Perhaps it is my misunderstanding. But I don’t equate Original Sin with a removal of Sanctifying Grace from the soul.
There is a major difference between that which Adam and Eve had and what we receive in Baptism, to be sure.
But to sanctify is to make holy. Sanctifying Grace is the gift of becoming Holy – which allows us to please God. Adam and Eve had that.
There may be a nuance in the way the word sanctifying grace used – I’ll look into it again to refresh my memory.
However, Adam and Eve were destined for heaven even without baptism, for they shared the friendship with God – he walked in the garden with them – except they fell through sin into death.
Original sin does not ‘deprive’ as a verb. It is the state of not having sanctifying grace, or justice, or holiness. Adam deprived us of justice and holiness. There is no way to retrieve these without sanctifying grace.
There is an
additional gift to us through baptism whereby we are granted to be partakers in divinity … literally we become children of God – because – Jesus became one of us and shared in our humanity allowing us to share in his divinity. Adam did not have this in the sense of familial relationship, but only in the sense of God being the Father-Creator.
Does Augustine consider the Jewish Fathers (i.e. Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, etc.)?
Yes! yEs!!! YeS!!!
That is Augustine’s forte!
Take for example the covenant with Abraham, and the LAW of Moses.
If a child is not circumcised by the eighth day he is ruthlessly cut off from his people. That is the LAW. (side note:The eighth day prefigures the new creation, and God’s new rest.)
The circumcision is the entry into the Abramic covenant Just as baptism is the entry into the Christian covenant.
The problem is identical.
There are exceptions, such as Seth, and Elijah, but no generalized rule. All the rest go to Sheol, where they awaited the arrival of the saviour. And while in sheol they suffered the seperation of body and soul.
If you are referring to Jesus’ descent into sheol, and the release of the captives there - I would point out that Jesus specifically intervened on their behalf. It is also a point that WHO these people were is traditionally taken to be the naturally repentant/just.
Infants may/not fit in this category, but this is exactly what we are ‘hoping’ he does for infants – without proof.
Augustine also said, “Our souls will not rest until they rest in you.” Implying that, in my opinion, those who don’t enter heaven are in a state of continual unrest.
Yes, but not all: Hell of the damned and the unquenchable fire?
… if I give my body over to be burned, but have not love …
I keep feeling that the soul who is denied the beatific vision is enduring the ultimate punishment. The soul that is not encumbered by the flesh knows and remembers where it came from. It wants to return. Doesn’t it?
Who on earth (now) has the beatific vision — this valley of tears.
They cry when injured. I think they feel pain. I would think that the crying is the way in which they object to the pain so I believe they resent the pain inflicted upon them. Or maybe I missed your point?
I think its the latter, but I am not sure, and it was because I did not develop the thought fully. Abortion and the like are wrong because of what they do to the image of God – a human being. They are the inflicting of pain, but that is not why they are wrong primarily.
A doctor, however, will commonly operate of an infant who will suffer pain, and the infant will never ‘later’ return and sue the doctor. The reason is that the developmental state of the infant is such that the response is primarily instinctive.
What I call ‘resentment’ presupposes the ability to say ‘why did you do this to me’ or ‘I hate you’. Children have not developed these complex responses for they have not even developed memory recall.
What I was saying is that it is not clear that they would suffer in the same way that you and I would.
I am NOT saying that the everlasting horror of seeing the image of God in hell is a good thing, any more than it would be in the case of an adult in hell.
– continues –