Chavez and the media

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Chavez in a twisted ploy (somewhat similar to those who often talk about separation of church and state here) has decided to seize his nation’s media and call it “freedom from the media”. I’m anxious to see how the “liberals” here read and spin it:

Even though Chavez is the one acting like a dictator, here’s what he said during a speech late last night: “We can say that the Venezuelan people have begun to free themselves from … the dictatorship of the private media.”

The Associated Press reported today: “The bill, which was approved by congress in late November, becomes official with Chavez’s signature and its publication Wednesday in the Official Gazette, a document that makes government decisions official. The law goes into effect Thursday.”

One good thing about Chavez’s latest attack on civil liberties: The media establishment is starting to see him for the totalitarian thug he is.

Alejandro Miro Quesada, president of Inter-American Press Association, noted that Chavez’s first ruse under the new law, a ban on “psychological” and physical violence on TV between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., was a “trap” aimed to “muzzle informational content.”

Chavez raged that Miro Quesada and his brethren were “lackeys of the imperialism who want to destroy our people.”
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