Let’s not go there. Supporting capital punishment no more represents support for a culture of death than supporting just wars or killing in self defense, all cases recognized by the church as legitimate acts.If you support the death penalty then you support the culture of death.
And to enlarge on Ender’s response above, what does “support the death penalty” mean? The Church’s position is merely that the act is not “intrinsically evil” - meaning there may a coming together of times, places, purposes and circumstances where the death penalty is a moral act.…If you support the death penalty then you support the culture of death.
From an economic standpoint, Artificial Wombs have a number of uses.On a practical level, cost will always be an issue. Why create an artificial womb if the world’s population keeps rising? Even it became practical, it would be immoral.
The bulk of which are forever out of reach due to the nature of that universe - its scale and the finite speed of light. And most of the rest are too far away to be reachable in any practical sense given technologies we possess or can propose. One day - that may change.…Even if every country had the same population increase as China and India, there is an entire universe of uninhabited planets just waiting to be colonized.
.Well, a gun is not immoral in and of itself, or a condom, or anything else.From a Moral Standpoint, Artificial Wombs in and of themselves are no less immoral than cesarean sections or safe-haven laws
I agree with you that abortion will go the way of slavery.I personally think that the technology for Artificial Wombs will be what ends Abortion.
People will always have premarital and extramarital sex, and people will always want to avoid the responsibility of raising the resulting children. These are facts of life that no amount of education or preaching will ever fully get rid of. Christian Values can do a lot of good, but they can’t erase Adam’s Curse from the whole of humanity. However, Artificial Wombs will allow for people to be selfish without committing wholesale murder. Fetal Viability (the stage when a fetus can survive outside of the womb on life support, and therefore the stage where abortions become illegal) will be pushed back to conception, and as an added bonus those frozen embryos produced from in-vitro will be able to come to term.
Orphanages and Foster Homes will see an increase in capacity, which means adoption will be easier for those who want children but can’t have them. Population Stagnation and Decreases in The West will be counteracted, the workforce increase will lead to more production of goods (and therefore less scarcity), and there being more people increases the chance of some of them doing Great Things.
In any case, I am optimistic that Abortion will soon go the way of Chattel Slavery.