Here is why Bahman is wrong and has always been wrong for the past year.
The error here is the assumption that that God can be placed in the box of human reasoning. He can’t. He told us himself that he does not change, yet he also tells us that he created us and the whole order of creatures and spirits in time, out of nothing.
Therefore God’s creation and governance do not mean that God changes.
That God is simple and changeless is both a philosophical conclusion and an element of Divine Revelation.
That God created the universe out of nothing, in time is an element of Divine Revelation only.
Bahman has mixed data from Philosophy and Revelation together to reach a philosophical conclusion. That is inadmissable. One must argue strictly from philosophy or from Divine Revelation. The basis of the former is human reason, the basis for the later is Divine Revelation. Bahman cannot reach a valid conclusion by mixing arguments based on two mutually exclusive modes of reasoning, one natural and the other Divine. This is to mix apples and oranges.
Therefore the argument fails.
The error here is the assumption that that God can be placed in the box of human reasoning. He can’t. He told us himself that he does not change, yet he also tells us that he created us and the whole order of creatures and spirits in time, out of nothing.
Therefore God’s creation and governance do not mean that God changes.
That God is simple and changeless is both a philosophical conclusion and an element of Divine Revelation.
That God created the universe out of nothing, in time is an element of Divine Revelation only.
Bahman has mixed data from Philosophy and Revelation together to reach a philosophical conclusion. That is inadmissable. One must argue strictly from philosophy or from Divine Revelation. The basis of the former is human reason, the basis for the later is Divine Revelation. Bahman cannot reach a valid conclusion by mixing arguments based on two mutually exclusive modes of reasoning, one natural and the other Divine. This is to mix apples and oranges.
Therefore the argument fails.