Allen, zero apologies necessary, it’s about time someone lights a fire underneath us to take some real initiave, get outside of our comfort zone, and yes, face rejection in the process. One mindset I had when I used to go door to door, selling newspaper subscriptions, I kept my focus on the successes, not on the failures. I think the above poster does the same.
We should have to take advice from outside denominations like this, but we should in this regard. You also mentioned not feeling welcomed, well neither do I, and yet I remain in spite of it, for my involvement is not contingent along the people themselves, if I’m stuck with a bunch of irreverant, luke warm people around me, I think to myself, I have the angels and saints with me, and most of all, Our Lord, and it’s about him, not them that matters, yet I would by lying if I told you it doesn’t hurt facing rejection from the people almost every single time.
I was invited to a gathering from a non denominational two weeks ago in one of their homes, I attended it, as well as a second one this week, I have found my brethren of followers to finally fellowship with, they are nice, friendly, actually speak to me, and actually want me there, and these two meetings I experienced more fellowship then the entire time I have with all of the churches I visited before, Catholic and Protestant alike.
If I was not so steeped in the Catholic church, if I didn’t really know what it stood for, I’d drop it in a heart beat, based upon this, and I feel, if you did take RCIA, you too would be in the same boat as I. Don’t let that interest go away because some pew warmers drove you away, you have just as much, if not more so of a right to be there then they, and by all means, we can use more people that are zealous for the faith within it, it needs to be stirred up, and do not be afraid to be bold in the process.