Celebrating Jewish Holidays?

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I am often shocked to hear that Catholics don’t keep up with their own faith and don’t turn to their own authorities on these matters. What are you doing coming to a forum? You should be in church first, then at the foot of your bishops and priests for information. The forum is one of the last resorts.

The USCCB as well as all bishop conferences received directives from the Vatican about this issue years ago. Everyone here needed only look up on their local ecclesiatical conference page for information, such as for the USCCB: http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-wor...estions-answers-catholic-jewish-relations.cfm

For those too lazy to read or look up the resource that takes you directly to the Vatican source, the answer is “no.” Roman Catholics are not under obligation and should not attempt to celebrate Jewish holidays.

Jewish holidays follow a liturgical ritual, and unless you have training in these and follow and authoritative and Jewish-approved liturgical siddur or Haggadah, you may not attempt to celebrate or hold any type of Jewish celebration on your own.

On the other hand, Catholics may attend Jewish sponsored celebrations, such as when a synagogue hold a group Passover Seder or when a family invited a Catholic over for a Passover Seder. Of course, Chanukah and Passover or not the only two Holy Days on the Jewish calendar. There is Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and many others. Why only celebrate two?

The Vatican was also very clear, as the USCCB brings out, that Catholics are not to change the rituals in any way by trying to “Christianize” them. Hebrew Catholics in past years “approved” Christianized Passover Siddurs which, after this announcement, are no longer valid in the eyes of Church authority. A Catholic must follow a Jewish-approved liturgy if they are to observe the holiday, and if they do not have the training, they must not attempt it, Being a Hebrew Catholic does not exempt one from this Church directive.

One must adhere to ecclesiatical Church authority in these matters and follow Jewish liturgical matters and have training in such to celebrate Jewish holidays. This often includes a least a moderate knowledge of Biblical Hebrew in come cases as well.

Why is anyone asking this question? it’s on the USCCB website. Doesn’t anyone read that anymore? I’m a Jew, not even Catholic, and I know it’t there. I don’t mean to sound insulting, but am I missing something? Is there a lack of Catholic study, follow through, application, and appreciation for all the Church provides
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