Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom to Move Around”

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Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom to Move Around”​

Suggests those who don’t take the shot will have to wear masks.

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Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer says that those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won’t have “freedom to move around” and will have to continue to wear masks.

Dr. David Williams was asked if he “would make some sort of mandatory vaccination recommendation.”

Williams acknowledged that “we can’t force someone to take a vaccine,” but when on to explain how people who didn’t take it would have their freedom of mobility severely restricted.

“What we can do is to say sometimes for access or ease of getting into certain settings, if you don’t have vaccination then you’re not allowed into that setting without other protection materials,” said Williams. . . .


Coming to America too. Soon.

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Red Cross President Demands Big Brother Censorship to Muzzle Skeptics of COVID-19 Vaccines​

They are going to enforce total compliance.

Published Dec 3, 2020

By Shane Trejo

The leader of the Red Cross is calling for a coordinated Big Brother censorship campaign to destroy the free speech of individuals skeptical of experimental COVID-19 vaccines that are already proven to cause many dangerous side-effects.

Francesco Rocca, who works as president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, appeared before the United Nations Correspondents on Monday in a virtual call where he endorsed Orwellian measures to prevent resistance to COVID-19 inoculations. He said that “fake news” from vaccine skeptics was a “second pandemic” that needs to be snuffed out with a Draconian response.

Rocca said that “to beat this pandemic, we also have to defeat the parallel pandemic of distrust,” and complained about “a growing hesitancy about vaccines in general, and about a COVID vaccine in particular.” He pointed to a recent Johns Hopkins study showing that rates of vaccine acceptance have declined substantially throughout the world in recent months.

He noted that it is not just Western countries that are resisting the technocratic vaccination regime. Countries like the Congo, Lesotho, Cameroon, Rwanda, Kenya, Gabon, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are resisting COVID-19 propaganda as well and just want to go back to living their lives.

Rocca said: “In several African countries, we have seen a common skepticism towards vaccines in general, with a common belief being that foreigners use Africa as a medical ‘testing ground.’”

He wants to bamboozle the African countries again, making them forget how vaccines have caused polio to spread like a plague throughout the continent, so that they will line up yet again for Big Pharma’s shots.

“We believe that the massive, coordinated efforts that will be needed to roll out the COVID vaccine…

He also pre-emptively blamed nationalism for any problems that might occur with regards to the distribution of the vaccines…
Even though they are suffering during the trials, the brainwashed saps who signed up to participate are still happy to be involved. 44-year-old biologist Luke Hutchison is happy to suffer to increase Big Pharma’s profit margins because he worships the golden calf of science and doesn’t care that his RNA will likely be altered permanently during the trials…
. . . Red Cross is the latest institution that has failed the people it should be protecting. They have sold out to the globalist technocracy that wants to destroy sovereignty, nationalism, and the rule of law . . .
To the readers here.

Several months ago people were warning you, you would be coerced into getting these corona vaccines.

As little as a month ago I mentioned about these same people who have been telling you how masking-up, mandated quarantining of HEALTHY people, and social distancing would deliver you,
will tell you that same avenue just isn’t good enough (imagine that) and
that for patriotism, the common good, and apple pie, you just NEED to get this rushed-to-market vaccine.

Many in the media on the left said those were “conspiracy theories”.

When they say that,
what that often REALLY means is
they WANT IT,
but they don’t want to openly admit it
until it becomes inevitable.

They do this to fool you
and reassure you (falsely) that such dramatic changes will not occur.

The news consumers pick up that attitude too. (We all get complacent to a small degree from the media.)

Then you will see more things like this . . . .
Praying every day that it does.
A throwing off the mask and a celebration of authoritarian implementation of whatever. In this case vaccines for a bug that 99.5% of people walk away from without death, harm, or long-term sequelae.

They LIKE authoritarianism. That is WHY some of these people will run around with “Che” shirts on.

See a Che shirt here. (Che was an authoritarian Marxist murderer.)

When that happens as it has so many times, you know you were already too complacent.
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I guess I am supposed to read the story about Canada and interpret the CDC COVID document in the context of what Canada is doing. Just like that thread where someone was trying to interpret the EU’s Article 11 based on what is said in the USA First Amendment!
I guess I am supposed to read the story about Canada and interpret the CDC COVID document in the context of what Canada is doing.
You can do whatever you want.

But many know these are leftist ideas and leftists here will try to implement leftist ideas too.

Blow it off (if you want).

For others they will know better.
You can do whatever you want.
I don’t think it is a matter of desire. Scare tactics have often been a vehicle for pushing an agenda for/against something perceived as political. After experiencing enough of them, it is just hard to get alarmed or lend credulity to these things.


(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.
Could be a problem for Canadians.
The other thing these guys are not saying is, vaccination affords
no proven protection against being a vector.

