Catholics: Do you know how to share your faith or "witness" to others?

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Very good post!
Perhaps my friend, this advice may be useful to you. Please take it as sincere and friendly advice.
  1. Rely far less on self and far more on the Holy Spirit
  2. Reply on a powerful prayer and sacramental life and asking God for help
  3. It is critically important to know WELL what we believe and WHY we believe it and HOW to both explain and prove it with charity and clarity
4.** Then ALLOW God to direct you**. To make the possibilities available to you according to what God’s needs and wants are.

Our task is never [or darn near never] “conversions”. THAT IS GOD"S ROLE.

Our role is to be sufficiently informed to enable God to water the seeds we plant for Him. We are the seed planters, he is the Sun and Rain. This kind of understanding will aid us it reining in our expectations. We have to be DOING GODS WORK; not only working for God. Amen:thumbsup:

The 1st rule is to KISS “keep it simple S…” Don’t try to overwhelm them with 2,000 years of truth and traditions**. Find out where they are**. What do they know and believe right now. What questions do THEY have. Address all of thes first and completely; one at a time.

Take ONE topic; or ONE issue at a time to its truthful conclusion. Before going on to the next. Never argue; debate with a smile and never try to force our truth which IS Gods truth on anyone. Wisdom is a GRACE from God. If they cannot accept what your sharing with stop or change topics.

This is NOT about us so much as what God can and will do through us.🙂

I’ll pray for you too.

God Bless,
I would love to testify to the world knowing that I become vulnerable for the sake of showing the world the confirmation of my Christian Catholic Faith I’m an old man so my time is getting short. I don’t believe that God give us the gift of Faith to keep it to ourselves but to share His love, to His praise and glory and for the salvation of souls. What it amounts to is what St.Padre Pio calls, “Sharing the Secrets of the King” In sharing there is the risk of people thinking of me more than I am, believe me I am a weak human being needing all the graces I can get. And I am extremely thankful to Jesus for the ones I have. Nor am I trying to “Can You Top This” It is very hard to do because of it’s very personal nature, I have shared it with people that I thought really needed it, although the world needs it’ but it is not received to well by the world. Even the Catholic forum may not allow it. I have already shared some of my experience with the forum, but I withheld some of it thinking the forum wouldn’t approve for their own reasons.
I would love to testify to the world knowing that I become vulnerable for the sake of showing the world the confirmation of my Christian Catholic Faith I’m an old man so my time is getting short. I don’t believe that God give us the gift of Faith to keep it to ourselves but to share His love, to His praise and glory and for the salvation of souls. What it amounts to is what St.Padre Pio calls, “Sharing the Secrets of the King” In sharing there is the risk of people thinking of me more than I am, believe me I am a weak human being needing all the graces I can get. And I am extremely thankful to Jesus for the ones I have. Nor am I trying to “Can You Top This” It is very hard to do because of it’s very personal nature, I have shared it with people that I thought really needed it, although the world needs it’ but it is not received to well by the world. Even the Catholic forum may not allow it. I have already shared some of my experience with the forum, but I withheld some of it thinking the forum wouldn’t approve for their own reasons.
I’m not really sure what you are talking about my friend. Maybe you can PM me with it if you feel it’s sensitive. 🤷

