Here is another version. I hope it help and let me know if you have any question.I am truly sorry, but I consider the above a complicated restatement of the original post. It provides no understandable path from A (locality) to B (epiphenomalism).
The locality in time means that the future state of affair is defined only in term of current state of affair.
To elaborate lets define a set of states that define a system in past as S={S(-n), S(-n+1), …,S(0)} where n is the initial moment and S(j) is state of the system at moment j. Now lets define operator L such that S(1)=L(S) so called law of the system. Operator L is local in time if and only if L(S(j))=0 except for j=0. Lets define S(j)=[P(j), M(j)] where P(j) is physical state and M(j) is mind state which is the result of observation of physical state P(j), simply memory of this state. We require that P(1)=Lp(P(0))+Lm*(M(0)) and M(0)=Lm(P(0)) where Lp is operator that gives the evolution of the physical state namely law of physics, Lm* gives the contribution of mind state in evolution of physical state namely Psichic law and Lm is the observation operator which gives the memory of this physical state. Lm*(M(0)) has to be zero since the memory of physical state is equivalent to physical state hence Lp(P(0)) gives the proper evolution of physical state.
Under this regime the current physical state completely define the physical state in future hence we have epiphenomalism.