Catholics: Do you know how to share your faith or "witness" to others?

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I try not to swear, I hang my Catholic picture calendar at work, I always extend courtesy & respect toward others, try to really listen when others are talking, I try to keep on the top opf my work ethic, I offer to pray for others when they share a personal matter, I tactfully inform coworkers how their use of the sacred name of my faith-JC-is very offensive to me, I point out ‘God-instances’ in apparent coincidences, keep my Ash Wednesday ashes on my forehead, relate how I read and meditate over the bible to cope with life …but, I am believing that I need to venture out more in explicit religious discussions with non-active Catholics and Protestant Christians.
Jim O has the right idea. I use either the Eucharist or Petrine supremacy. Both are easily supported by multiple Scripture passages and both are contentious issues for Protestants.
Just keep your cool and plant seeds.
I like Mercygate’s technique of what John Martignoni callks, “the ignorant Catholic.” Play kind of dumb,like, “Oh, yes, it’s so nice to have that sure authority in the pope that came right from Jesus. It’s so reassuring, don’t you think?”
It drives them nuts, but you’re so nice about it that it’s hard to counter directrly. 😃
Also, answer a question with a (related) question. It keeps them a little off-balance.
My best testemony of faith is my children. On the rare occassion that we all go out in public, everyone can tell that there’s something different about these people–there’s so many of them!

The topic of kids often opens the door to saying something about believing children are blessings. This can open the door to discussions of my Catholic faith.

I know how to share my faith, but I also like the book How NOT to Share Your Faith. Sometime I get going, my mouth starts going faster than my heart. If faith isn’t shared with charity, it’s best not shared at all. When my pride takes over, any good that I might have done just evaporates.
So…what Is the focus and the point of sharing out testimony with others?

A) To unbelievers and the unchurched?

B) To other Catholics and Christians of other faiths?

C) What circumstances need be present in order for us to share it with someone?

D) In the even that the person shows and honest interest, where do we go from there?

Please feel free to think over and address any or all of these questions.
And Thanks so much for all your great responses so far!
Church Militant:
So…what Is the focus and the point of sharing out testimony with others?

A) To unbelievers and the unchurched?

B) To other Catholics and Christians of other faiths?

C) What circumstances need be present in order for us to share it with someone?

D) In the even that the person shows and honest interest, where do we go from there?

Please feel free to think over and address any or all of these questions.
And Thanks so much for all your great responses so far!
A) I ask them what they believe about the afterlife or in their oppinion is their an afterlife.Why they believe it and what if they are wrong.

B)To Catholics,I reinforce our Faith as a convert I am saddened that some cradle Catholics don’t know there Faith very well,and are perfect victims to attacks by protestants who will succeed in confusing them because they are without a firm foundations.Other Christians are on a individual basis dealt with if they are on attack and presumption mode,my answers are short sarcastic and I refute in a couple of sentences their attack.If they have a genuine search for understanding we look at things together and discuss it.

C) I have no criterior for sharing my Faith:)
D) Prayerfully,we do whatever we can to help them in there search.God Bless
I try an rely on clear testimony since I usually am not carrying a vhs tape, books, notes, or journals with me when I run into a sceptic.
I found out recently from a protestant ex-catholic co-worker of mine that he appreciates how “open” I am about my faith. I hadn’t really considered it at all; I am who I am. I happen to be Catholic and if someone is “offended” by my Crucifix, then too bad. That’ s my attitude.

I do discuss religion at work, but only with co-workers who are Christian as well. Or if for some reason the topic comes up in relation to our work (I’m sorry I can’t elaborate further on this).

In any case, I have actually gained courage from the support of my Christian co-workers in giving witness to our Catholic faith, and in fact I am working on getting answers to one person’s questions.

Actually, the other day, in answer to that co-worker who wanted some answers, I actually told him, (or the Holy Spirit did), “You think you’re questioning my faith, but by your questions, I can see you are actually questioning your own.” He denied this of course, and did not seem offended when I told him very directly some time ago that if he actually understood the Catholic Church he never would have left in the first place. He actually flinched and was silent.

