Charismatic Prayer Meeting

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Hi, everyone.

Today I picked up a bulletin for my parish…and my eyes lighted upon a note, “God Speaks to Us Through Scripture.”

It was an invitation to join the Charismatic Prayer Group (led by a priest I believe is orthodox.). Anyway, it’s Tuesday night…I’m not sure I can attend due to my work schedule, but I’m thinking about it.

Can someone out there please educate me as to what happens in a Charismatice Prayer Meeting? What is the format?

The reason I ask is this…I know very few people at this parish as I’m relatively new to the area…I’ve fairly recently renewed ( returned) Catholic…and am afraid of becoming uwittingly involved in any kind of unorthodox group.

I’m also somewhat shy and reserved in the area of worship…I’m not very demonstrative, and the only time I have ever attended a prayer group was when I was a child, was dragged with my Mom, and we found ourselves surrounded by people speaking in tongues. I remember being very uncomfortable, and to this day, I’ll admit…my brother and I laugh about the guy in front of us chanting “adiadiadiadiadiadiadiadi…” ad infinitum. There was something very false about it.

However, I’m now an adult with some knowledge, however limited, in scripture and something about the Charismatic movement interests me…maybe because a friend long ago told me I am Charismatic (in the spiritual sense), maybe because I’m trying to find my identity within the chruch…I have no idea.

Anyway, any help you can give me is welcome.

This group from what I understand is led by a priest, I know him and I think he’s a wonderful shepherd.

Now, as for all you dissenters to the Charismatic movement, please hold your tongues and remember silence is golden. I am already aware of your dissent and don’t need your (name removed by moderator)ut as I discern if this is something I care to attend or not. I don’t want a debate here…I’m looking for information. Should you feel strongly enough that I not attend the meeting, then please do a kindness to all others who do post and send me an e-mail instead.

I would, if at all possible, like this thread to be very positive…although that’s not to mean that if someone has had a bad experience that they should not share it. I am looking for all facets.


I believe the most important aspect of discerning a prayer group is if you trust the leadership.

You obviously do, so don’t be concerned about the bad experiences of others.

This is your shepherd-in good standing with the Catholic Church.

The negative experiences were with groups not connected with a Parish or other authentic organization, or with questionable leadership, most often not clergy.

Do a google search on Catholic Charismatic Prayer meeting, and it may give you some guidelines, but some groups use different formats.

A few of us have described our meetings in brief in the Fr Groeschel thread.

God bless you in this new experience. Just go with an open mind (if your schedule permits). Just observe until you are comfortable. If anyone approaches you, just smile and say you would like to observe before you make even a mental committment.

Hugs to you----
Good Morning!

How fortunate you are to be in a Parish where the Priest takes part in the Charismatic Prayer group and they invite you in the Bulletin. I would love to be in such a Parish.

Ok, first of all the main thing about a Charismatic Prayer Meeting is Praise and Worship. It will usually start with lots of Praise music. Some things will possibly seem a little strange for someone new to the Renewal but please remember, NO ONE IS EXPECTED OR PRESSURED TO DO ANYTHING. Some folks raise their hands when praying but do not feel you must. Another thing is that you may hear folks praying in different languages. Sometimes they will break out in spontaneous singing in these tongues. Most of the people I have talked to over the years think this is quite beautiful, others think it is strange and feel uncomfortable with it.

There will often be scripture reading with a short teaching or meditation on the scripture.

There will also be a time where some of the Charismatic Gifts come into operation. These could be what we call “word” gifts or prophesy. There might be a time when people are prayed over. You might see a person ask for prayer and folks will lay hands on them and pray for healing or some other intention.

I have been involved in the Charismatic Renewal for over 30 years and the one thing I always recommend is that you attend at least 5 or 6 times before you decide if it is for you or not.

Many people know that their Spiritual lives have become more alive and meaningful within the Renewal. If folks see you, already as Charismatic, spiritually, I would really recommend you try to find time to check this out.

