Thanks so much for the encouragement ,Blyss. I will have to give it another try. I actually have a church with a Tridentine Mass right down the road from me. I really should take advantage of the opportunity.Snowymom…I attended my first TLM last April since I was a kid. I was so nervous and asking everyone here what to do. Finally I got up the nerve to go. I don’t wear dresses so I was afraid I would stand out. I didn’t think my mantilla would look right. I was afraid I would say or do something to make myself look stupid and surprise!! None of those things mattered. At the time I used the little red missallette that has both English and Latin, but not the days current readings. I had bought it and studied it for a couple of weeks before finally going to Mass. I sat toward the back and kind of just followed what others did and tried to follow along in the missallette. After a few times I bought a 1962 missal and now I feel like an “old hat” at it. It just takes a little time and you will feel that way too. It is not really all that hard after a few times going. The children I have observed have pretty much done what the adults have and are quite good. Here we have a no dialogue Mass where just the server answers…except for the “Domine Non Sum Dignus…”
I love it and good luck…
God Bles…