My thinking is to be able and willing to share what I have with people wherever they are in their journey of faith. It need not get uncomfortably detailed. It is sufficient to say, as you did, that I am a sinner in need of all the graces I can get. Without God’s love for me and His mercy I know I’d be completely desolate.
God’s peace,
After experiencing some very painful events in my life, I do believe God allowed me to experience these painful events so that I would advance spiritually. Even though I can verify the people involved in order to protect their identity and privacy I will use pseudo names and places. I will offer a series of events on separate posts as to give a fuller picture. To make one post would be too long.
During the years from 1956-60 I was a member of St.Michael’s choir, the choir consisted of three male parts, first bass, second bass and tenor We were twelve in all. Some of the music was done in Latin. Doing the mass required a lot of time and practice, sometime long and boring in efforts to get the music right. It lacked religious sentiment and freedom of spirit,it was ritualistic, formal and by the numbers. I had a strong desire to ascend to that plateau where one could pour out his heart in the freedom of his spirit in worship of God. I felt that the formality of our music impeded the spirit of worship. Everything was controlled.
One day during the Mass we were singing one of the Mass pieces, the Gloria I believe. There was a dramatic crescendo a fortiori in the music. While we were singing there was a thunder storm taking place. I then recalled the teachings of St.Thomas Aquinas where he writes about angels ministering to God in the universe, that they were causing the storm, in control of nature. I knew that everything they did was in love, adoration and praise of God. This was exactly what we were doing in our own limited way. I in faith consciously united myself with them. When our choir hit the apex of the crescendo in the music I said mentally “Now” A bolt of lightening and a loud clap of thunder stunned the choir and I imagined it stunned the people in attendance. I wasn’t stunned because I expected it. The experience reaffirmed my gift of faith ( a faith that all christians have) and it was consoling knowing God accepted our worship and for once I felt liberated from dry discipline and dry formality that impeded my spirit of worship.
This is not a witness to spiritual sanctity but a witness to our faith which we hold mutually, to the love and wonders God gives His people and to His glory and our happiness through Jesus and Mary.
I get tongue tied, but I still do it. I do my best and let the Holy Spirit do the rest!
I believed in my Catholic faith many years before I experienced any spiritual consolations or revelations. I want to emphasize that it is more pleasing to God to have believed without seeing, and this probably constitutes most of our lives. We experience the mundane,the monotonous execution of our responsibility in our vocation. God does give us blessing even in this life of a “spiritual experience” He even promises that He and the Father will reveal themselves if we really love Him and practice His teachings and will. I want everybody to know that "spiritual experiences do not constitute the essential of our Catholic Faith. Our deposit of Faith is Holy Scripture and Apostolic tradition not spiritual experiences. Holy Scripture states that we should proclaim the works of the Lord, and give glory to Him. It is in this spirit that I share my Faith and experiences.

Approximately in the year of 1969-1970 I was backing out of my drive way, and I said to myself " Why am I going to Mass." I try to go daily, I was shocked by what I said, and apologized to God, because I knew why I was going. It was almost as if Jesus was waiting for me to drop my guard, or to weaken, because then things began to happen. I believe that is was Holy Thursday and I was attending Mass in my spirit of faithfulness and constancy. I was spiritually devoid of any spiritual sentiment, and feeling of elation, I suffered from spiritual aridity, dryness. I lived this aridity most of my life. It was my best. A priest friend of mine was saying the Mass. He wore white vestments with a red cross design. Everything was moving along as usual. It came time for communion. The priest held up the Host for the "Lord I am not worthy…
Then it happened! I suddenly became aware of an “all encompassing presence” My inner spirit recognized Christ. I gazed at the face of the priest. He had an expression that was like one who had been slapped across the face for doing good, and asking the question “Why?!” The priests vestments seemed brighter and the cross design seemed to become scarlet. It was as if a person had tunnel vision, the outer perimeter was out of focus, and the center stood out in deep contrast, like blood suddenly being spilled on new fallen snow. I was shocked. At that moment I experienced a deep inner penetration that caused me to feel great sorrow for our suffering Saviour, the slaughtered Lamb. the priest somehow became Christ with that soul penetrating expression asking “What have I done to deserve this?!” I had the strongest compulsion to stand up and shout, "Don’t do it, He is innocent!! " I then realized that I was in church attending Mass. I manage to regain my composure, but I remained stunned. I experienced a deep heart felt love for my Saviour. A doctor friend stated that “He had given you a heart of flesh for a heart of stone.” It then came to me the I had asked the Father to give me a greater love of Jesus, I felt that I didn’t love Him enough, and I didn’t know how or just couldn’t. This was the answer to my request. The effects of this experience will remain with me the rest of my life, and if they bring me closer to Him may they continue. Thank you Father and Praise, and Glorify you Jesus.
The continuation of my personal witness to the Catholic Faith

