I see this happening on a ‘grass roots’ level. If the clergy see that we are serious about the halt to the abuses to the Liturgy, then just maybe they will sit up and take notice.Why not pool our funds, buy a domain online and run GoodMasskeeping.com, where we could post our audits by diocese? Doesn’t cost much to get some webspace and a domain… and if we really wanted to save money, one of us could serve it out of his home or office. I’m not much of a computer genius but I know how to start, run, and maintain an SQL databse and stuff… and I have plenty of friends who can handle the more complicated aspects of keeping the site going. At least the laity will be able to see what’s going on at parishes in their diocese, and the demographic shifts as people flock from one parish to another might finally get the bishop’s attention. This is so cooooool :clapping:
With this thread, and CAForums being the MOST popular Catholic Website, this would be the place start such a task.
I am sure there would be enough ‘word of mouth’ participants to spread news of such a website.
Keep the faith!
Go with God!