Isn’t a giant chunk of China’s economy based on IP theft?
I’m trying to remember a thing of commentary I’d heard on the subject, as to why the US has tolerated it for so long. Basically, the thing was, “Oh, they’re communists, but they’re trying to be a modern capitalistic society. It’s okay if they steal stuff, because they’ll become Westernized, and be good global citizens.”
So, it started off as making cheap toys, and cheap tools, and stuff like that. Sometimes it was the genuine stuff, and sometimes they were knockoffs of other things.
Then it grew into making cheap knockoff DVDs, cheap knockoff computer parts, and so on.
They saw things they liked, and they reverse-engineered it into their own version of the product, so that now, it’s grown into complicated technology, serious code, and stuff like that. Which is why Huawei cellphones were banned back in 2012, because they were
serious security risks.
And at the same time, they, as a collective/society/group, have trouble grasping how certain qualities are more important than the bottom line. I have friends/relatives who have lived and worked in China, and the one thing they consistently tell me is anecdotes about how, if a factory is supposed to make a doohickey, they’ll make it as cheaply as possible, and end up with a piece of junk. But by spending an extra penny per doohickey, it will be a more reliable product. They’ll be told by people Stateside, “Spend the extra penny”, and the local managers will deliberately disobey— because their goal is to make a doohickey as cheaply as possible, without caring that it won’t hold up to its intended use because of the false economy.
And socially/politically, they haven’t really budged much from the flaws that caused the West to be so indulgent with them for so long.
The Cultural Revolution, and all the millions of deaths that went along with it, is still in living memory.
They abort, what, 9 million every year?
So— China’s economy isn’t something I’d really care to emulate. The numbers are nice, in theory… but when you start digging down to the reality, it fails in all sorts of ways.