Catholics - when a protestant asks you why are you Catholic how do you like to answer?

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I love to ask them if they want to pray with me to Our Lady
Because I want to be as radically and intimately connected and in union with the Person of Jesus Christ. That can only be done through the direct means He Himself established.
Because the Catholic Church was the original Church, and everything else came after. They did not like the Truth, so they molded their beliefs to their likeness, and not to Jesus.

Then I would ask them why they aren’t Catholic.
“Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”.
I don’t know any, so I’m not sure.
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Who made you (“you” being the protestant) authority over what scripture says and its meaning… despite scripture itself actually saying it should not be personally interpreted as such?

Also why do you think there is absolutely nothing in scripture that indicates “once saved always saved”, nor did anyone “coach” anyone else into saying the sinners prayer for salvation like you see in many fundamentalist practices?

The Catholic church is the only place to find the fullness of Christian faith.
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“Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”.
This is a good one. Though some fundamentalists will object to “Peter” being interpreted as “rock” - they will get into the whole Petros/Petra debate which I’m sure has been discussed here before.
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This is a good one. Though some fundamentalists will object to “Peter” being interpreted as “rock” - they will get into the whole Petros/Petra debate
So just a coincidence then about building on rock?

Then what about, “He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life and I shall raise him up in the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed.”? And many of Jesus’ followers left him at this point, because this doctrine was too hard for them to take.
I offer to visit their church and invite them to mine!
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Because it is the one true faith. And this is shown by an interrupted chain of witnesses to the Catholic faith from Apostolic times to this day. Then I would ask them, where are your witnesses?
I think this can be widened to include all people, rather then just protestants
The short of it, is I believe in it, not just a cultural Catholic. He can ask me why and what, and I would be glad to answer.
Because I was deeply involved in studying the Bible, and I was reading Church history in detail.

Edit to add: I also read a LOT of conversion stories, starting with the Hahns’ Rome Sweet Home.

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The Catholic Church is the oldest establishment on earth. It was the only church in existence until the year 1054 when the Orthodox Church broke away— but orthodox retained the same teachings minus the authority of the the church in Rome and the pope through apostolic succession.

We have over 27 massive volumes of apostolic texts showing concurrence with the teaching of the Catholic Church. The Church hasn’t switched positions of literal vs interpretative bible text versus ever. (Both catholic and orthodox churches are teaching correctly as handed down through apostolic revelation, minus of course for orthodox: the acceptance of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church as it was handed to Simon Peter (1st pope of Roman Catholic Church) by Jesus by giving him ‘the keys to the kingdom of heaven’ and advising what he binds on earth is bound in heaven— and what he looses on earth is loosed in heaven.

It wasn’t until the 16th century that Martin Luther protested the church and with the newly invented printing press was able to spread his own word and create his own sect. Even Martian Luther, the head of the protesting (Protestant) revolution believed in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. All these new interpretations present throughout the Protestant faiths have all been created within the recent past several hundred years. They might be easier to swallow than the truth and Jesus tells us not everyone can accept the truth. (John 6:52-62)

So there was no Christian church/ religion except for the Catholic Church and those exact teachings for the greater part of history. The gospel with the words of Jesus always speak to ‘his church,’ never mentioning anything along the lines of ‘his holy book’ but always referencing his church. Yet Protestants insist their full faith should come from their feelings and Interpretations of scripture previously provided by the Roman Catholic Church. It’s complete hypocrisy by Protestants (those who protest) really. Jesus warns us that many will come in his name and deceive many but the kingdom of hell will not prevail against his church (the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church will remain true, pure and fruitful). Paul says: “For I know this, that After my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (2 Timothy 3:13) Jesus advises Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father in heaven” (Acts 20:29-30). Protestant teaches saved by faith alone. Catholic teaches through faith and works… Catholic teachings we can identify through its fruit: (WAKE UP and smell the TRUTH!) The ongoing aparations from god and the mother of the church (Jesus on the cross says of Mary ‘This is your mother’). I.e Our lady of Guadalupe, Lourdes and Fatima. All modern day miracles to identify fruit and favor of God. All with physical evidence and/or thousands of eye witnesses. Why don’t these other Christian churches receive Miracles from God?
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Good book to hand out in that situation.
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