Remember, it is a move of the Holy Spirit and what you see is the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit so as a Catholic you should feel pretty comfortable.
katolik said:

Dear friend

Did you not read what the poster had to say in full in their post, if you had you would not have posted this

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Quoted post deleted

There is nothing here in your post, Katolik, that supports your position, your opinion, and definitely nothing that supports the red lettering. Never mind the fact that I addressed just such posts in my opening post.

SO! Please, out of respect to myself and other discerning Catholics who are trying to follow the true guidance of the Holy Spirit, could you please refrain from these types of posts in this particular thread? Thanks so much for your anticipated cooperation going forward.

So much for respect of a fellow Catholic’s wishes. Now that you have trashed your credibility, please feel free to e-mail me if you have anything further to say. I can’t guarantee that I’ll “listen” or respond since you failed to respect my words so I have no reason to respect yours. But go ahead and try…after all… I did. See where that went. Do you deserve or expect anything better than your example?

You know what…I am a moderator on another website, and given the request I made in the beginning, your post would be subject to deletion. I don’t have this power here, and since you have likely gone the guerilla route, you likely won’t be able to delete your own post. So be it.

I pray that you recieve the respect in your life that you fail to exude here.


Thanks to those who have already posted…your advice is wonderful…keep it coming! God Bless You! (Now on to finish reading…)
JC Phoenix,

I was one of the charismatic leaders in my parish for about 5 years. For the most part it was a good experience. It could have been a more meaningful experience but we did not have a priest who was in charge. I have the gift of tongues and the gift of discernment. It was spiritually uplifting for several years. I stopped going because our prayer meeting lost focus and too much time was spent on charism’s rather than listening to the Holy Spirit. Overall, if you have an opportunity to attend some meetings, I would recommend that you go. I have seen lives change for the better.
Another suggestion.

When someone makes an abrasive or obnoxious post, do not quote it. If you must respond, (and it would probably be better not to—and believe me I am speaking to myself as well as everyone else)

just tell them to smarten up without quoting their trash
Of course you’re right, Mysty. I have a temper issue…goes with the Irish part of my heritage ! :o I’m always working on that.

It would be nice for us all to be able to delete posts in the threads that we start…however I don’t think it’s possible with this particular system and I think that it would be far too prone to abuse.

Oh, well.

Anyway…for those of you who are now involved or have been involved in various Charismatic groups…how did you first become involved? Did someone invite you to a meeting? Did you attend a healing Mass? Did you just happen to darken the door of a church and find yourself at a Charismatic Mass?
Yeah—I get quite annoyed, but I certainly don’t want to repeat a dumb post.

As far as the Prayer Group —It’s been a while. The prayer group in my parish was under the leadership of the priest/chaplain at the local hospital, who lived in the Parish Rectory. Many of the PG members were also the EMHC to the patients at the hospital. I joined the hospital ministry, and heard about the Healing Mass in my Parish. I went to the Mass a few times, and then started to also go to the prayer group.

That was over 10 years ago—the rest is history.
Dear friend

Ok I am ignorant of the Charismatic movement, but let’s get to the bottom of it. Charisms…this is what the Holy Spirit gives at Baptism and at Confirmation to every Christian, though those outside of Catholicism have a valid Baptism, they need confirming in the Catholic church upon profession of faith within Catholisicm. The Holy Spirit comes in fullness at confirmation within the Catholic church, but the Holy Spirit is also within the person, child or adult who is Baptised. What leads a person to be Baptised into Christianity of any denomination? The Holy Spirit, that enlightens the soul and quickens God the Father’s call within that soul to Christ Jesus, that journey is not then complete until that soul crosses the Tiber to Rome, but all who are Baptised are in Christ and as such are under the premise of Rome and it’s Majesterium as it is Christs church.

