Catholics not Knowing and Quoting Scripture

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Why is it that many Catholics do not know nor can quote scripture? I went to Catholic school, took Reliigion classes and have been Catholic all my life, but I don’t recall really studying the Bible. I did not really begin to learn scripture and study the Bible that gives me the ability to quote it until a few years ago while conversing with my Baptist friends. I began reading the bible more, listening to some evangelists and understanding more of the Bible. Also, why are there more books in the Catholic Bible than the King James Version?
Well, there are more books in the Catholic Bible simply because a couple of additions (book of Revelations and a couple others if I’m not mistaken) that were accepted by the Church that other Christians didn’t adopt as well. As for why Catholics don’t read the Bible more…:confused: I dunno!

I will let others here answer the question on the deutrocannical.

I come from a fundmentalist background, and yet I have noticed this among some of the other less rigid Protestants also. There is a tendency among some in these groups to blindly accept the interpretation of the pastor/ and or bible teacher.

I personally don’t like to quote verses. The belief seemed to be that the better Christian that you are the more bible verses that you can quote. We were encouraged to memorize verse and yet, our verses were often quoted out of context. I think that a better way is to have a bible close to you, whether in your car or your home, and when a question arises to pull the book out and read it. This helps prevent taking everything out of context. Besides the verse numbering didn’t occur until the middle ages. The original text was not broke down into chapters and verses.

In a mass there are three readings from the bible. Because the focus of the mass is to recieve communion, the priest homily is much shorter then a protestant pastor. Yet, the Catholic priest is actually covering more bible during the mass then the protestant, he just doesn’t dissect the whole text nor does he spend an entire hour on it.
Why is it that many Catholics do not know nor can quote scripture? I went to Catholic school, took Reliigion classes and have been Catholic all my life, but I don’t recall really studying the Bible. I did not really begin to learn scripture and study the Bible that gives me the ability to quote it until a few years ago while conversing with my Baptist friends. I began reading the bible more, listening to some evangelists and understanding more of the Bible. Also, why are there more books in the Catholic Bible than the King James Version?
Becuase the Bible isn’t meant to be a sword or weapon. I don’t read the Bible to learn verses for this purpose but to understand the Word (my Lord and Savior) in total context.

In the Mass, Daily Devotions, and Catholic Bible Studies, our Bible readings are an exercise in Lecto Devina (An ancient worship practice; it means to read aloud a passage from the Word of God, then reflect and meditate and respond to what was read) and not passage memorization. To me the best example of how quoting the Bible w/o considering the context is Christ’s words from the Cross “My God why have you forsaken me”. If you just quoted that section, you’d reach certainly a wrong impression from Jesus’ intent. His actual intent is, just as we named the Lord’s Prayer the “Our Father”, a reference to the Psalms (I think 22nd but I could be wrong) where it was Jewish tradition for the Rabbi to say the first words of the prayer and then everyone was to join in.

Secondly, I’m in a profession with numbers. Give me a set of numbers and I can use my advanced training and I can manipulate them to say things that are untrue to serve my personal agenda. The same is done by these people who use the Bible as a sword by taking things out of context.

Finally, Catholics assent to the informed (based on 2,000 years of critical study by theologians beginning w/ the Early Church Fathers (some of whom knew the Apostles) to theologians that include Pope Benedict) and Holy Spirit inspired Magisterium to assist them in finding the Truth of the Word as opposed to individual Pastors or the individual themself (since this is the “philosophy” of Biblical interpretation practiced by most Protestants, it is easy to understand why there are 20,000-40,000 different Protestant denominations each asserting they understand the “truth”). With that as a background, rote memorization serves no purpose except to open one up to misuse and abuse. Read the current threads regarding Marian practices and you will see blatant abuse and misuse of Scriptures to deny that Mary is the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.

