I think the answers, so far, have been pretty accurate.
At this time, you should obey your parents choice.
You should research why the Church believes certain things, though. The things you feel you disagree with may take time to learn about. Read articles (more than one) about those matters.
Is there a denomination you are interested in? There are a couple of basic rules, regarding participation in separated Churches. We dont take their Communion meal, and we dont substitute their service for a Mass.
Perhaps your parents would permit you to participate in non-Catholic service, if you assure them you respect those two principles?
It’s ok to be curious. I am a convert from being raised Evangelical. I did seek into the Catholic faith as an adult. And it wasnt just by going to a Mass, but listening to Catholic apologies, and reading things.
I just encourage you to study right now. Be patient. Pray about it. Learn why we believe, profess, and practice what we do.
Many things Catholics practice are not necessary to practice, or even believe. And others are grounded in Apostolic Tradition.
I hope the best for your spiritual journey. Hopefully you have a long way to go, with profound experiences!
I am of the strong opinion that Confirmation, especially when received at the age of 16, should be fully consented to. I’m sorry you felt forced.
I also know that there are many “cultural” and “cafeteria” Catholics among us, and it can be a real turn off, which seems to translate into feeling like our Teachings and beliefs are superficial. Try not to fall into that deception. It’s the members who are not understanding and embracing, but only going through outward motions and picking and choosing what they accept from God and what they reject.
It’s good that you are seeking God and desire to love and worship Him, and have Him in your life and you in His. It’s a struggle for all of us to put Him first.