Catholics - when a protestant asks you why are you Catholic how do you like to answer?

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The Catholic Church is the Church Christ Himself founded. Why would I ever think another person could do better?
The full story would be really long, so generally I just mention that, as a former Protestant, I came to agree with Catholic teaching. Whether I go more in-depth or back off sort of depends on how they respond. If they want more, I’ll give them more. If they just start spouting out reasons that they disagree with Catholicism, I’ll probably let them rant and be done with it. If they are really anti-Catholic, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll probably say something related to Jesus, grace, and their hatred in the (probably vain) hope that it helps them realize that their anti-Catholicism isn’t well-founded.

If I knew they were strongly anti-catholic, I’d first want to know the motive behind the question. Are they looking for an argument because they want to fight & it’s not really genuine curiousity? If so, I might just wish them “good morning.”

Otherwise it’s the usual answer of “to whom would I go?”

I’m for defending my faith, but when I know it’s going to fall on dear ears I don’t see the point.
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Coming from a former Southern Baptist: Steve Ray and Scott Hahn, to be honest. Although, they really only cemented my decision to follow Christ in His One, True, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Christ led me to it, Steve and Scott basically explained the route He took to get me there 😂
In a phrase, I am Catholic because it is true. The soteriology is correct, the traditions biblical and beautiful, the sacraments blessed, true, and profitable, and the whole institution wonderfully visible. Protestantism doesn’t have that. My Southern Baptist tradition doesn’t have that. And you know what else Catholicism doesn’t have? The cursed prosperity gospel. Or if it does, since I should not speak so generally, it’s a tiny niche, without influence.

Also, the traditional music is sublime compared with the same Hillsong United track played 8 Sundays in a row 😜
Just as the 12 sons of Israel, fathers of the 12 tribes, were the foundations of ancient OT Israel, so the 12 apostles of the Lamb Jesus Christ were named as the foundations of the city of the New Jerusalem (and of the New Testament Church).

See Twelve Tribes, Twelve Gates, Twelve Apostles, 12 Stone foundations in Revelation 21:12,14. These appear permanent and unmoveable.
Personally, I wouldn’t say “The Catholic Church is the true Church established by Christ” just like that because it’s like the Protestants saying to us Catholics “Bible is the sole authority” (ok bad comparison but you know what I mean)

I would first point out the contradictions in Protestantism:
• The Bible itself doesn’t state scripture should be the sole authority
• There are over 39000 denominations of Protestantism, and most of the leaders say their branch is based on the “true” Biblical roots and interpretations. Yeah? If so, why are there so many denominations?

Then I would give a brief historical account of the Catholic Church: First Church established by Christ, constant theology, leaders to look for correct interpretation from (Pope, Bishops, Priests etc), pretty much united as one apart from schismatics etc. Then I suppose pointing out God’s protection: Napoleon tried to destroy the Papacy but failed; Hitler tried to destroy the Catholic Church but failed. Catholic Church stood for Over 2000 years, I think that says something
Would depend on my relationship with the person, what their background is, where the conversation is taking place (over dinner is very different than a random Facebook stranger)
I just feel like everything else is watered down. May be some elements of truth but not the whole truth. You have preachers preaching what the people want to hear but not what they need to hear. Take the Episcopalian church for example, they now allow women priests and LGBT. I don’t believe that’s right, I struggle with SSA and I don’t see what good promoting acting on the attraction does. People don’t like all the rules the Church has but they’re there for our own good. I tended to get caught up in that so much and neglect the most important thing, relationship with Jesus. I feel like I’m naturally following them the more I focus on that relationship.

People try to look for things that will satisfy them, it’s just instant gratification. Oh how so many people get caught up in lust and other desires of the flesh. I struggled with porn, it feels great but that feeling goes away, it doesn’t satisfy. It’s always more and more. In the end God is the one we all yearn for, it’s not an easy path. Be so easy to get caught up in the ways of the world but I know they don’t fill that need deep inside me. Have to hope for something better in the end. I feel like most people who hate the Church misunderstand it. I gotten involved recently with bible studies and I’ve found such a loving and supportive community. So incredible to share this journey with others. I finally feel like I belong.
I feel like most people who hate the Church misunderstand it
Agreed. People often see religion as restricting their individuality and irrelevant to modern times and don’t see the treasure hidden in plain sight. Catholic, only Truth can withstand two thousand years of attack.
I find that most Protestants who are also anti-Catholic dislike what they think our Church is - an ignorance which has a foundation of half truths at best. Not what it actually is.

It is good to correct them as needed.
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It is pretty good, and is good for those truly interested in the fullness of Christ’s teaching.

Also separates out those who just want to argue, not learn.
Historically if Christianity is correct the only Churches that that claim to go back to Christ are the Catholic Church or the Orthodox Churches. I accept the Catholic view of the papacy (or at least I do believe that a visible head is needed) so I’m Catholic.
Eh. They’re close enough, honestly.

If I, through apologetics, bring an athiest or Hindu to Eastern Orthodoxy, I won’t sweat it.
I haven’t been asked. If I were, I’d say that I’m Catholic because I desire to follow Jesus perfectly, and I can only do so if I am where He wants me, and that is the Catholic Church.
From the Venerable Fulton John Sheen, “There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.”
THaving been Protestant before becoming Catholic I say because I finally believe I found what I was looking for,the WHOLE truth!When I first talked to a priest about going through RCIA,he was able to answer well the questions I asked him and provide proof for his answers.that deeply impressed me.
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