Catholics who don't believe in the Church

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Here is something that I just don’t think fits in the other forums. Forgive me, because I might be getting lengthy!
Some on the forums have begun to comment on the “people solving the world” in all the posts, and ask the relevance of putting “so much energy” into posting here. I would argue that a forum such as this is a great place to hash out the faith with others.
Now there is a danger to posting on these forums: we can forget who our authority is. Our discussions have the potential to transform our reasoning into “the official teaching of the catholic church” when it is not that at all. I have read some posts where church teaching has been presented, and people are still trying to reason out why it is “canonically possible.” Why?
Now I am not an advocate of blindly following the church without understanding her, as we would not be executing our free will to it’s full potential if we did not consent to the churches teaching, and were able to explain it, without understanding.
I have also noticed that many posts treat canon law as an ends to itself, not a means to meet Jesus. While it is good to know the law of the church and be clear about it, I think many Catholics forget that if the canons serve themselves, the serve nothing. Even the Eucharist, Jesus, is not present to us in order to be in Himself served. In an immediate sense, the Eucharist is to empower us to serve the world as an image of Christ. We cannot do such without the grace of God. If we spend all our time venerating the Eucharist, we fail in our mission as Christians. The same goes for the canons of the church. So I ask: how are the canons helping us to serve the people of God with a greater zeal?
Finally, I would like to comment on Catholics who do not believe in the teachings of the church. We just finished talking about how the canons cannot serve themselves, so let us discuss the nature of what it is not to believe in them. Although the canons and dogmas of the church cannot be served in themselves, we must still believe and be obedient in them. It is terribly frustrating to find catholics, even bishops, who are unwilling to stand up for the teaching of the church. I’ll be manning a table this weekend at my local parish gathering signatures for a measure in opposition to homsexual marriage/unions. I would be glad to do the same and more in opposition to abortion. These are main points in the political realm that we have to work with, but what about other things that Catholics do not prescribe to? Authority of the church? The Eucharist? Sanctity of marriage? Use of contraceptives? The list goes on! I personally know Catholics that think a formation of consience is the right to believe whatever you want, so long as it prescribes to their own reason. Why is our leadership so afraid to stand up and be loud, proud, and unashamed of what we believe in. Why do our bishops and priests (for the most part) refuse to educate the people on the tough teachings in todays world. The people need to know what the church believes, and form their consience to THAT, not some strange logic that lies in the hands of a few rather than 2,000 years of teaching tradition. This is the lie we are faced with in todays age: there is no independent truth, just the truth that “I” determine to be true for me. This, as I said before, is a lie. It is out duty as Catholics to stand against this lie and fight for the abslolute truth which has been revealed in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
God Bless!

…Now there is a danger to posting on these forums: we can forget who our authority is. Our discussions have the potential to transform our reasoning into “the official teaching of the catholic church” when it is not that at all…Now I am not an advocate of blindly following the church without understanding her,…
Amen. Each of our posts on these forums should be taken as opinions and not necessarily fact.

If you notice on the “Ask an apologist” forum, they will have a commentary but then often times include outside references substantiating the position of the Church.

I too do not believe in following the Church blindly. If one understand’s the Church’s teachings, all who profess themselves Christian will come into the fold (This of course is my opinion. 🙂 )
I’ve decided to add a quote from Sirach (1:26) to my signature which is a reminder for us all to be mindful not to stray what God wants of us. Prayerfully, we’ll keep this in mind when sharing our faith with others.
I’ve decided to add a quote from Sirach (1:26) to my signature which is a reminder for us all to be mindful not to stray what God wants of us. Prayerfully, we’ll keep this in mind when sharing our faith with others.
Are you in protest ??? :rolleyes:
The way I look at it, if catholics don’t believe in the church and what it stands for or against, maybe it’s time for them to choose from one of the 30,000 other denominations, or start one of their own. As one priests told me one time, we are looking for quality members, not quantity.
Now I am not an advocate of blindly following the church without understanding her, as we would not be executing our free will to it’s full potential if we did not consent to the churches teaching, and were able to explain it, without understanding.
I disagree. Earlier in my life, there were Church teachings that I rejected because I thought I understood what they meant and I disagreed.

Now, I have chosen to surrender my will to Our Lord, through the guidance of our Holy Mother the Church. If there is a teaching I do not yet understand, rather than reject it, I choose to trust the Church to “get it right”. After all, some teachings are profound mysteries.

I’ve found in numerous cases it was only after being obedient and following the Church, that the understanding came later.
I have also noticed that many posts treat canon law as an ends to itself, not a means to meet Jesus. While it is good to know the law of the church and be clear about it, I think many Catholics forget that if the canons serve themselves, the serve nothing.
I don’t look at the Canons that way at all. If the Bride of Christ has a canon, such a rule is for the well-being and salvation of our souls. I have rules for my children that they do not understand. Trust.
Now I am not an advocate of blindly following the church without understanding her, as we would not be executing our free will to it’s full potential if we did not consent to the churches teaching, and were able to explain it, without understanding.
One must follow the church, she is the voice of God in this world. She has the protection of the Holy Spirit in that she will not teach falsehood.

One can choose to follow blindly
But follow we must. If I doubt a teaching of the church, I do not reject it. I must accept it as true, exercising my virtue of Hope. Hope in the Lord and his instrument on earth, the church.

One can choose to follow with the sight of understanding.
I can delve into the teaching to try understand why it is true.
Augustine said that Faith preceeds understanding. So we begin with a blind faith, but as Jesus healed those born blind, we too can gain insight into the teachings of the church through study and prayer.

If you approach the teachings you doubt with a desire to prove yourself right and the church wrong, your hardness of heart can make you like those who have ears but cannot hear, or have eyes but cannot see. If you a born blind, you can be healed, if you make yourself blind woe to you.

I have limited time and cannot understand all things. So anything I do not want to study and that I have doubts about, I accept on Faith.

These theological virtues of Faith and Hope are not just names, but graces granted by God for the salvation of our souls.
Justin, I kindly ask, “what is your point?”
Three cheers for Bob and Evan. We believe in “all” that the Church teaches, no matter “where” it is written, i. e. in Canon Law, in the CCC, in writings from Rome (giggle-like the latest letter that was “supposed” to curb abuses) that apparently the laity have read and not most of the Clergy.At one point you “seem” to be saying all should follow Church Teaching, yet, at the beginning of your post, you seem not to be saying it. Am I interpreting your post incorrectly?
Peace on earth to men of good will.
Happy Feast day!!
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