on this in my Catholic lady’s group, as to how can there be a non-Catholic teaching at a Catholic school. I was immediately corrected and told it would be discrimination to not hire Catholics. Where does this damaging misinformation come from, since local Christian schools at minimum make you sign something regarding their statement of faith and Lutheran schools hire Lutheran teachers?
Some decades past, dissidents began providing some incorrect teaching at some Catholic schools.

And here’s an enlightening read:

Perhaps there are 4 major problems.
  1. Too many of us have NOT been well taught our PROPER relationship with God. Thus we proceed with our own PERSONAL understanding and consider it to be THE way God wants for us. For many it is OUR Will, not HIS Will that is primary. We forget that part of the Lord’s Prayer - “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” And we just do not have ready access to the solid short version of what it means to be Catholic and how being Catholic is NOT a restriction, but really a Freedom.
  2. Given 1 above, we see this affluent material world and WE WANT THAT. We fail to recognize that putting THIS world ahead of God is a false path.
  3. Under all this is the power of Satan - Lucifer - the devil who is trying to snatch as many of us away from God as he can. We simply fail to understand well enough that we do have an immortal soul and that either Heaven or hell awaits us. Too many of us think that this life is all there is, so live it as well as we can.
  4. We all like to think well of ourselves. We are so good in many ways that any teaching we find difficult we say it does not apply to us because we just cannot admit we are sinners. We prefer to call “wrong,” “right,” to avoid seeing ourselves as sinners. And it is quite likely that few of us who object have thoroughly read the teachings and tried to understand the value. And few have prayed for God’s guidance and forgiveness for our struggle to live more fully by the teaching from HIS Church.
I’m really confused by there being catholic school teachers against archbishop cordileone for upholding catholic teachings. Also not too long ago the nun who was taking heat by Catholics parents for teaching catholic teaching at a highschool. How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
In my day, Catholic teaching was taught. The non-Catholics knew their child was exposed to Catholic teaching and would explain things at home Some kids and families converted.
The truth shall set us free. Come Lord Jesus Come
in Christs love,
As I said before, pray for these people. Why? Because they’ve been catechized more by the world than by the Church. Honestly, part of the problem is that, even though the Church is infallible on all issues dealing with faith & morals, the great majority of people don’t understand the whys of different issues dealing with Catholic life. Our faith is simple enough for the uneducated but it takes a lifetime to understand the depths of theology (and, quite frankly, our moral teachings are generally expressions of our theology). If someone doesn’t understand a moral teaching, we tell that person to accept the teaching out of obedience. Unfortunately, we live in a society where we are told to question everything and to not accept any authority on its own. And thus, people reject teachings they don’t understand simply on face value, without actually trying to understand the depths of the teaching or listening to anyone who wishes to explain the teaching to them. It’s a society, pretty much, in perpetual adolescence and rebellion.
But where do we get these ideas?
  1. The family should be the starting point. Even before I started school, I saw religious images, I was taught to pray, I was taught an age-appropriate understanding of a real God who loved me. My parents took me to Church. Pope Benedict warned of the “Dictatorship of Relativism” which was gradually spread over the last 40 years by the media. And he warned about “radical individualism” as well.
  2. Some of us are affluent and some us are not but we replace God, in some cases, with what one Christian minister called “empty status symbols.” I recall young people being shot and killed in Detroit because they would not give up trendy and very expensive, shoes, jewelry or even certain types of glasses.
  3. Pope Benedict underscored the fact that Hell is real. Pope Francis is calling for more exorcists. But the media calls this superstition.
  4. Church teaching makes people uncomfortable. It is seen by some as a burden as opposed to the good path it is. The road to destruction is wide. I actually read this on another forum: “We never want to feel ashamed or guilty or sinful ever again.” Recently, people were polled about religion and a good number found it “too restrictive.”
When we abandon the plan God has given us for our lives, due to our fallen natures, we find ourselves falling into more sin and believing the media when it portrays wrong living as good and fun. God? Who needs him? The slogan is: “I can be good without God.” The words of men replace the words of God.

An hour in Church is not enough to resist the 24/7, “live the wrong way” media. Not for all of us but too many. At worst, it causes us to leave God behind, at “best,” it causes confusion regarding what is true and truly good and what is truly wrong. And that confusion and a wrong type of compassion justifies some Catholics supporting things that are truly wrong.