A week or two before Christmas, year of 1970 apporoximately I visited a convent in a local parish. I asked one of the nuns where a prayer meeting was being held in a neighboring city. She gave me what information she had. In our conversation we both agreed that the world needed a miracle to resolve it’s problems. After the conversation I said my goodbye. As I was leaving a young man met me at the gate. He looked to be about twenty one years old. He looked very tan from what appeared to be the result of traveling in the sun for a long time. He had sand colored hair and he wore a khaki shirt with blue denim pants which where torn on one side, held together with safety pins. He was carrying a blue duffle bag He asked me If I knew where a local water-front mission was. I told him that I would take him there on my way home. He got into my car and asked me if they were serving dinner there. I stated it was near dinner time, and they probably were. He also ask me if jobs were available, and I stated that there was a good chance because some store were taking on extra help during the Christmas season. He then asked my why I had a cast on my hand. I said “Would you believe that in my efforts to do the right thing, I did the wrong thing” (Only God knew the full story beside myself-this a separate story to do with my spiritual healing) He smiled and he put his hand up to his face in a thoughtful expression. We reached the entrance court yard to the mission. There were groups of men waiting for meal time. He got out of the car and walk towards the waiting men to join them ( So I assumed)

When I finally returned home, I met my son and asked him why he wasn’t working at the clothing store in town. He said that he just quit. I was surprised then I asked him if he had an old suit, because I just left a man that could use it, My son said he had, so I told him I w oud be right back. I went back to the mission, I entered because everyone was eating dinner. I looked, and from the back of heads they looked like the man I was seeking. I was disapointed I drew attention to myself and was asked who was I looking for so I told them. One of the workers asked the whole group if they saw the man. Nobody did. I felt very strange, and I said to myself “God are you telling me something” as soon as I turned around I faced a huge picture of Jesus Christ. He had two rows of people coming up to Him from both sides, all kinds of people. I left perplexed. The stranger just disappeared I drove home in deep thought. I opened my Bible randomly, I was experiencing a special phenomena. many times. I could open the Bible and come directly to the answer of my spiritual problems (I call it communicating with God) I read 2 Peter 2;22 " the dog goes back to his own vomit, in the old testament it reads " a fool in his folly is like a dog going back to his vomit" It was strange, then I meditated. What kind of men go to the mission…alcoholics, drug addicts, derelicts, jobless, the poor and homeless. I asked myself how does Jesus fit into all of this. The answer was immediate. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer It is He whom the angels witnessed to on Christmas Day to the shepherds, “:This day is born unto you a Redeemer…” It is He who gives purpose to life and puts men on the road called “straight” It is He who takes us off our merry-go-round which takes no-where except to our same old problems over and over again, like a dog returning to his own vomit… Angels announce the Good News and angels are still announcing the Good News. There are rebelious angels who are doing everything to cloud the message. I know this for a fact. I remember in scripture it is stated…Some showing hospitality to stranger had attended angels unawares Am I confirmed in the Good News, you bet,It:thumbsup: eternally This story is not over yet.
Sometimes I find it hard to share my faith but I try. I do better sometimes on the internet on different forums but I also have shared my faith with friends at work or with family. I try to keep it simple and not overwhelm or insult. Also, I have to say there was a time when I couldn’t because I didn’t know it and would get upset because I didn’t have the answers. I still don’t have all the answers. I do try to study the faith more because I think you can’t share what you don’t know and that leads me to, I listen to Catholic Answers on the radio frequently and listen to Patrick Madrid who has many podcasts on how to share your faith. I think he is one of the best Catholic apologists, among others, we have right now.
This post is another witness to the confirmation of my Catholic Faith. I repeat I was tried in my faith for many years and still am until I die. These are some of the highlights of my Faith experience.

