Chirac Wants Global Tax

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French President Jacques Chirac has resurrected his proposal for a global tax to help fight AIDS.

The leaders comments were made via video link at the World Economic Forum’s meeting of political and business leaders at the Swiss resort of Davos, reported Agence France-Presse.

Calling it an “experimental” tax, Chirac proposed a levy on airline tickets, some fuels or financial transactions.

According to Chirac, the $6 billion annually now being spent to stem the spread of AIDS is not enough, saying $10 billion is needed.

“We are failing in the face of this terrible pandemic,” he told the Davos gathering.

AFP reported that among Chirac’s ideas were a “contribution” on international financial transactions, a tax on aviation and maritime fuel, a tax on capital movements in or out of countries that practiced banking secrecy, or a “small levy” such as a dollar on the 3 billion airline tickets sold every year.

“What is striking about these examples,” Chirac said, “is the disproportion between the modest efforts required and the benefits everyone would reap from them.”

Admitting there is international opposition to such a plan, the French president said, “There is nothing to prevent states from cooperating and coming to an understanding on new resources and their allocation to a common cause.”
Since France never repaid the US for its assistance in rebuilding the country after WWII and probably never will, let him put his money where his mouth is and start the pot by contributing the amount of that debt, with interest. By now, it should be large enough that not much more will be needed.
I have the cure for AIDS. Obey the Church and stop having illicit sex. Doesn’t cost a dime.
I have the cure for AIDS. Obey the Church and stop having illicit sex. Doesn’t cost a dime.
Not to mention the fact that in Africa you are diagnosed with AIDs if you have: weight loss, diarrhea, fever, and itching or burning. No test, just the same symptoms everyone had when they were drinking waste water. And jiggly dern! they still are! and they still have the same symptoms! Paint my toes and call me Tyler!
And who would monitor this money? Would it be our trustworhty UN that moitored the oil for food program? No way, it is just one more place for government to steal money for the working.
We can monitor our own funds for AIDS thank you. I would never put a mouse in charge of cheese.
Great…we don’t get tax enough here at home, so now we are looking at starting international taxation.
Not to mention the fact that in Africa you are diagnosed with AIDs if you have: weight loss, diarrhea, fever, and itching or burning. No test, just the same symptoms everyone had when they were drinking waste water. And jiggly dern! they still are! and they still have the same symptoms! Paint my toes and call me Tyler!
Yep yep yep tis true! It makes me crazy that they can spin the AIDS stats in the way they do by this great little trick.
According to Chirac, the $6 billion annually now being spent to stem the spread of AIDS is not enough, saying $10 billion is needed.
“We are failing in the face of this terrible pandemic,” he told the Davos gathering.
I got a news flash for you, Jacques—if we don’t put a stop to global terrorism first, AIDS will be a moot point, because we’ll all be dead, and replaced by hordes of happy militant Muslims.

And since you’re the one who’s helping more than hurting in that arena, with all your buddy-bud-buds in the Middle East, maybe you might want to close your cake hole about global taxes and pay attention to your own house first, capische?
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