Catholics vow to raise children catholic

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11th grade

Notice how the Catechism explains that instruction is “for the necessary flowering of baptismal grace in personal growth

Confirmation itself is not said to be necessary for baptismal grace in personal growth, but instruction. While Confirmation is a completion and seal of Baptism and its consequent instruction.
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Yes, it’s at the end of childhood, and the dawn of adulthood.

I happen to like it. It’s kind of like a passage into adulthood. A closure to childhood. A Sacrament issuing in a new phase of life.

And it acknowledges the necessary stage of instruction.

I think its notable that the OP is probably female (though I could be wrong). Because females tend to mature before males.

So she is desiring something of faith. Though we are convicted that she can find it most fully in the Catholic faith.
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It’s kind of like a passage into adulthood. A closure to childhood. A Sacrament issuing in a new phase of life.
This is not what Confirmation is all about though. I know that’s what many think it is, but it is not.
And until we get away from this mentality, were are going to continue to see posts like the OP’s.

It is obvious that catechesis is important, but Sacramental grace is the whole point of that catechesis.
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I didnt say it’s what Confirmation is all about.

It’s about a completion and seal of the Holy Spirit. And catechesis is not merely important, but necessary. Not for efficacy of forgiveness, and initiation into the life of the Church, but growth and flowering of that grace from Infant Baptism.

By its very nature infant Baptism requires a post-baptismal catechumenate. Not only is there a need for instruction after Baptism, but also for the necessary flowering of baptismal grace in personal growth
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The order of Sacraments is not the cause of the OP’s state of faith.

Maybe she had poor instruction. Maybe she has had poor examples in her life. Maybe she has an impression that other Christian traditions have something better.

But she is not abandoning faith altogether. And she is reaching out to other Catholics! That’s a good thing.
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I am curious. I read the OP, and I did not see any of what you write here.
What I saw was a teen-ager (I am thinking) rebelling against what their parents believe.

Where are you getting this information?
I see a curious teenager who has questions, concerns, and curiosity. I dont see just a rebellious teen. Geez!

You dont know what she has been through, what her teachers were like, what her pastors have been like, what her parish is like, or peers. It all makes a difference.
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I agree, but neither do you.

I have been a Confirmation catechist for about 10 years. I have been through 2 Bishops and many Pastors. I have taught kids who go through “restored order” , who were Confirmed in 6th grade and now in our new 2-year, 10th grade model.

It is perfectly OK to be curious and want to learn about other religions, faiths and customs. What is not OK is just to abandon the faith of your family because of “feelings”

@Dandelion52737, have you talked to your parents about how you feel and why?

What exactly is it that you reject about Catholocism?

Are you looking to leave Christianity all-together, or go to a Church that is more “fun”? (I hear this a lot from my kids who have friends who go non-denominational Churches)

Have you spoken to your pastor or deacon about your concerns?
Talk about sounding like an inquisition. 😋

That was meant to be humorous. I think those questions are fine.

I will never coerce my children to receive a Sacrament against their will. It contradicts the Sacrament itself.

When you say: “What is not OK is just to abandon the faith of your family because of “feelings””

That is something out of other’s control. Threats and guilt trips dont help. The Catholic faith should not be forced against someone’s will.
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That is something out of other’s control. Threats and guilt trips dont help. The Catholic faith should not be forced against someone’s will
No guilt trip. Honest questions.
All we have is one post, where a young person basically says I think my folks are wrong and I wanna do what I want.
Parents promise to raise their children in the faith. We speak for them at Baptism and since Confirmations seals what is already there, there is no going back.

The OP needs to, if they have not already, have a discussion with their parents and Pastor. An honest, open discussion based on facts, not perceptions and/or feelings alone.
And parents, teachers, and priests need to respect the child’s will (regarding the Sacraments). Period
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Of course, I never said otherwise. But that “will” needs to be based on facts, not perceptions and/or feelings.
And no, the Sacraments should never be forced, I am not advocating that. I am saying that if my child wanted to leave the faith of the family, I would want to make darn sure they knew the truth and were not basing the decisions merely on feelings.
I dont think such an ultimatum should be pressed on them.

And it doesnt matter what their bases for not wanting to receive is. If they dont want to receive, they shouldnt be forced to receive.

Yes, it’s good to teach and answer questions and concerns. Just not to force.

Tell me this… have you ever let a child refrain from Comfirmation who expressed they would not like to receive?
Tell me this… have you ever let a child refrain from Comfirmation who expressed they would not like to receive?
Yes, all the time.
It’s the parents we have a harder time with.
We will always delay, if that is what the candidate truly wants.
None of this changes the fact though that said child, is and always will be Catholic, Confirmed or not.
Well that’s good. Maybe there is a correlation between angry/insistent parents and children not interested in the Sacrament…
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My intentions are not just to rebel against my parents, you’re right. I have come to the knowledge of a different faith, which I have spent a lot of time learning about and I’ve definitely prayed about it. I would absolutely love to attend this church, but I don’t want to make my parents sin according to their faith. So if I discuss with them my desires, I would like to know if this is even an option they can consider (me going to a different church).
There is nothing in Catholicism that teaches your parents sin if you don’t believe.

I urge you to talk with a priest and your parents before you make any life changing decisions.
But would it be sin on my parents part to let me go to the church I want?
No, you have free will.

Your parents do have a responsibility to make sure you truly understand what you are leaving and why?
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