The problem is that in many cases the Church is being used as a scapegoat over pretty much two things: Celibacy, and male priests.
There are sadly a lot of ignorant people out there who would rather believe pedophilia exists, “Because priests can’t have WIMMIN”, and therefore, they believe that they, or their ‘group’ is somehow shielded from pedophiles because THEY have married clergy. a subset of this is: Women are not pedophiles (they think). Therefore because their group has women clergy, they believe their group is shielded from pedophiles.
So the more the media trots out ‘the Catholic Church scandal’, even if they don’t mention celibacy or the ‘all male priesthood’ (and most media outlets do, frequently and loudly), many people are conditioned to immediately associate "pedophiles’ with 'all–male priests deprived of women, and to blame that, and that alone, on the existence of pedophilia.
There is a lot of covering up of pedophilia in almost every other church and/or group, not to mention that the most likely pedophiles are married men, who abuse either their own children/stepchildren, or ‘use’ the children as pawns to make friends with other children, and then abuse those children. But people don’t want to hear that, because then they’d have to worry about just about ‘anybody’ instead of those crazy old Catholic priests who don’t have women. And they’d have to start wondering if, since ‘celibacy’ doesn’t lead to pedophilia, and if women and/or married men are just as likely as a single male to be a pedophile, if not more so with a married man, then why should there be huge objections and complaints about celibacy and all-male priesthood? and then they might start wondering why the little old Catholic Church in the U.S. (considering there are far more Protestant groups, not to mention atheists and ‘nones’ out there) is getting so much negative attention over something that isn’t even wrong or dangerous. And then they might start to wonder what is so ‘important’ about the Church that lies and misinformation are directed at it, and not at any other Christian group. . .