In general I am offended by our secular society and since I don’t go around talking to people about Jesus (those who don’t care to discuss at work or anywhere) I figure that if someone overhears and is offended, it is their problem. If they are eavsdropping on a religious conversation to which they are not a part, and choose to be offended, then they have bigger problems than I do.

Our conversations have never become insulting to anyone, but rather just an exchange of information. They will very likely stay that way; calm and a great way to take a break!
Dear ChurchMilitant:

I’m so happy to see a thread such as yours!!! I too feel it is most wonderful to look for opportunities to share our faith wherever we go!!! Not enough people, Catholics or Protestants do I’m afraid. Also I don’t agree with the notion that we should “wait until someone comes up to us to ask us about our faith–then share it”. We should share voluntarily, don’t you all agree? Not shove it down their throats or condemn but share.

Hi sparkle! 👋

What have you found to be an effective way to broach the topic of faith?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I am afraid I will blow up and get very sarcastic if I open my mouth. I pray for patience.
Hi cove! 👋

Patience is like a muscle. It has to be exercised in order to grow! This might be a good area of exercise for you!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
B)To Catholics,I reinforce our Faith as a convert I am saddened that some cradle Catholics don’t know there Faith very well,and are perfect victims to attacks by protestants who will succeed in confusing them because they are without a firm foundations.
The REALLY sad part Lisa is that many are hit by the JWs and other cults and led astray. Most reverts (Like me) will readily admit that “Had I known then what I know now…I’d’ve never left the faith.” 😦
My gf/neighbor who was in the Catholic church for a while as a teen (but I doubt had any good catechetics as it was the 70’s - and was separated from her biological family, which was pretty messed up anyway) - and I were chatting on the phone one day a few wks ago, and she interjected, “I don’t think God has any favorites.” Well, I’d been praying for an opening, as we do not usually talk very openly about religion; so I said "Oh I think he does. " Gf: “Who?” Me: “Mary.” I know she thinks RC’s worship the BVM; she also does not believe in Mary’s perpetual virginity, bc the Bible ‘says’ He had brothers; y’know what I’m talkin’ 'bout! I recall her response was, “She’s not special.” Me: “But she said YES!” Gf: “Well I’m glad she said yes.” And proceeded to say a few things in a ranting sort of tone, although I was keeping my tone conversational and even … sigh … our conversations just never get to be a real exchange or examination of scripture. Maybe the Lord doesn’t think I’m quite ready yet on the apologetics front.

So the way I try to share in general with those who will not hear is to try my best to live the Christian example, and to have plenty of Catholic books and mag’s lying around the house just in case one might pique their interest, and also to let them know I’m studying!

BTW, I noticed my gf also was extra nice and friendly to me after that exchange. I pray she gets hung up on Luke 1 (the annunciation); “Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should come to me …”

Bye; I gotta go take down my Christmas tree!
Just a thought, y’all.

I recently got hit with this reality: you don’t always know who’s listening or how you affect the people you’re speaking to. Apologetics is often just planting little seeds of truth here and there. It’s not up to us to “convert” someone–that’s God’s place. He just uses us to sow the grains in his fields.

I got a call from my ex-boyfriiend the other day. We somehow got on the topic of religion and I mentioned that I"m Bible -shopping. He asked me, if when I find my Bible to make a recommendation as he wants one also!

I nearly fell off the couch! This is the same man, when we were together and he left for Afghanistan, and then later for Iraq, who refused the Bible I offered to give him. He refused religious items, etc. He refused to ever go to church with me, had an absolute venom about the idea of walking through the door of any church. Yet he did ask questions about Catholicism and I just continued to pray for his conversion.

He further shocked me the other night when he said he wants to see “the Passion of the Christ” but he’s afraid of his emotional response to it.

My friends, let’s pray that this nearly complete pagan of a man has really found Christ for the first time in his life!

What really makes me happy is that he felt comfortable enough to talk to me about this obviously deep issue for him.

So I’m ordering a Bible online for him tonight so the Word of God can come right to his doorstep and into his very home by his invitation.

