If a person is not happy at all with a Spanish Novus Ordo Mass, then the SAME standard must apply with an English Novus Ordo Mass

. Now, for some pointers regarding language in the Roman Missal. If we look at the Spanish language Roman Missal, we will find that the translation is MORE faithful to the original Latin (I guess because Spanish, Italian, and French all -come from the Latin language).:clapping: On the other hand, when we look at the english language Missal, we will notice that english betrays the original latin not in a small way, but in a rather large -way:bigyikes: . ONE example: when the priest says in english: “The Lord be with you”, and we respond, “and also with you”, what a total deviation!!! The Latin is: “Dominus Vobiscum”, to which the people respond, “Et cum spiritu tuo” the way it is SUPPOSED to be translated in accurate english is: “The Lord be with you”, to which we should be responding, “And with your spirit”. Now, in the actual Spanish Missal the Rubrics have(Spanish) “El Senor este con vosotros” to which the people respond, “y Con tu ESPIRITO”. A great FAITHFUL translation From the latin to the almost identical spanish.
There may be two reasons a person dislikes the spanish Mass, and only ONE of those is valid. First, the UNvalid reason can just be a general dislike of anything Hispanic which is not only an Unvalid reason, but falls in the sin of racism, or cultural superiority. The second reason, and the ONLY valid reason would be: If a Person prefers (out of personal faith reasons) the ALL LATIN Mass, OVER the Novus Ordo Mass. If the latter is the case, then the person most likely then not only personally dislike the Spanish Mass, but ALL NOVUS ORDO (Vernacular) Masses, and then dislikes even MORE the English language Mass for its LACK of Faithfulness to the original Latin Translations (which are many).:nope:
As per things In Spanish in Catholic Parishes in the USA: this is logical, since hispanics (as myself) form the MAJORITY of Catholics in this country, and growing by the day:dancing: . If a particular Pastor, cannot and will not see that in his particular parish then: 1. He is disobedient to the dictates of ALL the US Bishops which have called for greater pastoral care of Hispanics. 2. He is still stuck in the 1950’s 3. He really should consider fast forwarding to the 21st century.:bowdown: That being said, I persoanlly do love the Tridentine Papal Indult Mass in Latin.
Many blessings.