So all those who are Baptised have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, they are then to follow a constant calling in Christ with the Holy Spirit towards God the Father.

What does the Holy Spirit give to those who are Baptised in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit gives Charisms? What are Charisms? They are pure gifts of grace from God, nothing to be afraid of, nothing for anyone to feel special about , because we all have them , it is then the courage of the soul to use them and the continual conversion in faith to understand them. They are graces from God that help us to fulfill life, life that is supernatural life, that lifts humanity to the Divine, because without the Holy Spirit we could not even speak the name of Jesus in reverence nor prayer.

Then why is there fear of Charisms that are noted and glorified in the Charismatic movement? Why because it is beyond the natural, it is supernatural and as such instills fear and also is open to corruption by the evil one.

We are spiritual beings and as such should be open to things of the Spirit, though some may not feel comfortable with the outward works of the Holy Spirit, though this may be a source of fear, though it is often open to abuse and people rich in pride loom close to eternal damnation for their abuse of the Holy Spirit, this doesn’t lend accusation to that which is credible and it is credible that the charisms told of in the bible do exist and can exist because God wills it to be so, though no human can comprehend the greatness and goodness of God, though no human being can fathom His depths, the soul will if in obedience to Him, will always discern the work of the Holy Spirit and that which is not. All said, The charismatic movement is a true facet of the church, but one which has suffered abuses and as such where there is abuse, mud sticks, oh, evil work of satan to discredit the Holy Spirit, by causing doubt and confusion.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always

Greetings Teresa!!!

How very beautiful. What a lovely Spirit you do have. Thank you for your wonderful words.

May I share something one of my dear sisters in the Renewal once said. I won’t put this in quotes, because I cannot remember her exact words, precisely. I only remember what was said.

Every one of us receives the same Holy Spirit at Baptism. We receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit when we are Confirmed. Graces in abundance. We receive all of the Gifts our Dear Holy Spirit pours out on us.
Often, we get caught up in our daily lives and it is as if we store those gifts away without opening them. They stay wrapped up like Christmas gifts put away under our beds.

In the Charismatic Renewal, we are reminded of those gifts. We are urged to pull them out and unwrap them. One by one, we untie the ribbons and pull the paper away and discover what we received, sometimes many years ago. What a delight!

How does this make us elite or unique? There is no way at all. We are part of the very same family who have all received the Holy Spirit and all He offers. All was received as part of the Body of Christ, or as Church. We take nothing whatsoever away from the Sacraments. We received these Graces in the Sacraments, as Catholics.

When my friend shared this, she moved a very proper Jesuit Priest, a college professor to tears. Within a very short time, he began unwrapping gifts. Of course he had already unwrapped many of them, as witnessed by his beautiful ministry. However, we watched him receive the gift of tongues and other new gifts. We watched as this rather reserved Priest accept more fully the fruits of Love and Joy.

He shared his experience with the Congregation when he preached a lovely homily the following Sunday. What a wonderful experience for all of us.
Then why is there fear of Charisms that are noted and glorified in the Charismatic movement? Why because it is beyond the natural, it is supernatural and as such instills fear and also is open to corruption by the evil one.
I would agree that the fear is of the evil one, but it is not simply a general generic fear. There are specifics. As Jean-Paul Ignatius, of the Legion of St. Michael, points out, the gift of tongues specifically, is very easy for satan to replicate. It is common to other spiritualities that are non-Christian, ie. witches, shamans, witch-doctors, voodoo priests, satanists, etc. Thus tongues is in no way proof of the Holy Spirit.

Further, as he also points out, and I have known this from my protestant youth, that laying on of hands is a prime means of demonic transference. Watch that movie “Fallen” once again, with Denzel Washington. It is a story but illustrates the princple. Other than that check out this link:
Look at some of the video clips and tell me that a shadow doesn’t pass over your soul. There is demonic activity clearly in evidence. The problem is, it can be like a computer virus, moving around quickly and if you are there in such places, you are extremely vulnerable.