I hope the woman who is now is wife returns to the Catholic church as well. Please pray for thesee two people. At one time I really loved this man and I wanted to marry him (glad that didn’t work out). Now I just want to see them both in God’s kingdom.

You never know when those seeds might grow.
Just a thought, y’all.

I recently got hit with this reality: you don’t always know who’s listening or how you affect the people you’re speaking to. Apologetics is often just planting little seeds of truth here and there. It’s not up to us to “convert” someone–that’s God’s place. He just uses us to sow the grains in his fields.

I got a call from my ex-boyfriiend the other day. We somehow got on the topic of religion and I mentioned that I"m Bible -shopping. He asked me, if when I find my Bible to make a recommendation as he wants one also!

I nearly fell off the couch! This is the same man, when we were together and he left for Afghanistan, and then later for Iraq, who refused the Bible I offered to give him. He refused religious items, etc. He refused to ever go to church with me, had an absolute venom about the idea of walking through the door of any church. Yet he did ask questions about Catholicism and I just continued to pray for his conversion.

He further shocked me the other night when he said he wants to see “the Passion of the Christ” but he’s afraid of his emotional response to it.

My friends, let’s pray that this nearly complete pagan of a man has really found Christ for the first time in his life!

What really makes me happy is that he felt comfortable enough to talk to me about this obviously deep issue for him.

So I’m ordering a Bible online for him tonight so the Word of God can come right to his doorstep and into his very home by his invitation.

I hope the woman who is now is wife returns to the Catholic church as well. Please pray for thesee two people. At one time I really loved this man and I wanted to marry him (glad that didn’t work out). Now I just want to see them both in God’s kingdom.

You never know when those seeds might grow.
So which Bible did you buy for him, and yourself?
Today I bought the Jerusalem Bible for myself, but I think I’m going to buy him the Ignatious RSV–I think he’ll like that one, and I actually CAN order it online. I was not able to find the Jerusalem Bible online and since it was available in the gift shop…

It really was a toss up, as I really liked both Bibles, but I decided on the Jerusalem Bible for myself after speaking to a priest at my church about my intentions, etc., and that’s what he recommended. Had he not done so I would have gotten the Ignatious. (He did strongly recommend both, however).
So…what Is the focus and the point of sharing out testimony with others?

A) To unbelievers and the unchurched? These are the people that we really are out there to reach, so we really should feel free to carry whatever pocketsize materials we need to readily present our faith to them. That means possibly carrying a supply of Grotto Press tracts to hand out to those we talk to. Stealing an idea from our separated brethren, I also recommend that you stamp or write the name of your church and phone number on it. This is planting seeds. Also carrying a small Bible or a pocket size NT is a good idea. It would also help if you know your way around the NT to help answer their needs. You could load you truck and pockets with stuff to give to potential converts,

B) To other Catholics and Christians of other faiths? Our mission to other Catholics is to encourage non-practicing Catholics to get themselves together and get into a real relationship with the Lord Jesus. Most have fallen into lukewarmness or sin (or both. Speaking from experience) and may not feel that they can be reconciled to the church or understand the way that Confession will work for them. They also may not know a good priest, so it helps if you are tight with a priest who can take care of all this and will be there for ya on your call. Your own favorite priest is a good idea.

Christians of other faiths…is a different animal. We DO NOT evangelize our separated brethren, but if they wanna know, we got the answers for 'em, right? If and when one decides that they want what we got we can then sponsor them into RCIA as needed (determined by your pastor), so be prepared for that responsibilty as well.

C) What circumstances need be present in order for us to share it with someone? This is a weird one isn’t it? I think we really need to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit as He brings opportunites to share into our lives. That great prayer to the Holy Spirit: “Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your people and enkindle in us the fire of your love.” should be the source of all our evangelism. I generally pray the DMC for those that I share the faith with and so far it’s been more effective than I could ever have dreamed. People that you talk to …friends (who hopefully know that you’re a devout Catholic, and might talk to you about their problems and/or spiritual needs and struggles) will be the ones we share with. Your compassion is key…we are the vessels of consolation and lights in darkness of the world. Sound like a heavy responsibilty?

