Chairman Exerts Pressure on PBS, Claiming Liberal Bias

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Ho, here’s a big surprise… PBS actually reports the news, without kowtowing (too much, that is) to the current regime, unlike the rest of the MSM. Therefore they MUST be “liberal”, eh?.Peace.
I suppose the chairman will outsource PBS programming to Fox for an unbiased ‘Fair and Balanced’ approach.

Not to worry - there’s always DemocracyNow an Pacifica radio.
PBS was created to sell LBJ’s Great Society. Cleverly designed with an outlet in all, or almost all, congressional districts. PBS made Bill Moyers a millionaire but the Great Society was a failure.

Pull the plug.

The very idea of government funded media is antithetical to American ideals.
PBS was created to sell LBJ’s Great Society. Cleverly designed with an outlet in all, or almost all, congressional districts. PBS made Bill Moyers a millionaire but the Great Society was a failure.

Pull the plug.

The very idea of government funded media is antithetical to American ideals.
Bill Moyers is great… I really miss “Now”.

Bill Moyers interview with James Carroll on the election of “the hard line new Pope”:

Moyers: “This pope believes abortion is a grave sin. He opposes contraception. He’s denounced homosexuality as an intrinsic moral evil. He felt the social and economic movements of Latin America – so-called liberation theology – were Marxist inspired . . .like a lot of my Protestant brethren, he’s placed himself on the far end of (the) spectrum . . .So do you see much hope for finding middle ground when the Church says abortion is a grave sin and homosexuality is a moral evil? Is there any room for compromise there?”…continued here

On Moyer’s Worker’s World Party associates, his neo-Marxist Protestantism, alliance with George Soros and promotion of Joseph Campbell:

Bill Moyers: Fat Cat for the Fifth Column

Moyers Flaks For Communist Front (A.N.S.W.E.R.)

Adieu to Bill Moyers by Lowell Ponte
Bill Moyers is great… I really miss “Now”.

Bill Moyers is pretty anti-Christian and pro-well-whatever-Joseph- Campbell-is… Unitarian?
Campbell was an apostate Catholic (among other things). Don’t know if he ever became a UU.

Good discussion of his theology (or lack of it) and connection to Moyers at this site
I used to be a PBS fan, mostly listened to the radio. But the programs have become more and more slanted and I don’t mean simply the political programs. It’s clear there is an agenda and that’s fine if the program is billed as an opinion piece, but it’s not news. I cancelled my subscriptions, cancelled my monthly donation and told them why. The person I spoke to said “But we need to show the other side since most of the media is right wing!” Huh? These people need a reality check.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
The person I spoke to said “But we need to show the other side since most of the media is right wing!”
They don’t need to be the voice of the Left using public funds. If they want that, then individuals can donate to Air America, Gore’s new TV channel, or MSNBC, CBS, NBC or ABC.

PBS and NPR, ideally, should be objective and neutral.
Bill Moyers is pretty anti-Christian and pro-well-whatever-Joseph- Campbell-is… Unitarian?
Moyers epitomizes moral relativism and hard left politics.
a few years back, the local PBS radio decided they needed a conservative to balance a liberal commentator. They asked Paul Greenberg (Editorial Page editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette) to do some 30-second commentaries.

In his first commentary, he said, “I can remember when abortionists weren’t not considered heros but criminals, and rather sordid ones at that.”

They immediately informed him that they had “changed the format” and he wasn’t needed anymore.

(The sequel to this story is they found out why you shouldn’t start an argument with a man who buys his ink by the barrel.)
We also had a case where the President of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter of the ACLU (and that’s how he signed the letter) wrote to the Democrat-Gazette complaining about a columnist (Dana Kelly) who had expressed some views he didn’t like. He concluded his letter with, “As President of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter of the ACLU, I do not advocate censorship, but the Democrat-Gazette should not subsidize Kelly’s views.”

Sounds like censorship to me!
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