I don’t agree that you are not a necessary being. You are consciousness and you have been always a being. This is what I believe but lets put it aside for sake of argument.
Well okay, but I’m kind of thinking our disagreement over this point is the reason we’re never going to agree on the topic of this thread.
I disagree. Either you are different from God meaning that your mental content is separate from his or you and God are same. How God could have access to your mental state without guessing if he is not you?
I’ve answered this already. He sustains it in being and makes it
my mental state. If that is not true, then somehow I have being apart from Being itself, which is nonsense.
Yes we are separate.
I assume that God is separate from creation.
Okay, I should have qualified my position. Yes, God and creation are distinct, but where you and I differ is that you think that creation is self-sustaining and I deny this. Creation and God are distinct, but creation is ultimately dependent on God as pure Act/Being itself.
You got me wrong. I meant how things has started. In another word what was the content of creation at the very moment of act of creation? It couldn’t be empty.
From who’s viewpoint? God’s? From God’s viewpoint the “content of creation” was never empty.
I am very interested to know what was the very content of creation at the time of creation, right after when there was nothing and then there was creation.
There’s no such thing as “a time before creation and then creation happened.” I challenge you to produce the time when creation didn’t exist and God did. Time is only valid within creation. Otherwise you are implicitly assuming that God is subject to change, because He goes from a state of not creating to one of creating, which would imply that He has a potentiality that was actualized. Actualized by what? You’d have to posit a higher God that is pure Act and then we’d be back to the same situation again!
How God could be present to future? We haven’t make our minds about future acts yet so how future could exist and God could be present to it. I haven’t yet accepted that God could be present to now knowing our action and you are talking about the future.
God has to be present to it. It would not be real otherwise, unless you want to argue that this universe and everything that happens in it is absolutely necessary, which by all accounts it is not.
Now please rewind thing into the past when there was nothing but God. What was the content of creation at that very moment? You argue that God could know my free act in future as it present to him independent of the fact whether I do exist or not. So we are back to initial point, if God knows now and future because he is present to it at the time of creation then that define the very content of creation before the act of creation.
There is no such thing as a “time when there was nothing except God.”