This is especially obvious in the people that get a vaccination and make NO antibody in response (they can still get a flow-blown infection).

Later they will trot out this fact, and make them “mask-up” anyway for just this reason (among all the other same old reasons). . . . Unless the people say: No!"
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If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.
These are private business decisions, not the government. We all have authorities that we trust or distrust in our lives. It’s odd to me to hear a catholic railing against authoritarianism since the church herself is one.

Those that fear everything the general public is requested to do to mitigate against a raging virus must be living in the basement, afraid to go out lest they lose a moments freedom for the benefit of themselves or society.

Any business that wants to restrict their services to those not vaccinated is following usual capitalistic rights to do so. Unless you think we should place laws onto businesses requiring them to serve unvaccinated people…is that a law you could get behind? You WANT governments to get involved in private business decisions?

From all that I’ve read and heard, NO ONE IS GOING TO BE FORCED TO TAKE THE VACCINE IF THEY DON’T WANT TO. Is that pretty clear? Since when have you been bothered by what social pressure says?
From all that I’ve read and heard, NO ONE IS GOING TO BE FORCED TO TAKE THE VACCINE IF THEY DON’T WANT TO. Is that pretty clear? Since when have you been bothered by what social pressure says?
Not in the USA, I hope that it is all voluntary.

I saw in a news article that Canada is getting the shots shortly. The shots will come into Massachusetts and RI starting the end of this week.

They have had a number of cases but death rate seems low in Canada.
A second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping Canada, setting daily records for the number of new cases. So far, the country has reported 408,921 cases and 12,589 deaths
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Some how Ontario gets to dictate the rest of Canada on a provincial matter really says a lot about Summit “News”.
I can’t figure out why Canadian and British CAF members find American “news” sites so untrustworthy.
If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.
Free markets free marketing.
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Some how Ontario gets to dictate the rest of Canada on a provincial matter really says a lot about Summit “News”.
If bars, restaurants, cinemas, sports venues, airlines, employers and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility completely stunted.
Free markets free marketing.
Ontario still has a major city - Toronto and province with 14.5 million.
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The vaccine will not be mandatory. Pressure to take the vaccine might be from businesses not the government. Summit “News” should have made that clear. Instead the goal was to make it look like Canada is some sort of dystopian nightmare. Granted, we’re not perfect but believe me, the more American sites like Summit “News” misrepresent our country or even outright lie, the more Canada will snub America. Slander tends to do that.
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The vaccine will not be mandatory. Pressure to take the vaccine might be from businesses not the government. Summit “News” should have made that clear. Instead the goal was to make it look like Canada is some sort of dystopian nightmare. Granted, we’re not perfect but believe me, the more American sites like Summit “News” misrepresent our country or even outright lie, the more Canada will snub America.
The death rates seem low but they are in a second lockdown.
A second wave of COVID-19 is sweeping Canada, setting daily records for the number of new cases. So far, the country has reported 408,921 cases and 12,589 deaths*
Toronto’s archbishop says the past three months have been “spiritually painful” for Catholics because churches have been closed during the pandemic but they are reopening gradually “in a careful way” with safety measures in place.
Churches are in second lockdown?
Churches in and around Canada’s most populous city, Toronto, as well as those in British Columbia and Manitoba, have all been closed for public Mass in the wake of provincial directives to battle the deadly and stubborn coronavirus that is also forcing further restrictions on public gatherings in the rest of Canada.

In Saskatchewan, numbers permitted to attend worship celebrations were reduced to 30 as of Friday, Nov. 27, no matter what the size of the building. The health authority and the provincial government have announced the rules will be in place until Dec. 17. The situation past that date is uncertain, as case numbers continue to rise in Saskatchewan.
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What is clear is just what I have been posting.

There will be no protections afforded from Governments who WANT this pushed upon you.

I have been telling you (not “you” personally) for years here Big Government and Big Business go hand in hand.

That is WHY Big Tech and Big Media can censor information and Government lets them get away with it.

They are legalistic manipulations designed to carry out illegal activities by being in cahoots with someone else or somewhere else.

(That’s what “Rendition” was with the Bush Administration. Take prisoners overseas with the help of other Governments for abusive interrogation. Obama just flat-out ignored the law and murdered American citizens with drones overseas. We all know that. He defended it.)

It’s an old spoof to think all is well.

If the Government is so for the people’s choice,
then protect your citizens against that intrusion.

The left will LIKE Big Business and Big Government making nanny decisions FOR them. That is their nature of looking to politics to deliver them. They will cheer-on Government NOT helping citizens that for whatever reason, do not WANT a vaccine and Big Business ORDERING citizens around by threatening to take away their basic commerce.
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Ok, I’ve been warned! Several times, as a matter of fact. I’ll be on the look out and will raise my angry fist when my freedoms are denied. Thanks for the heads up!
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