I am putting this in vocations as here in ireland a great trouble is come upon Maynooth seminary and the aspect of celibacy is much in the public eye. Some of the reader comments on news reports here are eye opening… Celibacy seen as totallly abnormal; , repression and the cause of all ills within the Church. that unless we are sexually active we are doomed to become terrible people. Sex seems now to be thought of as mandatory?
I have been celibate all my long life and when the subject comes up as it does at my market stall and in shops now with Maynooth in the news, I simply look at the speaker and say." Do I look or act repressed?" I am not and that is a fact… In fact I sat to them, celibacy means I do nto have the responsibility of family so have time and energy for commitment elsewhere… my table is piled high with hand made goods and many raise the subject of how i find time t do it all… I am celibate I say, I can be kin to a needy world.
I know; I am old and of a different generation. But even so.
And there is absolutely no understanding of religious celibacy any more.
Any thoughts?
I have been celibate all my long life and when the subject comes up as it does at my market stall and in shops now with Maynooth in the news, I simply look at the speaker and say." Do I look or act repressed?" I am not and that is a fact… In fact I sat to them, celibacy means I do nto have the responsibility of family so have time and energy for commitment elsewhere… my table is piled high with hand made goods and many raise the subject of how i find time t do it all… I am celibate I say, I can be kin to a needy world.
I know; I am old and of a different generation. But even so.
And there is absolutely no understanding of religious celibacy any more.
Any thoughts?