From Pope John Paul II:

How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
It shouldn’t be mind boggling to anyone who knows Catholic teaching. The CC teaches one becomes Catholic if baptized in a Catholic Church or received into it. OCAC is the acronym for it. It’s Catholic 101. So it shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise that there are people baptized as infants who later in their lives upon reflection come to uphold other faith beliefs. And people have various life experiences and what not. Not upholding Catholic teaching might make them non-practicing. Yet it’s the CC that says they would still be Catholic. I often wonder when faithful Catholics have difficulty with this concept, isn’t it the OCAC teaching that they themselves struggle with? Hope this was helpful. Peace.
There are a few trends at work here:
  1. Some religious orders, especially sisters, became secularized. Their religion is mostly social progress, not Catholicism. Where I live, those convents no longer staff many schools, but still have oversight, and hired lay women who think like they do.
  2. American secular culture is far more aggressive than before. Unlike Evangelicals, Catholics historically were not taught much about “the World” so they weren’t prepared to deal with it.
  3. Religious Education became almost an independent “church within the Church”. They have their own training, own credentials, arguably their own doctrines(!). They are not responsive to either bishops, pastors, or parents. (And they include some good people, but they aren’t the ones making decisions).
Where I live families came together to form a new Catholic high school. The liberal diocesan education department opposed it, but the bishop gave us his permission. We use the Classical Education model, daily Mass, Latin, Philosophy. All teachers took an oath the Magisterium. Home schooling is another alternative for grade and high school.
I keep telling parents and alumni “The school you and I attended isn’t Catholic anymore; support alternatives”. But a few powerful private schools keep advertising they are Catholic, as a recruitment tool for students and dollars. And they still do include some faithful Catholic teachers, but the ones I know are clearly isolated and frustrated.
I’m really confused by there being catholic school teachers against archbishop cordileone for upholding catholic teachings. Also not too long ago the nun who was taking heat by Catholics parents for teaching catholic teaching at a highschool. How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
In short, they think they can serve two Masters at once, and that they’ve beaten the system and it’s all about ridiculous concept of “balance”. :rolleyes:
It shouldn’t be mind boggling to anyone who knows Catholic teaching. The CC teaches one becomes Catholic if baptized in a Catholic Church or received into it. OCAC is the acronym for it. It’s Catholic 101. So it shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise that there are people baptized as infants who later in their lives upon reflection come to uphold other faith beliefs. And people have various life experiences and what not. Not upholding Catholic teaching might make them non-practicing. Yet it’s the CC that says they would still be Catholic. I often wonder when faithful Catholics have difficulty with this concept, isn’t it the OCAC teaching that they themselves struggle with? Hope this was helpful. Peace.
Sounds like a nice excuse to keep God and the Truth at arm’s length for selfish reasons.

Secularists and progressives love to use the term “experiences” as validation for going against God.

Beware, my friends!
It is mind-boggling…and one reason I pulled my kids out of Catholic school and are now (and forever, God-willing) homeschooling. It’s sad when we can’t expect Catholic teaching in Catholic schools 😦
I’m really confused by there being catholic school teachers against archbishop cordileone for upholding catholic teachings. Also not too long ago the nun who was taking heat by Catholics parents for teaching catholic teaching at a highschool. How does one be catholic but not want to uphold catholic teaching?? This is mind boggling
Matthew 13:24 He proposed another parable to them.
"The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
25 While everyone was asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds all through the wheat, and then went off.
26 When the crop grew and bore fruit, the weeds appeared as well.
27 The slaves of the householder came to him and said, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’
28 He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ His slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 He replied, 'No, if you pull up the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them.
30 Let them grow together until harvest; then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters,
“First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’"
The kids and families in some Catholic schools are not Catholic.
Sounds like a nice excuse to keep God and the Truth at arm’s length for selfish reasons.

Secularists and progressives love to use the term “experiences” as validation for going against God.

Beware, my friends!
I am glad you threw progressives in there and didn’t just leave it at secularists. Since progressive Christians neither believe they are keeping God at arm’s length nor believe they are against God. :rolleyes: They merely believe differently than you. Peace.
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