P.S. Regarding your question about why we have more books in the Bible than the Protestants, you should refer to some threads on this issue that you can find here on Catholic Answer Forum.
Why is it that many Catholics do not know nor can quote scripture? I went to Catholic school, took Reliigion classes and have been Catholic all my life, but I don’t recall really studying the Bible. I did not really begin to learn scripture and study the Bible that gives me the ability to quote it until a few years ago while conversing with my Baptist friends. I began reading the bible more, listening to some evangelists and understanding more of the Bible. Also, why are there more books in the Catholic Bible than the King James Version?
Interesting, but not uncommon, comments.

Your first mistake (but probably not your fault) is that you relied on individuals to “teach” you God’s Word.

I have 2 baptist sons who can really quote a good number of verses, and they use them often. But they don’t quote the bible when they take verses out of context, and/or their interpretations are at odds with other verses which they don’t quote.

Keep them as friends, or family, but don’t keep them as authoritive sources.

Your last sentence should read… Why do they have less books in their bible than the original - which is the Catholic Canon agreed on during the late 4th century, and promulgated in the 15th to answer the errors of the Reformation.

As to why we don’t know our book better… most of us are lazy, complacent, un-educated in our faith, or just not listening to God’s calling… which is for every Catholic to evangelize. That is a problem we will have to answer for. The non or anti-Catholic misrepresentations of Scripture is a problem they will have to answer for.

In the meantime… read the bible (one with all the books, perhaps the RSV or even the Douey versions). And follow along with a good Catholic commentary (perhaps the Navarre, or better yet… the early church fathers).

You can purchase a CD through Harmony Media “St Thomas Aquinas and the Summa Theologica”.

It includes the commentary by many of the Fathers (the ones who were there when and shortly after Jesus founded one Church)

I suggest starting with each Sunday’s reading… and reading the commentary on that Sunday… a wealth of info.
If any of us out there can remember our Catholic school or CCD days - is it really true that the bible was not used or taught, or is it possible that it was there, we just did not make good use of our time in these classes? Did not listen to or read the scripture verse that usually is part of a lesson in virtually all RE textbooks? did not do our homework as assigned when it involved scripture reading? did not keep our Confirmation scripture journal as assigned? did not listen every Sunday at Mass when scripture was proclaimed and the homily explained it? Were given a bible for first communion or Confirmation and never opened it?
Well, there are more books in the Catholic Bible simply because a couple of additions (book of Revelations and a couple others if I’m not mistaken) that were accepted by the Church that other Christians didn’t adopt as well. As for why Catholics don’t read the Bible more…:confused: I dunno!

No, it’s not the book of Revelation. Catholic and Protestant New Testaments are identical.

Catholics use the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, the one that was around in the time of Christ. In about 100 AD a group of rabbis came up with a new list or books in an effort to remove anything they believed suppored Christianity. The accepted only books written in Hebrew so this canon is now called the Hebrew canon. It excluded 5 whole books and two partial books that are included in the Septuagint.

The Church has always used the Septuagint. Martin Luther decided to use the Hebrew canon in “his” bible. That’s why Catholics and Protestants have different Old Testaments.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
If any of us out there can remember our Catholic school or CCD days - is it really true that the bible was not used or taught, or is it possible that it was there, we just did not make good use of our time in these classes? Did not listen to or read the scripture verse that usually is part of a lesson in virtually all RE textbooks? did not do our homework as assigned when it involved scripture reading? did not keep our Confirmation scripture journal as assigned? did not listen every Sunday at Mass when scripture was proclaimed and the homily explained it? Were given a bible for first communion or Confirmation and never opened it?
I was catechized in the 70’s which is now notorious for being a HORRIBLE time to be catechized. We basically learned nothing; no scripture, nothing about having a relationship with Christ, nothing more than just to be a good person. We missed out on SO much. It irritates me in a way but I’m so very thankful that the Lord inspired me to start learning all the things I missed out on as a kid.

