Chaplet of Divine Mercy

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I also have the intention of praying it at 3pm every day but don’t some days :o . It’s going to be one of my Lenten devotions so I’ll have to do it starting tomorrow.
I’m wondering if there are any methods or techniques to keep one’s attention from drifting? What are the different things people think about when praying this chaplet?
I saw in a pamphlet recently how the nuns pray the chaplet before an image of the Divine Mercy with their arms out to form a cross so I thought I’d try that. Because you have a very real physical reminder of what you’re supposed to be doing, it’s harder to let your attention drift than not. It’s a beautiful way of saying the chaplet since it allows you share in some of the sufferings He endured.
I usually meditate on the Passion of our Lord, on the great love for us that made Him give up His life for us, beg for God’s mercy for particular intentions mentally while reciting it, or simply unite the present sufferings with His sufferings.

I remember reading that the expression on our Lord’s Face in the image of the Divine Mercy is the same expression He wore looking down at people from the Cross. It really stuck with me but I can’t remember where I read it. Does anyone know?
I marked “No,” because, although I have prayed the chaplet before, I do so at all regularly.

I’ve probably prayed it a total of five or ten times in my life, both before and after my conversion.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but until a few months ago I had never even heard of the Chaplet. I stumbled across it by accident and it caught my eye. I read about St. Faustinal’s experiences and the prayer and I thought; “awesome”, so I’ve decided that I’m going to pray it as part of my Lenten observance. :clapping:
I don’t know how this will sound but I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy when I am short on time and can not pray the divine office or the Rosary. EWTN shows two versions, one during the week and one on Saturdays. I like them both but the one on saturdays is a little more upbeat and really sticks in my head when they play it.
My wife and I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Sunday, we love it!
Hi all,

Is it appropriate to meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries while praying the DCM?

It’s a wonderful prayer, and don’t forget the image of Divine Mercy that was revealed with it.
Hello you guys:) Go to the website in my signature and you can read Saint Faustinas Diary.God Bless
I really wish that i will be saying the prayers during the daytime but because of being in the office i end up not saying it at all but at times when am able to catch up with the time while working,i mentally say the ejaculation O BLOOD AND WATER WHICH GUSHED FORTH FROM THE HEART OF JESUS AS A FOUNT OF MERCY FOR US,I TRUST IN YOU [3X]
                         BUT I SAY IT DURING MY MIDNITE PRYERS
Yes I do. I try to say it in the midday, but sometimes, I don’t actually get around to it. How do people fit it into their busy schedules?

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 🙂
I do from time to time, but generally give pride of place to the rosary and the LOTH.
Divine Mercy Sunday is going to have special meaning this year, because of Terri, and the state of our world today.

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!
How about this: I will pray it for the first time this evening, and then I will be able to say that I do. I think I like that idea, thanks

I like the Divine Mercy chaplet–it gets right to the point without many words.
I bought a tape of the Divine Mercy chaplet from EWTN, and I pray it in the car around 3:00 when I pick my son up from school. But if I’m not in the car, I forget to pray it.
So many people pray it at 3 pm… is that intentional?

I hear it on EWTN at 4 pm and sing along. I love it. I am now doing a novena to Divine Mercy which will end this Saturday. My first novena ever. Don’t know why I never did one before.
I am praying the Divine Mercy novena this year for Divine Mercy Sunday. I recently bought a copy of St. Faustina’s diary from the Association of Marian Helpers.

The Best Divine Mercy website is

God Bless, and don’t forget to pray for the Holy Father.

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