Catholics worship the Sun god?

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Tell them, “That’s so pre-Vatican II; Catholics worship banners and potted plants nowadays!”

Ha! You guys are killing me.

The sad thing is that those guys making the accusations don’t realize that their claims are as ridiculous at the one above.
What do you think about the connection between Psalm 104 and the Hymn to the Aten?

[]( is coming soon)
Fascinating. Enough parallels to provoke curiosity. But after all, the Hebrews DID spend 400 years in Egypt. I have often looked at Scripture and remarked some of the similarities. But since we are all human and we all inhabit the same planet, both similarities and cross-pollenization are entirely likely – especially in when it comes to images in nature.
carol marie:
As a soon to be convert, I’ve heard that Sun-god thing before. I’ve also been told that Catholics worship statues to which I’ve replied, “Not all statues… only the really pretty ones!” hahahaha! 🙂
Love this joke.
You know what is so funny about the accusation that Catholics worship the Sun god? I know that many protestant denominations have sunrise services on Easter Sunday. Using their logic: who is worshipping the sun now?

I won’t be unkind, though, because I don’t believe that’s what they’re doing. But just from the words “sunrise services” someone could easily concoct a theory that some christians pray to the sun. - But it ain’t the Catholics, that’s for sure. We know Who we worship, but others who like to feel more superior to Catholic’s ancient rites of worship have to necessary come up with some wild, made-up story. The two words son and *sun *must have triggered their inspiration. And they think they’re so clever.

2 St. Pet 2, 12 …deride what they donot understand
St. Jude 1,10 …these men deride whatever they do not know

Peace to all.


Fundamentals justify their beliefs by spending all their time attacking Catholicism. What a sad way to live ones faith…

…wonder if we keep ‘em up at night wondering when that Ol’ Pope is gonna turn into the Beast and ride his horsey out of the Vatican workin’ them thar lyin’ signs and wonders… :rolleyes:

While we slumber in peace. 🙂
Faithful 2 Rome:

Fundamentals justify their beliefs by spending all their time attacking Catholicism. What a sad way to live ones faith…

…wonder if we keep ‘em up at night wondering when that Ol’ Pope is gonna turn into the Beast and ride his horsey out of the Vatican workin’ them thar lyin’ signs and wonders… :rolleyes:

While we slumber in peace. 🙂
This is funny too. Should be under “Catholic Humor.”

Peace to all

jmm08 said:
Caution: I am fairly new, signed up but not yet attended a RCIA / RCIC class. Sid Roth is great in my opinion. At least he is trying to reach Jews with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I suppose living overseas has it’s advantages … we haven’t much of the lunacy that goes on over the airwaves “at home” (perhaps we do, but I wouldn’t understand it in Thai).

More importantly, from your method of reaching your conclusions, I just want to say you will be a welcome, and valuable, addition to the Body of the Son. I’m sure your local community looks foreward to welcoming you!

Good Luck, and God Bless:)

I had to see what Sid Roth had going on his show this AM. There was a dude who went to moronic lengths to show how we Catholics are worshipping Ra or Baal.:eek:

It was considered sinister that a sun was painted at the apex of dome in the Sistine (close to sinister isn’t it?) Chapel as if that meant we couldn’t possibly have a painting of the sun within all the frescos of creation and Biblical stories since they have something do to with the natural world.

We have other “round” symbols and even have a “round” host for worshipping – instead of Jesus/Yeshua. They tried to show that one of the Holy Father’s stoles had some “circles” in it.

It seems the fundies find it fun to compare the hosts used for Eucharist as being sun god worship, too. I guess they got tired of the “death cookie” concept and dreamed up some new tripe. :banghead:

All this reminds me of the criminal who works so hard not to work. The fundies work so hard to prove we are wrong that they may be sinning greatly in making weirdo and odd claims about the Church that Christ insituted.

Sigh! ADMG!

Woe be to the Vacation Bible school staff of my mother’s church if my son ever attends – he is learning apologetics already and he is six years old.👍

Two sites which develop this are:​

Michael Scheifler’s site - he has an entire page on this sun/Eucharist thing; (BTW, he’s a SDA of some sort)

and - which is useful because it contains the text of the book - “The Two Babylons” - which is the source of this whole carry-on about:
  • IHS;
  • the alleged origins of Catholicism in Babylon;
  • the Host as a sun symbol;
  • the mitre as the headgear of Dagon;
  • the Sacred Heart being in origin the heart of Tammuz/Baal;
  • the objectionableness of wax candles (L. Boettner’s book “Roman Catholicism” refers with distaste to wax candles - there is every reason to believe that TTB is the reason for this - it’s quoted by Boettner in his criticism of belief in Purgatory. TTB explicitly condemns wax candles);
and much much much more.

The book in question is the main source for Jack Chick’s “death cookie” comic and other fictions of that kind. It’s been *very *influential: sites or pages claiming the Trinity is Babylonian, or that Easter is pagan, or that the Cross is pagan, or that Christmas is pagan, or that baptismal regeneration is pagan, and which talk at length about Nimrod and/or Semiramis, are quite likely to have been influenced by it.

Rule of thumb: if it’s Catholic - it’s Babylonian (supposedly) :). ##
P.S.: To complete your reading pleasure - this begins to explain why round Hosts are A Very Bad Thing :
  • The importance, however, which Rome attaches to the roundness of the wafer, must have a reason; and that reason will be found, if we look at the altars of Egypt. “The thin, round cake,” says Wilkinson, “occurs on all altars.” Almost every jot or tittle in the Egyptian worship had a symbolical meaning. The round disk, so frequent in the sacred emblems of Egypt, symbolised the sun. Now, when Osiris, the sun-divinity, became incarnate, and was born, it was not merely that he should give his life as a sacrifice for men, but that he might also be the life and nourishment of the souls of men. It is universally admitted that Isis was the original of the Greek and Roman Ceres. But Ceres, be it observed, was worshipped not simply as the discoverer of corn; she was worshipped as “the MOTHER of Corn.” The child she brought forth was He-Siri, “the Seed,” or, as he was most frequently called in Assyria, “Bar,” which signifies at once “the Son” and “the Corn.”
And so on. Those who want more fictions, can go here ##
There is good evidence that Pharaoh Akhenaten and King David may have been contemporaries in the 11th century B.C. See the following books by British archaeologist David M. Rohl:
  • Pharaohs and Kings
  • Legend
  • The Lost Testament
The Exodus took place around 1450 B.C. when Dudimose of the 13th Dynasty was pharaoh. This, if true, would place Moses 400 years before Akhenaten.

It feels rotten to say this 🙂 - but Akhenaten lived in the 14th century - see, for example:

FWIW, another possibility for the date of the Exodus is 1230 or so.

Akhenaten is known to have corresponded with the king of the Hittites. The Hittite Empire collapsed some time around 1200-1180, about 150 years later. Long before David ##
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