I was a RE teacher for 7th - 9th grade boys and girls for 1 year
. Figure I must have lopped 50 or more years in Purgatory off my account. I got little preparation and felt at times totally in over my head. At that age, in my opinion, keep the boys and girls separate - it reduces the urge to impress others by misbehaving.
Having said that, I would recommend a couple things we are currently using for our 13 year old son, as we are doing the catechism duties ourselves nowadays (our 8 year old son still enjoys going, I think it is just at the older ages that it can be tougher to keep them interested). A good book to use for reference and study is, amazingly, “Catholicism For Dummies” by Rev. John Trigilio Jr., and Reverend Kenneth Brighenti. You get catholic history, comparative information on other protestant groups, and explanations of what we do and why we do it. We actually read the apendices first, then started at the beginning and take it a chapter at a time. We then spend some time discussing the chapter and questions that may have come up, and open and close the sessions with some prayer.
The second thing I’d recommend looking into is what is called a FIRE group (don’t ask me what the initials stand for - I have a terrible memory
) . I think it stands for Family Intergenerational Religious Education. We just finished up participating in a pilot program for it at our church with 3 other families. We met once a month and had structured materials that allowed us to conduct a group catechism, so to speak. Cuts across all ages and gets the whole family involved. You rotate homes to meet at, have a little food or munchies available and get to know your fellow parishoners while learning about your faith. If you go to our church web sit (
www.holyspirit-highland.com ) you can contact the parish (“Contact Us”) and just direct your questions to Jill Peck, who is taking over as RE Coordinator, and hers was also one of the families which participated in the FIRE group program. We will be starting back up in the Fall, and hope to get more families involved in this option. If all goes well, each of the 4 families who started out will lead their own FIRE group, and they will just continue on as long as the members want to participate, which hopefully will be as long as they all have kids, and maybe longer.
Hope this information helps. Have a blessed day!