Chaplain Lewis' first-hand account of the attack in Mosul

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This attack looks like a rocket or mortar attack (not a suicide bombing that the terrorists would like people to believe). Rocket and mortar attacks at this base are not new (have been going on for about a year). They have almost completed a ‘bunkerized’ mess hall, when it looks like the jerks got ‘lucky’.

For those that don’t know: rocket and mortar attacks in Mosul are normally done by poor people who are paid $220 to fire off a couple of rounds and run away. That’s right: just like what the mob did in the 1930s in Chicago, only with mortars and rockets.
Hugh Hewitt read this account yesterday on his show. Very very touching indeed. How sad for the families of these men, right before Christmas.

Lisa N
This attack looks like a rocket or mortar attack (not a suicide bombing that the terrorists would like people to believe).
I just heard on the news that they did find a torso and a vest and perhpas they now think it was a suicide bombing. The think an Iraqi came in with a bag.

Chaplain Lewis first hand account was amazing.
I just heard on the news that they did find a torso and a vest and perhpas they now think it was a suicide bombing. The think an Iraqi came in with a bag.
Looks like it might very well have been a suicide bomber. Might be better (probably bad choice of words), a suicide bomber can be more easily prevented than a random rocket, especially once they get the range to target.

Command in Iraq Releases Statement on Mosul Attack

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2004 –A preliminary investigation indicates that the explosion at the U.S. Army dining facility at Forward Operating Base Marez in Mosul Dec. 21 was likely caused by a makeshift bomb worn by a suicide attacker, a written statement from Multinational Force Iraq said today.

Earlier, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers broke the news at a Pentagon news conference, and indicated the command in Iraq would follow with an official statement.

“Evidence found at the site includes components normally associated with improvised explosive devices,” the Multinational Force statement said. “There was no physical evidence of a rocket, mortar or other type of indirect-fire weapon.”

Army Lt. Gen. Thomas F. Metz, commander of Multinational Corps Iraq, has ordered a full investigation to determine the complete facts and circumstances surrounding the attack, the statement said.

The statement also included comments from Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., commander of Multinational Force Iraq. “Our prayers and condolences go out to the loved ones and families of these brave men and women,” Casey said in the statement. “We will determine exactly what happened at FOB Marez and continue to work to ensure the safety and security of our people and our operating bases.”

Military officials have expected increased violence as insurgents try to intimidate the Iraqi people and disrupt January elections. “Insurgents are desperate to create the perception that elections are not possible,” Casey’s statement continued. “We will not allow terrorist violence to stop progress toward elections.”

Updated information establishes that 22 people were killed in the attack, including 14 U.S. servicemembers, four U.S. civilian contractors, three members of the Iraqi security forces, and one unidentified non-U.S. person, the command’s statement said.

Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., Commander, Multinational Force Iraq
Army Lt. Gen. Thomas F. Metz, Commander, Multinational Corps Iraq

Related Site:
Multinational Force Iraq
Related Article:
Suicide Bomber May Have Been Responsible for Mosul Attack
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