Frankly, I can understand why Catholics of my generation left the Church when they found something else but I think it’s very sad. I wonder what makes the difference between those of us who end up leaving and those of us who stay.


In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Also, why are there more books in the Catholic Bible than the King James Version?
THe original King James Version had all the deutrocannicals in them. Martin LUther wanted to drop James and Revelations from the bible because these books did not support his views of faith alone.
THe original King James Version had all the deutrocannicals in them. Martin LUther wanted to drop James and Revelations from the bible because these books did not support his views of faith alone.
And he also wanted to drop Hebrews because it quotes one of the deuterocanonicals (which he also axed).
Also, Catholics take the whoe message of Scripture. People who are experts at quoting Scripture usually do so because the only way they can support their doctrines is to pull an individual verse out of context.
Yet, the Catholic priest is actually covering more bible during the mass then the protestant, he just doesn’t dissect the whole text nor does he spend an entire hour on it.
The whole MASS itself is scripture … We are a bible believing and bible LIVING church!

Catholic Churches in general do not offer as many Bible studies as other Protestant denominations. Adult Sunday school was a given where we’d spend an entire year going through just one book - like Romans or Hebrews. Also we had Bible clubs like AWANA’s for the kids where scripture was memorized.

Having said that… is it the amount of Bible knowledge that one has that’s most important?? I’m not so sure. With all those years of Bible studies I didn’t know that in John Chapter 6 Jesus said, “This IS my body.” I thought it was a symbol. I didn’t know that we needed to be obedient to God - I thought that because I had “accepted Jesus into my heart” I was saved. Done deal. And I certainly didn’t know that Jesus told Peter that He would build His church on Him… and the gates of hell would not prevail. Jesus established a Church? I had no idea.

So while Protestants may have more Bible knowledge, of what does it benefit them if they don’t have the proper understanding?
carol marie:
Catholic Churches in general do not offer as many Bible studies as other Protestant denominations. Adult Sunday school was a given where we’d spend an entire year going through just one book - like Romans or Hebrews. Also we had Bible clubs like AWANA’s for the kids where scripture was memorized.

Having said that… is it the amount of Bible knowledge that one has that’s most important?? I’m not so sure. With all those years of Bible studies I didn’t know that in John Chapter 6 Jesus said, “This IS my body.” I thought it was a symbol. I didn’t know that we needed to be obedient to God - I thought that because I had “accepted Jesus into my heart” I was saved. Done deal. And I certainly didn’t know that Jesus told Peter that He would build His church on Him… and the gates of hell would not prevail. Jesus established a Church? I had no idea.

So while Protestants may have more Bible knowledge, of what does it benefit them if they don’t have the proper understanding?
Bible study benefits all…and it would be best for learning not only about our faith but it helps with evangelizing…
Scott Hahn has a set of tapes…‘Calling all Bible Christians to be Catholic and all Catholics to be Bible Christians’
good perspective…after all, The Bible is a catholic book.
Bible study benefits all…and it would be best for learning not only about our faith but it helps with evangelizing…
Scott Hahn has a set of tapes…‘Calling all Bible Christians to be Catholic and all Catholics to be Bible Christians’
good perspective…after all, The Bible is a catholic book.
I agree with you 100% - I think everyone should be spending time in God’s Word daily. It was because of my Bible knowledge that I was able to fully appreciate the mass - I recognized it was straight out of scripture. And Scott Hahn is a wonderful resorce for Bible study material… as well as Jeff Cavins. We are doing his Bible Study Timeline & we love it.