D) In the event that the person shows and honest interest, where do we go from there? RCIA, Confession, Mass and counseling, Much, much, much, MUCH prayer etc.but…never , never, NEVER…this:
Church Militant:
So…what Is the focus and the point of sharing out testimony with others?

A) To unbelievers and the unchurched? These are the people that we really are out there to reach, so we really should feel free to carry whatever pocketsize materials we need to readily present our faith to them. That means possibly carrying a supply of Grotto Press tracts to hand out to those we talk to. Stealing an idea from our separated brethren, I also recommend that you stamp or write the name of your church and phone number on it. This is planting seeds. Also carrying a small Bible or a pocket size NT is a good idea. It would also help if you know your way around the NT to help answer their needs. You could load you truck and pockets with stuff to give to potential converts,

B) To other Catholics and Christians of other faiths? Our mission to other Catholics is to encourage non-practicing Catholics to get themselves together and get into a real relationship with the Lord Jesus. Most have fallen into lukewarmness or sin (or both. Speaking from experience) and may not feel that they can be reconciled to the church or understand the way that Confession will work for them. They also may not know a good priest, so it helps if you are tight with a priest who can take care of all this and will be there for ya on your call. Your own favorite priest is a good idea.

Christians of other faiths…is a different animal. We DO NOT evangelize our separated brethren, but if they wanna know, we got the answers for 'em, right? If and when one decides that they want what we got we can then sponsor them into RCIA as needed (determined by your pastor), so be prepared for that responsibilty as well.

C) What circumstances need be present in order for us to share it with someone? This is a weird one isn’t it? I think we really need to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit as He brings opportunites to share into our lives. That great prayer to the Holy Spirit: “Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your people and enkindle in us the fire of your love.” should be the source of all our evangelism. I generally pray the DMC for those that I share the faith with and so far it’s been more effective than I could ever have dreamed. People that you talk to …friends (who hopefully know that you’re a devout Catholic, and might talk to you about their problems and/or spiritual needs and struggles) will be the ones we share with. Your compassion is key…we are the vessels of consolation and lights in darkness of the world. Sound like a heavy responsibilty?

D) In the event that the person shows and honest interest, where do we go from there? RCIA, Confession, Mass and counseling, Much, much, much, MUCH prayer etc.but…never , never, NEVER…this:[/right]
Church Millitant I bow to your wisdom:bowdown: I also so enjoy that Icon:D In fact,the very sight of the icon brings back certain recent memories;) 😛 God Bless
Church Militant:
Moi? What do I know?
The infamous Bible Nazi icon…
Church Millitant you are a wonderful witness to the Faith:) The Bible nazi icon is classic:rotfl: God Bless
Today I bought the Jerusalem Bible for myself, but I think I’m going to buy him the Ignatious RSV–I think he’ll like that one, and I actually CAN order it online. I was not able to find the Jerusalem Bible online and since it was available in the gift shop…

It really was a toss up, as I really liked both Bibles, but I decided on the Jerusalem Bible for myself after speaking to a priest at my church about my intentions, etc., and that’s what he recommended. Had he not done so I would have gotten the Ignatious. (He did strongly recommend both, however).

There is a good Bible Shop on either West or Bromfield streets in downtown Boston which carries the Ignatius Bible. I am in the process or adding that to my other two Catholic Bibles: The Douay and the N.A.B.

I’m actually participating in a Church History (100 a.d. - Reformation) workshop at the moment. Thanx!
I had the chance this morning when as I was pulling weeds in my front yard, I was approached by 2 jws. I didn’t mention to them that I am well aquainted with their faith as I once "studied " with them about 20 years ago.

They were well scripted and very nice ladies but I was able to refute them and witness about the Catholic faith at the same time. It was a joy to me! We discussed several topics but I kept swinging them back to The Church and why we Catholics believe as we do.

The upshot was that the one lady, the main speaker, is going to look up my information to her that her Bible is incomplete and that it is missing 7 books and why. She said she enjoyed our conversation and will be back. I hope so.

I can hardly wait! 😃
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