Approximately in May or June of 2004 I was attending Mass at a local church. I was acting as sacristan along with my wife. A priest of the parish celebrated Mass. In attendance were maybe a dozen people all friendly parishioners. One parishioner was extremely ill with a heart and lung condition. The doctors in the town gave him no hope. They sent him home to enjoy his children. He acted as Eucharistic minister at the Mass There was also a women who I believe was going through a spiritual renewal. In all it was a faithful group. The Mass progressed up to the consummation of the Precious Blood by the priest. As he held the cup before he drank from it for an undetermined moment of time I saw a light coming from within the Chalice and I found myself worshiping God in what is known as Tongues, a charismatic gift. I was not in control. I always have a residual dryness when It came to prayer with my mind. (discursive prayer) I was given an answer to this problem by praying with my desire, my will and not my intellect At the same time I became aware at communion time of a woman having what I considered a very special communication with God. I also became very aware of the man who was ill. I felt that something was happening . It turned out that his children found him another doctor out of state, and at a later date they cured his problem. It seemed like I was aware of a confirmation of his healing. Because this experience lasted only a short time, I wondered if it was all real, although I felt strongly that it was. The impressions were very strong. As the Mass ended, one of the parishioners said in a loud voice,"Did anyone experience the healing during the Mass? I said “Yes” to myself at the time, I later shared my experience with her. I became very aware of the reality of the Mystical Body of Christ and how we were really untied spiritually in our Faith especially during Communion. I also was thankful to God that He had given me my Catholic Faith believing and not seeing, because it is more pleasing to Him. I didn’t need to see to believe, but He confirmed it anyway. Deo Gratias. A word about the gift of Tongues. This is a charismatic gift I received in my apostolic efforts to understand and guide some who were involved in the Charismatic renewal. Some left the Church, others became more involved in the Church. I had to become all things to all men in order to communicate. I pray with my mind most of the time. but now when it becomes arrid, I have recourse to another form of prayer, one of desire, and God confirmed it for me and I can really ascend in spirit to God in this form. I find in my tradition and formal practice of my faith a wealth of truth and knowledge, but I didn’t find much sentiment (feeling), It seemed it was all from the head, and not completely from the heart. It takes both, and it makes it whole or completely human, and not angelic,which is not our nature. (Maybe some call it angelism?)
*No way! Not me…I’m scared. (Why?)

Why? Because life is unfair, cruel and violent. I keep falling back into sin and my faith gets rocked back and forth every day. I don’t trust my self to share anything the right way because i can’t fulfill the “Practise what you preach”. The only thing i grasp onto is Jesus. And if i were to start sharing IRL and got negative feedback… Well, some atheist might even convince me im wrong (even if temporarily).
People in life are unfair if they are not Christianized. Although some display a natural goodness. A principle thought to keep in mind is that Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan. This is a fundamental truth of our faith. those that do not have the grace of God are in the state of sin with all its effects. Satan works through their weaknesses. We then have violence, killings, selfishness. ignorance, idolatry, theft, jealousy, envy, and all of the vices. With Jesus through the gift of His Spirit we have Charity, temperance, purity, knowledge, humility, compassion, honesty and all of the virtues. We are in spiritual warfare, not with each other, but with fallen angels, or evil spirits (same thing) It is real, and it is a war. We blame each other instead of the real cause. We must conquer ourselves and all of our passions and ignorance. Only Jesus can help us. We must grow closer to Him, and seek to love Him above all. and then love our neighbor as ourselves. We need to be humble, to be humble we have to be humiliated, and we are humiliated when we try to do things ourselves and fail. God give His grace to the humbled and resists the proud and self-sufficient. We can’t conquer our passions without help from God. When we try Satan will do all in his power to prevent you He knows your weakness and this is where he strikes. If it’s sex he can even inspire someone to approach you and tempt you. He controls a lot of people and they are not even aware of it. I know, its been one of my real spiritual experiences, don’t underestimate him. Always repent, and be resolved to repent when you fall, don’t be discouraged no matter what, fight with you faith and God’s strength. When you gain more strength and love of Jesus, then you can evangelize effectively, the Holy Spirit will guide you. Fear is one of Satan’s big weapons, Jesus is ours and it frightens him.
I strive to use every opportunity that presents itself to me. Sometimes it’s just praying the rosary in public (hospital waiting room, while out walking, etc), or chatting with someone I know or don’t know if the subject comes up. I know Facebook is anathema to many but that is where I share my faith often. Sharing on FB has opened up discussions I wouldn’t ordinarily have and for that I am grateful. If others don’t want to read what I have to say they have the option of hiding or unfriending me which doesn’t offend me at all. At least they know where I stand.
The healing that Jesus gave me so that I could evangelize:

