Yes, I am sure that when Cardinal Law “moved around” the few abusive priests that he knew had abused someone (and despite all the doctors told him at the time regarding the “treatability” of pedophilia and that the priests would be perfectly SAFE) that he miraculously somehow KNEW these men would ABUSE AGAIN, even though the priests themselves didn’t know it, and that he was deliberately setting about to bring down the Catholic Church. Yep, he should be boiled in oil, set to rot in prison, never allowed to hold any sort of office ever again, never allowed to call himself a man, let alone a priest, sent into the jungle or desert to beg, etc. Why, he isn’t even worthy to be called a human, is he?
Imagine–the nerve of being asked to “forgive” this man. Why JP 2 actually forgave him I’ll never know. Besides, even if JP forgave him, nobody else of us has to. I’ll bet Jesus hasn’t forgiven him, either. I’ll bet Jesus never died for him. How could Jesus die for a sinner? It’s hard even to believe He died for perfect people like us.
Yep, JP had no business to forgive Law. Law’s actions of “condoning” and “abeting” people who had SWORN to him that they were cured and were not sinning were totally reprehensible. He should never have relied on the teachings of fallible doctors or the words of fallible priests. Right from the start he should have boiled the abusers in oil. In fact, he should have foreseen the abuse before it even happened. All of US would have done so. And we would have handled the crisis so much better because somehow we all would have known in 1980 all the scientific changes etc. that took place in the 1990s.
It still is hard for me to understand how the same people who, DAILY, recite the “Our Father” with the words, “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us” are the ones baying loudest for the blood of Cardinal Law. Justice is one thing. . .but I would trust our great JP 2 to have administered justice.
I think that if we required that we only receive “justice” from Almighty God that none of us would have the chance of getting to heaven. Thanks be to God that He gives us His divine mercy. And if us, then He MUST do so to Cardinal Law (since the Lord alone can read our souls) providing the man repents. . .