"Certify" the Mass

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Why not pool our funds, buy a domain online and run GoodMasskeeping.com, where we could post our audits by diocese? Doesn’t cost much to get some webspace and a domain… and if we really wanted to save money, one of us could serve it out of his home or office. I’m not much of a computer genius but I know how to start, run, and maintain an SQL databse and stuff… and I have plenty of friends who can handle the more complicated aspects of keeping the site going. At least the laity will be able to see what’s going on at parishes in their diocese, and the demographic shifts as people flock from one parish to another might finally get the bishop’s attention. This is so cooooool :clapping:
I see this happening on a ‘grass roots’ level. If the clergy see that we are serious about the halt to the abuses to the Liturgy, then just maybe they will sit up and take notice.
With this thread, and CAForums being the MOST popular Catholic Website, this would be the place start such a task.

I am sure there would be enough ‘word of mouth’ participants to spread news of such a website.
Keep the faith!

Go with God!
I honestly don’t think this is a bad idea.

Someone very knowledgeable should draft the score card and rating process, so that it remains uniform throughout each diocese and is not random according to individuals’ opinions.

Liturgical abuses should be listed in the order of the Missal, so that the score-keeper is not unduly distracted from the true purpose of the Mass, but may check-off abuses as they occur. Each abuse would mean a reduction from, say a 100% initial rating. Each abuse would have a speciific point value, according to its gravity and number of times committed.

When travelling, a family would never have to worry again, “To what kind of Mass am I exposing my family here?”

(I do think homilies need to be rated also, though under some other format. I heard a deacon give a homily, stating that Jesus didn’t know that He was the Messiah. That’s right, the All-Knowing Second Person of the Trinity didn’t know Who He was. A peek in the CCC quickly corrects that theory.)

And I agree. If the bishops hadn’t let it get this bad, the people wouldn’t have to become watchdogs for their own dioceses!

One doesn’t even have to attend all the Masses personally. Many parishes televise their Masses. Set your VCR to record them and critique several parishes instead of watching the Survivor series. (ick)
To be quite honest, I don’t really know of anyone (outside of Pope JPII) in this world that has the stature to launch and nurture something like this.

Certainly none of the clergy in the USA. It would have to be far, far beyond reproach and I’m sure it would take a decade to correctly establish.

Thinking about this a bit more, I think the US Bishops would fight its formation with everything they had in their arsenal. Just look at the caliber of people on the National Review Board, and look how they were treated.

Still, it would be an awesome tool to drive honest renewal within the Church in the USA.
All that it would take if for Catholics to not put up with non-Mass Masses. Most Catholics that I have known for many years are just to lazy or indifferent to so much as address a priest who is making up his own Mass. To find a church which makes the Mass the message and not the preaching or fund raising is not impossible just inconvenient.
Every move my parents made they had to find a church who actually reveered the Mass and taught us the true faith. As I had a family and matured in my faith (although I always felt as an outsider in my worship) I finally did the same. I had become a Master Catechist and taught for many years and finally could not reconcile what was not a real worship of God and a belief that He was actually present in the Euchrist and found a church were it was all about God. The Priest never said “I” in a homily it wasn’t about them, they were not humorous, but amazingly learned of the faith and unapologetic about being a Priest and having the true faith. This church is overflowing with every culture and more and more young families despite the kneeling, silence and yes Latin (missiles are in Latin and the native tongue so all are on the same page).
This is horrible idea. As if there is a not enough legalism and criticism going around, now let’s build a process around looking for things wrong!?
This is horrible idea. As if there is a not enough legalism and criticism going around, now let’s build a process around looking for things wrong!?
Completely agree with you. I had a two-word reaction to this proposal: Liturgical Gestapo.
As much as I love a reverent Mass, I have two practical concerns. First, the term of a pastor is 6 or 12 years. It might just take that long to compile a comprehensive dataset, and thus the problem just moves to another parish. Second, the database could be used for the reverse purpose, to find a less-solemn Mass. It’s a nice concept though.
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