After many efforts to find my place in the world I met with total failure. I had nothing, no family, very few, but good friends, no vocation, no direction in life, but I did have my Catholic Faith. Like everyone else I found a job, using whatever talent God gave me. It was rough. I even learned to date, and would you believe that three girls I dated all became religious and I had to give them to God (looking back it’s really funny If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all) Finally I met my wife. She just lost her husband in an auto accident. She had three children. I saw my chance at a holy vocation, marriage and it’s responsibility, I had a purpose in my life to serve God and man. Also to experience love. I was an orphan and all of this was new to me. My life up to that point was filled with pain, and lonliness, and failure. I was religious, naive, and idealistic The only knowledge I had in dealing with rebellious children was discipline as I learned in a Catholic orphanage, spare the rod and spoil the child, I wasn’t spoiled. I was educated in a seminary and knew my faith. Obedience was crucial in doing God’s will. Combined that knowledge with the experience of the orphanage I was taught if you want to save your kids from hell use discipline (they forgot the love part) My kids grew up in a terrible time, the 60’s. Sex, drugs,and rebellion against authority was in vogue. So I used a lot of discipline. the more I used it the more rebellious they became (Fathers don"t aggravate your children) Also at work I saw a lot of corruption, favoritism, false representation, unfair shop practices etc. Putting the supervisors jobs at stake I was terminated. I was a crusader by conscience. I had a breakdown. No new to me. I was a boat rocker. My lovely wife suffered from all of this, we all did. Everything I believed was threatened. I was in a very dark night. I tried everything I knew, but to no avail. I had some people in a prayer group pray for me, to cure me of an apparently unsolvable problem. I usually assign the children to a job at home to help mom. I inspected a tub, and there it was a big ring not cleaned by a son through no fault of his own was born with a lazy streak and really laid back. This had been going on and off for thirteen years. Again I was frustrated. Previously I was so angry that I lost my temper struck my six foot two boy in the belt and broke my hand, (I mentioned this in my angel experience) When I looked at the dirty tub all of a sudden I was “enlightened” I thought in mind " What is Jesus all about? He came to redeem us from the works of Satan…St. Peter I tried to Christianize my children but failed inspite of all my efforts. I wasn’t fighting my children, my wife or my fellow man for all their corruption. I was fighting the devil and Icouldn’t defeat him. Only Jesus could, and did. I found myself going against the impregnable wall of human corruption due to sin and its effects. I unknowingly was playing saviour to the world In my blindness I persecuted my fellow man. Taking my faith for granted, I expected from them what I expected from myself, I did them an injustice in my self righteousness, much like St. Paul did to the Christians. They could not give what they didn’t have, the fruit of grace that only come fron Jesus Christ until then they remain in spiritual bondage, in sin and its consequences Jesus removed the scales of blindness that covered the eyes of my soul, my mind and intelligence. Pride was at the root of this illness. It is not a sin, but it does lead to sin, it is a devastating fault in the spiritual life of every man, especially in those of spiritual leadership, and Satan knows how to use it. When I was enlightened I changed, I found peace with everybody concerned, I was able to be more effective in advancing God’s kingdom, and draw closer to my Saviour I still have problems but I have peace in knowing Jesus will take care of me and the problems. You can’t ask for better than that. Deo Gratias and Alleluia
Actually, I ride public transportation quite often and just sitting and talking has given me plenty of opportunities to share my faith. I’ve done so for years. I’ve also handed out hundreds of Rosaries in that same setting and in other places like the grocery store or in the mall, etc. I’ve even had folks ask me for Rosaries because they’ve seen me giving them and know I usually have them. I’ve been called the Rosary Lady by more than one person. It has been fun.