I guess the point I was trying to make though is that Catholics are often singled out for “not knowing the Bible.” An accusation that is normally being hurled at us by good folks who, might know the Bible, but don’t have a proper understanding. Knowing lots of scripture is of no benefit if you don’t have the proper interpretation. I am so thankful that the Catholic Church provides that. 🙂
In about 100 AD a group of rabbis came up with a new list or books in an effort to remove anything they believed suppored Christianity. The accepted only books written in Hebrew so this canon is now called the Hebrew canon. It excluded 5 whole books and two partial books that are included in the Septuagint.
This isn’t entirely accurate. Steve Ray wrote a very good article about this recently in This Rock magazine:

The Council That Wasn’t
The Myth of Jabneh and the Old Testament Canon

By Steve Ray

Addressing some of the other posts: for the record, the last book of the Bible is called Revelation (singular) not Revelations (plural). Sorry–personal pet peeve. :o
I went to Catholic grammar school in the 1960’s and Catholic High School in the 1970’s. While we didn’t study the bible per se in grammar school we did learn ‘Bible History’ and 'Salvation History" where we learned about the patriarchs and all the people before the time of Jesus. This was emphasized by such ‘tools’ as Jesse trees. And of course we learned about Jesus. There was no confusion about who Jesus was.

Our sophomore year in high school was the year we studied scripture. Granted, it was an overview, but we used our Bibles and knew what all the books were and where to find them. We weren’t expected to memorize pasages (except maybe for an occasional test) but we learned enough to know where to find something if we ever needed it. I still have my high school bible (although the cover has since fallen off.) My daughter now attends the same high school and she also had a year of scripture study.

While I was in high school the seminarians from the nearby seminary taught Bible study on Monday evenings. We would look at a different Gospel each year and in the process learned how each Gospel emphasized a slightly different aspect of our Faith.

I’ve continued to study scripture. I currently attend a weekly study where we examine the Sunday readings.

All this was/is in the Los Angeles Archdiocese.

Maybe I was just lucky, but I think I learned quite a bit about scripture. But I still can’t cite verses and references.
I did not really begin to learn scripture and study the Bible that gives me the ability to quote it until a few years ago while conversing with my Baptist friends.
I think it is hard to actually quote the bible unless you have been trained or encouraged to do so. Catholics don’t seem to be taught to memorize verses. I used to be able to discuss lots of the bible. I knew the outline of all the parables, the course of Israel’s history, strange laws from Leviticus, etc., but to actually quote the bible word for word I could not do UNTIL I studied it with an eye to specifically being able to quote it, instead of for context and devotion.

I mean, I knew the entire 23 psalm, right? Wrong. I had read it a zillion times, and I could tell you mostly what it said, but I could not successfully recite it UNTIL I memorized it specifically for recitation.
I think it is hard to actually quote the bible unless you have been trained or encouraged to do so. Catholics don’t seem to be taught to memorize verses. I used to be able to discuss lots of the bible. I knew the outline of all the parables, the course of Israel’s history, strange laws from Leviticus, etc., but to actually quote the bible word for word I could not do UNTIL I studied it with an eye to specifically being able to quote it, instead of for context and devotion.

I mean, I knew the entire 23 psalm, right? Wrong. I had read it a zillion times, and I could tell you mostly what it said, but I could not successfully recite it UNTIL I memorized it specifically for recitation.
I think what you’re talking about is far more important than just quoting the Bible. Yes, memorization is a good thing, but understanding is far more important. Studying the Bible for “context and devotion” as you well put it is much better than just blindly quoting scripture.
This isn’t entirely accurate. Steve Ray wrote a very good article about this recently in This Rock magazine:

The Council That Wasn’t
The Myth of Jabneh and the Old Testament Canon

By Steve Ray

Addressing some of the other posts: for the record, the last book of the Bible is called Revelation (singular) not Revelations (plural). Sorry–personal pet peeve. :o
Thanks for the link. I’ll need to go read it. The info I provided was (I think) in the book The Bible and the Catholic Church. I’ve heard a few different versions of how the Catholic and Protestant bibles came to be different.

Your “Revelation/s” pet peeve is a common one I think.

I ordered a bible study of Revelation from and right there, on the front, in big, bold letter was REVELATIONS! You think of all people they’d know better.🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
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