I for one, do not have sufficient confidence in my own discernment, particularly if tongues are not interpreted, nor in my level of holiness so that I can be in proximity to evil activity and be able to resist it, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Les Richardson:
I would agree that the fear is of the evil one, but it is not simply a general generic fear. There are specifics. As Jean-Paul Ignatius, of the Legion of St. Michael, points out, the gift of tongues specifically, is very easy for satan to replicate. It is common to other spiritualities that are non-Christian, ie. witches, shamans, witch-doctors, voodoo priests, satanists, etc. Thus tongues is in no way proof of the Holy Spirit.

Further, as he also points out, and I have known this from my protestant youth, that laying on of hands is a prime means of demonic transference. Watch that movie “Fallen” once again, with Denzel Washington. It is a story but illustrates the princple. Other than that check out this link:
Look at some of the video clips and tell me that a shadow doesn’t pass over your soul. There is demonic activity clearly in evidence. The problem is, it can be like a computer virus, moving around quickly and if you are there in such places, you are extremely vulnerable.

I for one, do not have sufficient confidence in my own discernment, particularly if tongues are not interpreted, nor in my level of holiness so that I can be in proximity to evil activity and be able to resist it, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
well said Les. I also read Brother Ignatius’ analysis carefully before I quit attending CR prayer session. I agree the fear is the laying on of hands, when I realized that the same laying on of hands during Confirmation is done only by the Bishop.
JCPhoenix vbmenu_register(“postmenu_315325”, true);
Senior Member

Hi, Several years ago I was invited to attend a Charismatic Group (25 to 30 people). I did attend a few times and quit.

Phoenix, you seemed to be happy when you saw an announcement of the group. You were “sold” on it before you ever went. Why do you want to go to a Charismatic meeting? What do you expect to gain?
Les Richardson:
This is the “Toronto Blessing”, which is not Catholic, and certainly not approved by Catholic Charismatics. Why do you keep using non Catholic and abusive Catholic situations?

This is not a valid criticism, and may deter Catholics from embrasing an approved movement which may be so beneficial a Spiritual experience for them.

JC is looking to embrace a wonderful movement, led by a Parish Priest, and you are throwing rocks in his path. He specifically asked for helpful information about Catholic CR.

Do you really think this is the Holy Spirit prompting you to keep trying to undermine a legitimate and approved movement of the Church by using criticism of non-Catholic worship? Would you criticize the Mass using Protestant examples? Or better yet, would you feel those criticism would be valid if someone threw them at you?

JC asked for experiences with CATHOLIC Charismatic prayer groups. The only reason you would even mention something negative is that he could be aware of possible pitfalls. As I see it the main problem is with poor leadership, or not connected with a Catholic Parish or organization. If you have some information about an authentic Catholic group, connected with a Catholic Parish or organization, with good leadership please share .

If not
The charismatic movement is approved of by the Church. If you are well grounded in the Faith you will quickly spot if anything in the meeting you attend is ‘iffy’.

I accidentally attended a day charismatic retreat. The flyer appeared in our vestibule but didn’t say that it was a charismatic retreat. I saw nothing wrong in anything they did but it just wasn’t for me. When the priest started talking in tongues I just wanted to laugh.

I’m not “sold” on anything. Yes, I was somewhat excited as I’m interested in the movement…yet I don’t know if it’s for me. If I was as "sold’ as you imply I would not have bothered to post a thread asking the advice of others. In fact, if you read my first post you would see that I believe I had an experience in the past which was negative.

Oh, and for everyone else, just to avoid confusion…I’m actually a woman! 🙂 👋
Oh, and for everyone else, just to avoid confusion…I’m actually a woman! 🙂 👋
Well that’s good (especially if you have female parts;) )

I wonder why we thought you were male----oh well

Just proves again how limited cyber communication can be.
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