I don’t like sharing about this with others though. Once I had one Catholic woman chew me out royally for doing this because she thought I was trying to represent the Church and thought I needed some sort of training or approval to give folks Rosaries and actually expected me to stop! She was really upset by me doing this. Honestly.

Oh dear. Know you know my little secret. :eek:

Today the fourth of march my wife had surgery for cancer on her ear. While waiting I sat across from a lady reading a bible in a studious fashion. I seized on the situation and open a discussion with her. Found out she was an Episcopalian. She stated that she was upset with the way her church was getting away from the Bible, and condoning things that weren’t christian. She asked me if I was Catholic, and I said yes. She said she liked the Catholic church, but couldn’t accept Mary, the Mother of God. It gave me a real opportunity to clear-up some trouble she had understanding our accepting Mary as the Mother of God. As soon as I made my short testimony, she was called into surgery. Immediately another woman took her seat … She to was reading a book called What was the meaning of life. Both women showed a very up spirit inspite of the doom and gloom that prevaded the waiting room, the woman told me that her grandmother would speak of things, and I think she said her mother also read the bible. She was high lighting sentences in her book, and continued studying. Both women were doing the same thing, the second one was more serious, but somewhat troubled. I told her I could help her to explain words that she was looking up, she never responded. After that, a man sat across from me, and he was catholic, I found out we had mutual friend, and he was full of head and facial surgery. Again I had an opportunity to share christain Catholic consolation and courage with him. My wife opened a chocolate square and it said on the rapper " You are exactly were you should be" A holy coincidence!!
As a Lay Catholic Apostle God introduced me to the Charismatic gifts. I share this so that we can understand their reality and use, as God intended. There are several countries including our own that are being affected by their use, the results vary in the effects they produce. Much discerment is need to guide those that use them. They are not meant to separate but to draw people into the Faith. Around l970–71 I went to a prayer meeting in a neighboring city college. The meeting was held in the college chapel. This was the time when the Charismatic Movement was at it’s beginnings in this part of the country. I had a deep interest in the gifts. I was familiar with the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas about them, and the mention of them in Vatican ll on the Lay Apostolate, but I needed to know more. At the same time different spiritual events were happening in my life, I experienced God’s call to this Movement. When I arrived at the college I met an old priest and asked him direction to the chapel, he was going to the same place. When I got there I saw some nuns that I knew, I saw priests, and college students. I sat by one of the nuns who I knew as a young member of a lay apostolate As a nun she help start Charismatic prayer group in my town. I joined the group because I was very interested by the way young adults spoke so openly about Jesus, As a confraternity teacher I had much difficulty speaking about Jesus, it seemed so personal and private. We catholics were at that time and before so closed mouth about Jesus, our belief was strictly internalized for the most part. I used to rationalize my faith to the classes, not witnessing so much about Jesus. I followed the book. I had little knowledge about evangelization. I wasn’t Christio-centric. I had much to learn ( It’s getting late…to be continued)
continuation of post #38:
When I entered the chapel I believed the prayer meeting was just starting. I looked around the chapel and I saw college students, priests and nuns, a small choir of children ( I believe) with a nun as their supervisor, and a flemenco guitar player, somewhere about 60-70 people maybe more. I will use pseudo names to protect the privacy of the individuals. Fr. Bob was the priest in charge. One of the priests had a catholic healing ministry on T.V. I knew some of the community. Fr Bob was a teacher of Theology. Fr Bob apparently, had the gift of tongues a gift of prayer that was one of desire, not intellectual discursive prayer, it by-passes the mind and goes to the heart, the seat of desire. When he started his prayer he went into a slump, and a strange loud incoherent whisper was heard by all coming from the vicinity of his head, but his mouth wasn’t moving. I looked around and he was the only one that seemed to possess the gift of praise, the gift of tongues. I noticed a nun supporting her chin on her knee in a disinterested attitude. I saw college students with there hands up petitioning God, and worshiping but not in Tongues. I didn’t notice a union that comes from the Holy Spirit in the community of the faithful. It definitely seemed to me that there a spirit of elitism present (only certain ones had Charismatic gifts) I knew if the Holy Spirit was truly present the people would be united in the spirit of worship, this was lacking. The prayer meeting was followed by the playing a tape of “Good and bad spirits” by its author Kevin Ranagan. He was one of the pioneers of the Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. When the tape started, I became very nervous. I asked the nun sitting next to me was she getting anything out of all this, she said “yes” I said I wasn’t. She advised me to walk it off in the hall. I left the meeting and did just that. I felt like I was on fire. Thoughts raced through my mind. I had gone to an earlier Mass that morning and I believed that I received Jesus, and also the Holy Spirit before them, I also had a prayer of simple exorcism going through my mind. I was convinced that the whisper we heard was an evil spirit. I remained in the hall outside of the chapel until the tape was finished. Then I re-entered the chapel, everyone took a break. The meeting started again and it was a sharing period for everyone. This was an opportunity to share my faith. I told them that I had an advantage over them, because I received the Holly Spirit before them in Holy Communion. Fr Bob immediately approached me and told me to sit down with insistence. I was just as insistent to speak my mind. He asked me where I got this idea, and I said “It was my conviction” then strangely he returned to his seat, and let me speak. Now when I had my confrontation with him, I raised my hands and said"Let me speak to people, let me speak to the people" I prayed aloud “Father in the Holy Name of Jesus expel the deceiving spirit , and I think I said, and release your Spirit of peace and joy” Then I asked a man who was holding a bible, because I thought that God was going to do something, and …then I stopped, and said “sir are you a priest?” He said yes. Then I asked him “Open the bible randomly and read the first thing that you see” I waited, he was silent, I said Father read what you see. He began to read Acts 21:37-40 When Paul was preaching the Way to the people, he was beaten and the Roman soldiers came to arrest him, Paul asked them to let him “Speak to the people” and he motioned with his hands and they quietly listened . This scene confirmed the scene that the community had just witnessed with my confrontation with Fr.Bob. I thought that God would have confirmed what I said instead o f confirming me, I was embarrassed. I was humbled I said to the community " I stand before you judged"

Soon after they conducted another prayer meeting. Fr Bob again went into a slump. This time there was no loud whisper. Fr Bob seemed perplexed. I also stated the Holy Communion was to be the center of the union of all Christian churches, I didn’t know that the priest I asked to open the bible at random was looking for the key to bring the churches together, he was active in ecumenical work, and he received his answer. This time the prayer meeting took on a real joyous and praising service, everybody was participating in worship of God. The ecumenical priest was shouting “Alleluia alleluia”
Fr Bob then said the Mass. When it came time for the Consecration he was struggling, I prayed for him, because I felt his pain of humiliation, not intended. He made it and I made a sigh of relief. He stated :We can work this out" and then he said “The Spirit of St. Paul”

continuation of post #39

To me there were three charismatic gifts active: spiritual discernment, a priest with no intent to deceive, no faker, being deceived by a real faker, the devil, a liar and a murderer. It’s to the devil’s advantage to deceive and honest person, because his honesty attracts people who seek the truth. There was prophesy. I was quoting the Church in her teaching about the Eucharistic being the center of uniting all Christian faiths. There was charismatic faith, the expectant faith that can move mountains but does not sanctify, it’s purpose is to edify, to build up the Church. They are gifts of love coming from the Holy Spirit given by Christ. The Spirit is the Soul of the church, and Jesus is the Head, we have to go to the Head to receive the Soul by the Will of the Father. I was convinced that the teachings of the Christian-Catholic Faith were from the Holy Spirit and with this conviction, I step out to witness. And so it happened.

I had many lessons to learn such as humility, saving a man’s pride, walk gently and charitably. discerning not the person, but the spirit. You would be surprise at the revelations. The charismatic gifts are no signs of sanctity, but can be abundant to a person who uses many of the graces the Church makes available and receive Christ in the Eucharist. Our Blessed Mother said, this is the strongest power over Satan and strike fear into his soul. If one is spiritually advanced he will use the gifts wisely and give God the full thanks and praise, and adoration Praise you worship you Jesus for Your Spirit.
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